Answer this Greg Volz question

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Post by DeGroff » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:48 am

I was told about this discussion thread last week and I have to say I was somewhat appalled by it. This does not belong on a message board in any way, shape or form. I too, have gone through a divorce and while it's a very painful thing to go through, the reasons behind it are no ones concern except for myself, my ex, and the Lord. Christians are imperfect people...sinners saved by grace. Each of us no doubt has things in our life that we're not proud of, but thankfully, the Lord gives us the strength to get through and go on. There's no logical reason to dig into anyone's past to find negativity, unless the purpose is to cause dissention and turmoil. Dig deep enough into anyone's life, and you will find some negativity, but for what purpose? Cast out the beam in your own eye first.
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Post by Michael » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:54 am

I'm with John on this one... and I'm not going to name names, no matter what, but I know for a fact that Greg X. And John D. (who just admitted it above) are not at all isolated cases amoung former Petra members. Some of them were divorced before Petra, some after, but a LOT of them have been through it. It's not fair to single Greg X. out on this one.
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Post by Shell » Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:04 am

I'm glad there are other people who feel the same way I do...I don't normally get upset over Internet stuff, but there are a few things that tick me off and this is one of them. I have a number of friends who are divorced, and believe me, none of them have told me it was a pleasant experience that they enjoyed going through.
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Post by gman » Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:26 pm

yes, we probably don't need to discuss on and on about such things, or dig up dirt. Especially so long after the fact.
But, I think it should be discussed in the sense that if someone in a public ministry is in this situation and it's not biblically justified, the general response from the Christian community should be that until you clean up the mess and get things right, your ministry is over. That's my opinion.
Don't give us a bunch of lame or crazy justifications. Get your act together and apologize. Tell us about repentance and forgiveness. Tell us you screwed up and don't follow the bad example you set at the time you screwed up. Tell us you have gotten right with God and you are trying to honor him and live by the truth of the word on a daily basis. Then you can resume your ministry, and if you are comfortable with it, you can use that testimony as part of your ministry.
I think it stinks on ice that a Christian label would put financial gain ahead of the divorce issue, and basically look the other way. I have to say that I think that is going over the line. We sin everyday and certainly they don't need to be the sin police and go after every little thing, but there has to be a line somewhere. My feeling is that in the case of Amy G., if there was an appropriate response of no ministry for you, you're out until you get it together, we wouldn't be having this discussion. That's tough, biblical, love.
Just my 13 cents.


:lol: Flame On!
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Post by greenchili » Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:58 am

brent wrote:
unlost wrote:Jonothan

Leon Petillo...with an ALL FEMALE BAND? Gee no surprise when he got busted.
Wow... Really? I always suspected this occured (due to his sudden dissapearance) but never paid much attention to the music industry at the time.

For anyone who is curious about the fallout caused by "christians" who know a little to much about these things only need to read up on the "First Call" webpage about what occured after the Michael English issue.

If I was even privy of what occured with Greg X Volz I certainly would not be interested in publicizing it, not at such a high cost like that at someone elses expense. The bible does after warn about gossip/heresay as well. Sure what came from the source may be true, but by the time it reaches someone else it could be a completely different story.

On a lesser note. If the author of this threads intentions are as he stated (later on in the thread). This topic could have been easily discussed without even mentioning Greg, or using Greg as an example.
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Post by AlwaysJohnLawryFan » Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:27 am

In my opinion, It is none of nobody's business about Greg's divorce. He doesn't answer to none of us. Only one he answers to is God. At least God remembers nomore. People tend to remind people of the past and get nosy no offense. So what if Greg got divorced, he is still a man of God and we should respect him enough not to be getting into his business. He doesn't answer to any of you or me.
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Re: well...

Post by executioner » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:41 am

gman wrote:yes, we probably don't need to discuss on and on about such things, or dig up dirt. Especially so long after the fact.
But, I think it should be discussed in the sense that if someone in a public ministry is in this situation and it's not biblically justified, the general response from the Christian community should be that until you clean up the mess and get things right, your ministry is over. That's my opinion.
Don't give us a bunch of lame or crazy justifications. Get your act together and apologize. Tell us about repentance and forgiveness. Tell us you screwed up and don't follow the bad example you set at the time you screwed up. Tell us you have gotten right with God and you are trying to honor him and live by the truth of the word on a daily basis. Then you can resume your ministry, and if you are comfortable with it, you can use that testimony as part of your ministry.
I think it stinks on ice that a Christian label would put financial gain ahead of the divorce issue, and basically look the other way. I have to say that I think that is going over the line. We sin everyday and certainly they don't need to be the sin police and go after every little thing, but there has to be a line somewhere. My feeling is that in the case of Amy G., if there was an appropriate response of no ministry for you, you're out until you get it together, we wouldn't be having this discussion. That's tough, biblical, love.
Just my 13 cents.


:lol: Flame On!
I think GMan has said it the right way. I feel that if something like this occurs I feel this person should step away from the ministry until it is corrected in the Biblical way. We do not have the right to know all the personal details of the situation, but if you expect me and others to support your ministry then we need assurance that you have it right not only between you and God, but the others involved in the circumstance.
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Post by AlwaysJohnLawryFan » Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:14 pm

This really saddens me about most of you thinking you got to know his business. We as christians as I said shouldn't interfer with his business. Yes it is between God and him. Not none ofus. Kind makes me think anybody has any respect. If this offends anyone I am sorry. But, I don't know want to know Greg's business cause it is not none of my bees wax. I don't judge people. Longs as Greg is living for the Lord and not doing anything wrong .

The past is the past. The future is now. What Greg has done in the past is the past . Shouldn't be no concern to us. He is not hurting us.

Us christians shouldn't throw stones cause you all know that we are sin.

I can't wait til my husband joins this site. I know he will put his few cents in.
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right on.

Post by gman » Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:59 pm

absolutely, The past is the past and we don't need to go into it. I'm just saying that when a situation arises involving divorce and a public figure in Christian ministry, there ought to be an appropriate response. I can't speak about the Greg situation because I know nothing about it. I'm just asying that there are examples that we can look at where the Christian community obviously dropped the ball by looking the other way. I can't help but wonder that if Michael English hadn't voluntarily stepped out of the spotlight and out of ministry to get things right, and just kept on going, would the Christian community have looked the other way.
It saddens me that they do. Clearly we are not the ones to judge, God has already done that in the scriptures. Aren't we the ones, though, to determine through the help of the scriptures what the consequence of someone's actions should be? If someone is stealing money from the church repeatedly or ripping off members repeatedly, we don't judge them. The bible already has. It says stealing is wrong, and thus we label them a thief. We have to enact some consequence. We don't look the other way.

I'm not saying we should be into gossiping or digging up dirt. I said in my first post we don;t need to go there. I'm just saying if we're going to have any discussion it should be about looking at the facts of a sitatuation, Like Amy G. or Sandi P., and saying "see how the Christian Community looked the other way, let's not do that again." Again, I'm not speaking about the Greg Volz situation because I know nothing about it. If a situation like Amy G.'s happens again and CCM looks the other way, we should be expressing our outrage. Not attacking the persons involved, but holding CCM accountable and saying why are you allowing them continue on as though nothing happened? For money?
Just my 17 cents.


Flame On! :lol:
Last edited by gman on Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shell » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:01 pm

CCM doesn't care what goes on so long as they're bringing in the money, and that's why I say CCM needs to quit being about money first. Divorce is far from being the only problem that CCM needs to deal with.
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Post by Pethead1 » Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:14 am

I wonder what King David would say. :?:
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Post by calicowriter » Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:21 am

I don't think there's anything wrong with CCM making money as long as they are responsible with what they make. The problem is that they are marketing Christian artists and ideas, but in many cases, the management themselves are not Christian. What we need is more Christian business people. I know I would be terrible because I hate business dealings and the politics that surround them. But, there are good (and successful) Christian business people out there. Look at the guy who started Chik Filet. He is successful without compromising his beliefs. At the corporate offices, they have prayer before each meeting, encourage Bible studies during work hours, have counselors available, etc. His stores are even closed on Sunday! I think there are probably a lot of folks who would like to work in atmosphere like that. With enough prayer and encouragement, maybe more managers will have the guts to bring Christ to work with them instead of leaving him at home or at the church on Sunday.
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Post by brent » Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:54 am

calicowriter wrote:I don't think there's anything wrong with CCM making money as long as they are responsible with what they make. The problem is that they are marketing Christian artists and ideas, but in many cases, the management themselves are not Christian. What we need is more Christian business people. I know I would be terrible because I hate business dealings and the politics that surround them. But, there are good (and successful) Christian business people out there. Look at the guy who started Chik Filet. He is successful without compromising his beliefs. At the corporate offices, they have prayer before each meeting, encourage Bible studies during work hours, have counselors available, etc. His stores are even closed on Sunday! I think there are probably a lot of folks who would like to work in atmosphere like that. With enough prayer and encouragement, maybe more managers will have the guts to bring Christ to work with them instead of leaving him at home or at the church on Sunday.

I was listening to Michael W Smith yesterday on a radio broadcast. It was Family Life Today. He was talking about how the label was told of his decision to tour less (at the height of his success), so that he could be home more with his wife, and take his kids to school every now and then. He said that he really didn't care, but wouldn't have been surprised if they would hace discarded him. It would have been their right. But they saw the value in keeping the artist centered and trouble free vs. having one fail with controversy. They understood.

All this is to say that not all of CCM businesses are screwed in the head. Not all artists are. I am not a MWS fan musically, But if more successul artists stood up like this, it would create a benchmark for others to follow, or force people that are weak to get home and quit screwing around.
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Question for Preacherman777 & BeReady

Post by 74CAPethead » Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:19 pm

Not to make light of the issue discussed but�

I have a MORE important question for Pastor-Preacherman777 and Pastor-BeReady!!! :D

Would you be interested in having a John Schlitt concert at your church???? :D
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Post by Preacherman777 » Fri Feb 17, 2006 10:31 pm

If a situation like Amy G.'s happens again and CCM looks the other way, we should be expressing our outrage. Not attacking the persons involved, but holding CCM accountable and saying why are you allowing them continue on as though nothing happened? For money?
AMEN!!! For those who seem to be unable to understand why stuff like this matters or why it's anybody's business, this is exactly the reason. People who try to take on any kind of public role in ministry need to be accountable to those who they are able to influence. This is exactly why the Bible stresses that those who teach and those who have authority need to have thier own houses in order. To this day, I refuse to have anything to do with the music of Amy Grant or Vince Gill, because neither one of them have been willing to own up to their responsibility in that obviously sinful situation. All I have ever heard from them are attempts at self justification and there is no repentance in that.
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