Ash Wednesday, Prayer & Fast, Today March 1

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Ash Wednesday, Prayer & Fast, Today March 1

Post by calicowriter » Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:27 am

Please remember that today is our day of fasting and prayer, to stand together and agree as members of the body of Christ with each other in our petitions before the Father. This is also the beginning of the Lenten season, a time for the three "Rs" -- reflection, repentance, and reconcillation.

I have asked Sam to post a prayer later this morning. In the meantime, in our own words we can lift up the following requests/needs:

Bob, John, Greg, Paul -- opportunities for ministering and employment, and Godly wisdom to choose the right ones
Cat & MJ -- a better job and more musical opportunities
Sue -- more concert bookings and promotions, relaxation while on vacation
Sam & Warren -- for physical and financial health, and more musical ministering opportunities
Bridget -- publishing offers for John's biography
Enosh -- good report from doctors about brain tumor, or lack thereof
Celinha -- for strength for her studies
Daniel -- for strength and guidance
Shell's brother and family -- that their move to Houston goes smoothly
Johnathan and Meagan -- for healing in his kidneys, and continued health in her pregnancy
Jon Fobes -- for healing in his foot

I would also like to add that we might list things that we are thankful to God for as well. For instance, I am thankful that He allows us to participate in His plans and provision for others. He certainly doesn't need our help or cooperation, but He graciously gives us small parts to play, which also increase our faith. He is indeed Good.
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"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Phillipians 4:8

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Post by SamScales » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:34 am

Well, good morning everybody!

Thank you Bridget for starting this thread......and for listing all the prayer requests that we need to address. Well, I'm awake now so I think I can post a prayer.

I'm going to divide them up into several posts........that way it doesn't get so long, for we have lots to be thankful for and lots to pray about. That way, if someone can only pray sporadically, you can come back to this thread and pray the next section if you want.

First I'm going to start out with PRAISE:

Here's a very familiar "prayer" that we all well know and love. When I sing it, I've changed a few of the words.....

First I want to thank You Lord
For being who You are
For coming to the rescue of a girl (man)
who's drifted far
For calling me to be your child (son)
For calling me to serve
Lord the way You've blessed my life
Is more than I deserve................

Thank You precious Jesus for loving us so much. For giving Your precious sacrifice for people like us and come to our rescue. We thank You for the calling that You have placed on each one's life here and that You called us to serve You.

Thank You that one of the blessing we possess is, Your deity, finding our satisfaction in You, even when circumstances are everything else but favorable. Cause us to remember daily that You indwell the believer through Christ and help us to remember that being blessed is equivalent to having God's kingdom within our hearts! Thank You Lord, that we are independent of the world, because our satisfaction comes from You and does not depend upon favorable circumstances.

You have given us more than we deserve and we are thankful for Your grace, mercy, forgiveness, restoration, peace and joy.

We are 40 days out from celebrating Easter and we want to take this day and also this timeframe to reflect upon our service to You and how precious You are to us. We want to take this time to deeply thank You and to love You back for the love that You always give us. You give us so much more than we are ever able to return back to You. We want to come before You with thankful hearts - not just with a "grocery list" of petitions. Lord help our hearts to be right before You and hear and accept our prayers. Forgive us where we fail and when we fall and when we make assumptions and rush ahead, instead of waiting on You.

You are our life - You are the life-giver. You are our joy and our salvation and upon You we place all our hope!

Oh, we rejoice greatly in You, oh Lord, our soul will exult in our God; for You have clothed us with garments of salvation; You have wrapped us with a robe of righteousness, as a bridgroom decks himself with a garland and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
............Ooooh, You are that jewel, that precious jewel...........a costly stone........the cornerstone!

For as the earth brings forth it's sprouts, and as a garden causes the things sown in it to spring up, so You, our Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring up out of all of us before all the nations!

As I look over the prayer requests - I will continue to pray and post.....
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Post by calicowriter » Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:10 am

I love you, Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship You
Oh, my soul rejoice!
Take joy my King
In what You hear
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear
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"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Phillipians 4:8

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Post by SamScales » Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:14 am

Let's continue on by praying for

Bob, John, Paul & Greg as they need to be senstive to the Lord's leading for future ministry opportunities.

Lord Jesus,
First we want to thank You for these four people who have touched our lives through their gifts, talents and music. There have been many others in the past in Petra's ministry, Lord, who have touched us, made us laugh, made us cry, had us on our knees praising or worshipping You and we want to lift up a prayer of thanksgiving for all these people who have been instrumental in bringing us the music we can relate to - and yet - music that glorifies You and had a message with depth.

Lord, thank You for Bob, who has written those songs, songs that have become our favorites and that bless us. We pray that You would guide him in the future direction he is to take with this gift You have given him. Help him not to get discouraged or have 'writer's block', but continue to infill him with what You'd have him to do.

John, we pray that You really reach into his life and help him to know without a shadow of a doubt what his next steps are to be. Order his steps and we thank You that You ARE a light unto his path and a lamp unto his feet. John will not stumble around in the dark, for he will know what You have in store for him and he will have a quiet trust that He places in You as he patiently waits for You to show him what's next.

Paul, Lord, here's a young man with an incredible talent and we pray that You would give Paul a tender heart for You, a hunger to be more infilled with You and a desire to shine Your light strongly in his life, not just through his talent. Thank You that his future is firmly planted in Your hand and that he will see the plans You have for him. May he also patiently wait upon You to open the proper doors for him to be blessed and be a blessing. Close the doors that maybe a temptation for him musically and open the doors where he will shine, and grow and serve You with joy. Thank You that You show him the direction You want him to go.

Greg, oh, what a precious quiet servant he is. He always smiles, no matter what and he just seems to have peace and calmness written all over him. Lord, continue to bless him with that spirit of joy, peace and ease as he just serves You and desires to be the vessel that You reflect Your peace through. Greg is an inspiration to all of us as he always seems calm in the midst of a storm. Lord, please guide and direct him also for his future as a musician and bring about a band or music opportunities using the gifts and talents You have given him to be a blessing to others and a blessing to You. Thank You that he does not have to worry about what the future holds, because You hold the future.

We do not cease to give thanks for these people mentioned above, who have touched our lives, that You the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give them a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of You. We pray that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened so that they may know what is the hope of their calling, what are the riches of the glory of Your inhearitance in the saints. That they may never lose sight of what is the surpassing greatness of Your power towards us who believe.
It's that same power with the working of the strength of Your might, which You brought about in Christ, when You raised Him from the dead and seated Him at Your right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and domintion and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come. You have put all things in subjection under Jesus' feet and gave Him as the head over all things to the church, which is His body and the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Wow, Lord, that's awesome! Thank You for granting us this power and this kind of strength in all who we are, what we do and - our ministries as well.

Thank You Lord that Bob, John, Paul and Greg's future are securely in Your hands and we thank You for Your guidance and speedy provision for them, their families, ministry wise, work wise, financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
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another request

Post by ctwomn » Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:01 am

Hey all!

I have one request that I did not post. There is a lady named christy in my church who is going to have a baby next week. She is going in for a scheduled c-section next Monday. The thing that she would like prayer for is insurance issues. She was on goverment aid...but they cut her off. This family is a wonderful christian family that helps others when they can ...even in their dire situation. Pray that they can get some insurance so that they will not have to pay thousands for this delivery.

Thanks to all of you guys for doing this with us! Your obedience in fasting and praying will reap a harvest. This is a way for us to show that we mean business and want to see his will performed in our lives. There are still so many things that need to be resolved supernaturally! We need as many as are willing to be a part of this to do so.

Something that my pastor had mentioned a few weeks ago that really helps to get our minds and hearts focused before we pray is to just- praise the Lord. Praise and worship realeases your faith and it changes things in the supernatural. Even when it's just us doing it by our selves ...we are literally changing the environment around us that we can not see...which is more real then our physical world!! So I enourage you to break out a Petra prasie CD and just start singing w/ all you have! See what happens!


We Want to thank you for all that you have done for us! Thank you for your blood that removes our sins as far as the east is from the west. Thank you that you watch over us each day....that you keep us from harm...somethimes when we don't even realize it. Thank you for that!

We ask that you bless each one who has posted a request. Right now I woud like to pray for Jonathan and his wife.

Lord we thank you that you took our infimities and sickness on the cross. We ask Lord to touch Jonathan's body right now. He does not need this pain...We ask on his behalf that you remove this stone. We ask that it never cause him any more trouble again! We thank you that he is your child and you want the best for your children. Thankyou lord that he will have a testimony to share with us soon here on the zone!

Thank you for allowing us to pray and connect w/ you...The God of creation! How amazing that you care for the smallest little problem that we have..when you made such a infinite universe! It is hard to even comprehend that kind of love. Even though we could never love you as much as you do us still DO love us!

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Post by SamScales » Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:21 am

This time, lets pray for Cat & MJ, Sue and Bridget, Sam & Warren.

Precious Savior,
I personally want to thank You so much for my special friends, Cat, MJ, Sue and Bridget. You have brought these people into my life and I am thankful that I have the privilege of knowing them. I praise You for them and their lives.....

We are so privileged Lord, that we can come to You with our requests, not a list, but with heartfelt requests on the behalf of people we love, because in Christ Jesus our Lord, we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him to Your throne of grace!

For Cat and MJ - we pray that they may not lose heart in any tribulation that may come up against them. We pray that You would guide MJ in finding the perfect job for him, where he can use his talents and where he would also be blessed financially, we ask as MJ writes music that You would also immensely bless him in that direction and that his songs would be heard, played and spread throughout the country for others to sing. We thank You Lord for both MJ's and Cat's voices, as they are so incredibly gifted. Lord help them to see that and not forget who has placed these gifts within them. Open the doors of opportunity wide for them to minister, sing and bless others!
If Cat is to find work, Lord, I pray that she may be blessed with something she will enjoy to do and still be home for their son Mikey, without being exhausted, tired or worn out. Lord grant her strength for every day and give her energy she needs and physical wellness.
We lift up little Mikey too, as he's an anointed child who will be a mighty man of God when he grows up. Keep him focused upon pleasing You, not giving in to pressures around him at school. May he always be a blessing to others and may he be able to be the best student this school has ever had. Help him to have focus, calmness and concentration as he's so young and active. We thank You for this little child and for the indwelling of Your Spirit within him as he already ministers and prays for people! May this gifting and blessing continue to grow - and may he always always honor You in all he does, never lose sight of Who gave him the gift and may his path be straight, so that he won't go to the left or to the right, but follow You in all he does all of his life.

For Sue - we pray Lord for clear direction in the ministry that You have given her. She has such a sweet spirit and such a loving heart and desires to be a blessing to those people You have placed in her life to work with.
Lord, ever since I've known her, she's always been a servant, she's always wanted to help someone, she's involved with a lot of things and finds joy in the calling that You have given her. You have blessed her with working with John in particular and we now pray that You would bring to fruition this calling upon her life as she desires to book John, keep working on his website and be a blessing to him. Please help her to know who to talk to, open the doors, bring people to John's website to contact her for possible concerts or speaking engagements with him. Please guide her to the right contacts or guide the contacts to her. Thank You Lord that she will be a person who others will be comfortable to work with and that she would have the wisdom, knowledge and know how to guide these people in their concert planning and booking.
We thank You that Sue has been such a strength on this message board as well, always involved, always posting and always caring and praying for all of us here. She's truly a blessing and we thank You for her and we pray that You would just bless her mightily because she IS a precious friend to many of us here.
Give her rest as she's on vacation. Help her to relax her mind, get recharged, refocused and help her sort out her own life as she's been through some very tough times. Lord may her heart be filled with joy, instead of sorrow, her mind be focused, instead of confused, her heart be calm, instead of worried and her faith powerfully strong!
I see Sue in this scripture, I Peter 1:22 - Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren fervently love one another from the heart.
Lord, Sue has a fervent love for others, please bless her efforts as she serves you in the capacity as booking agent and webmaster for John and my manager and friend.

Bridget - wow, You've brought a new friend into my life.......thank You, Jesus for her gracious heart and the blessing that she has been to Warren and I personally.
Lord, You have given her a very special gift - writing! You've placed a strong desire in her heart to write John's book. We know that whatever You start - that You will also bring to completion. We know that wherever You guide, You also provide. You started with planting a seed in her heart - a desire to write John's book. You continued birthing this seed with her actually taking a step of faith and beginning to write this book. You furthered this gift by opening the door and her being able to communicate directly with John and Dorla to get the facts right and to have John see the importance of this book and how his and Dorla's testimony will be a blessing to the reader and - change lives!
Lord, You have continued on and guided Bridget to the place where she needs to go to place this book for publishers to look at. Yesterday, Lord God, the first step in publishers looking at it was taken, today 90 more Christian publishers will take a look!
Oh, God, we pray - please, please - let this book title stick out to a publisher so much that they can't help but read it and that they will be so spoken to and will see the vision and will also answer THEIR call in getting this book out and into the hands of those whom You have already ordained to read it - some who may not be saved yet, some who are saved but become disheartened, discouraged or disillusioned, weak in their faith. Lord we pray Your mighty blessings upon Bridgets writings, upon John and Dorla's testimony and upon Your message in this book. Please may Bridget, book and publisher connect as You prepare the way -even now.

For Sam & Warren - Lord it's always harder for me to pray for our needs than the needs of others, but I can pray for my precious husband Warren, whom You have sent into my life and who has been a strength to me, who brought Your kind and loving touch to me and who brings me comfort when my world seems to fall apart.
Lord, we pray for Warren as he is in desperate need of physical strength and wellness. We pray that You would keep him in perfect peace, in perfect health and that You would be his physical strength as he is having to work construction with a bad back and other health problems. We thank You for the ministry opportunities that You have given him as he's come in contact with people he's worked with or worked for who needed a touch from You. Continue to flow through him Lord as You have gifted him with the gift of mercy, careing and counsel.
Lord continue to infill him with Your Spirit and a hunger for You, that he is that blessed man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers but that Warren's delight is in the law of the Lord and in Your law he meditates day and night. That Warren will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does he prospers! We pray that You'd also continue to bless him in his music with his saxophone, that You would provide someone that he can play with or make a track of several songs for him that he can play with as so many people just love his smooth jazz music he loves to play. Please bless Warren with an opportunity for his own CD with this music as it is so soothing and wonderful to listen to. Guide him with the BBQ events that he would like to do this summer - for financial provisions for all the fees, taxes and - the gasoline for us to get there.
For Sam (myself) I pray that my mind would be more focused upon You and that I would not fret so much when things don't seem to go the way I'd like them to. Give me wisdom in the new job that I'm doing at home and good time management so that the music doesn't totally get pushed aside because of the job.
Lord we thank You that You are providing through work and that You would cause Sam & Warren's paychecks to be more than enough and sufficient to pay all current bills on time, get caught up with past due ones and pay off all debt incurred due to last years events that were impacted by the hurricanes.
We thank You Lord for more opportunities that will come about for Psalm 100 Ministries as Sam and Warren seek to please You and are waiting upon You for open doors. We thank You for the contacts already made in Houston and for all the people that have come into their lives to encourage them and be praying friends in their lives. Lord guide them in all that You want them to do and help them to be still and hear from You and wait on You as You already have a plan in motion and Your dream seeds sprouting within them, for this plan to come to fruition and that they will obediently follow the path that You have laid out for them.
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Post by Shell » Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:26 am

I can't really add anything to that except "Amen".
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Post by SamScales » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:00 pm

Now lets pray for the needs of Enosh, Celinha, Shell's brother and family:

For Enosh - Lord, Thank You for this wonderful gifted servant, who has such a heart of joy and a hunger for You and who has been such a great friend to many of us. Enosh makes us laugh and helps us to reflect on the lighter side of life - but he's also a man with a powerful message from You as You work through him in his giftings as a musician, songwriter and preacher. Lord continue to birth within him the gifts that You have in store for him, open the doors of ministry for him and guide him in all his future plans. Lord, thank You that whatever is in his head has not grown. We pray that it's not a tumor, nothing dangerous to his health and we ask that You would speak to whatever it is that tries to distract Enosh from his calling - that it would shrink, go away and be gone forever out of his body. Lord we thank You that You have been his strength througout this trying time! We pray for a good report from the doctors on his behalf and a miracle for doctors to see so that Your Name would be glorified in Enosh's life. Thank You for his precious wife Rachel and son Landon and for the re-union he was blessed with his father and his family. How awesome for him to find out that the family he didn't know he had is also musically inclined. Lord, You couldn't have done it better than that! That's awesome and we praise You for that and we praise You for blessing Enosh with this new found family. May they be able to get together many many more times - and maybe even eventually minister together! Continue to infill Him with wisdom from Your Word as he shares Your messages that You give him and bless his efforts in his music, ministry, band future and internet connections that he's working on. Lord, keep Him firmly in Your hand and help Enosh and his family always see Your precence and guidance in all that they do.

For Celinha - Lord here's a precious young lady seeking to serve You always with a tender heart. Lord I pray that You would grant her wisdom as she's preparing for a contest as well as many other subjects she has to concentrate on. Please grant her focus as she's preparing for this difficult contest and may she go out in Your strength and unfailing trust in You, may she be confident knowing that You will bring to her rememberance everything that she's worked on, practiced and learned. Thank You Lord that You are guiding her every step of the way. We pray that You are always her rock and her strength, her stronghold to save her, for You are her rock and her fortress and for Your Name's sake You will lead her and guide her!

For Daniel - She has asked that he needs strength and guidance Lord. You know every need that he has in his life, You know every burden that is on his heart and You know the struggles he's going through. Father thank You that YOu are the light onto the path he walks upon and the light unto his feet so that he may not stumble. Lord, You will instruct him and teach him in the way which he should go, You will counsel him with Your eye upon him. Thank You Lord for providing for all of his needs, so that he may be glad in the Lord and rejoice in righteousness and shout for joy and that he's always upright in heart.

For Shell's brother and family - As Shell's family is embarking on a new future which includes a move from one place to another, we just ask for Your travel mercies for this family and that You would prepare the way before them and make their paths straight.
Lord, help them to have strength as they are packing - moving is never fun and it's hard and stressful - we pray that this move would go smoothly that they would not be stressed out, go on each others nerves or get frustrated. Lord bring them safely to Houston, help them to get to know their neighborhood and surrounding areas quickly, help them to find a home church that they can be nourished in and fed and ministered to, help them to drive safely in this town and keep them from harm. Bless their new future and job situations and help them to get established quickly, make new friends and be excited about what You have in store for them. Please help them to always look to You for all their needs and answer their prayers and look upon them favorably.
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Post by SamScales » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:21 pm

Now lets lift up to the Lord Johnathan & Meagan, Jon Forbes, Cristy & Family:

Thank You Jesus for this day of prayer and fasting. Thank You that we may come before You with all these needs and that You answer from heaven and hear our petitions.

Johnathan & Meagan - Lord, You only know the suffering that Johnathan has had to endure the last few years and months with his constant kidney stones. They go away and they come back and he's always in pain and hurting. Lord when we suffer like that we are not the 100% person we would like to be as we work, take care of our family or be in service to You. Lord, we know that we can do all things through You who strengthens us, but Lord, sometimes when we hurt like that we feel everything else but strong. We know that You have gone through lots of suffering and many other believers before us have too, we know that You so understand when we hurt and we are thankful that You will relate to us and our pain. Lord, we also know that You have always healed people when they came to You and brought this request to Your attention. You've always had this compassion and care for people. You never turned anyone down. Even the centurion who came to You to heal his servant - You just spoke the Word and that servant was healed. You are the same today, yesterday and forever and we now ask on behalf of Johnathan that You would take this plight away from him and heal him completely and that his kidneys might work according to how You have originally designed them to work. Properly and in health. Lord, You've also taught Johnathan a lot of things during this time of suffering, but I know what it's like when it continues on - we wear out. Please give him strength, continued steadfast and strong faith and trust in You to provide for him and help him through this. Give the doctors wisdom in what to do and treat this once and for all if You choose to go that route.
We praise You for the little baby growing in Meagan's belly and we so are thankful for this child and that it will have parents who love You and will teach it Your counsel. Lord may this child grow up to be mighty in YOu and be a person filled with Godly Wisdom and serve You alone all the days of their life - starting even as a small child.
Bless this family Lord and let their heart be glad in Your Holy Name as they seek Your face continually for strength. May they remember Your wonders which You have done and Your marvels and the judgements uttered by Your mouth! May Your praise be on their lips and Your joy in their hearts.

Jon Forbes - Lord Jon is in desperate need for healing in his foot. Lord You alone know the pain he's experiencing, the frustration that comes with it and - how limited he is when he has only one leg to stand on. Lord we pray that You might touch his body and his foot and that there would be strength in that foot and complete recovery and healing. Grant the doctors wisdom for treatment and also give Jon the wisdom to rest when he is supposed to rest and not do stuff he's not supposed to do. Give him a spirit of calmness and quiet trust in You and - may he find Your joy to complete him every single day as he is waiting for his foot to heal.

Cristy - Oh, Lord this has to be a very frustrating situation for them, because it is so scary this day and time to not have health insurance. This issue has happened to them, not of their own doing as the government help they had received all of a sudden cut them off right before their child is to be born. Lord, please provide for them from unknown resources that just come into their lives, brought to them by You as You know their need and as You always take care of every need Your children have. We ask Father for favor for them, for safety as she's going into C-section, steady guiding hands for the doctors and a healthy happy baby to be born. Lord, watch over her health, the baby's health and please provide for them financially as they have such a great need right now. I know financial problems on top of having a newborn baby to care for can place tremendous stress upon someone and Lord I just pray that they will be filled with such peace and joy and complete trust in You that You will provide for them in every aspect of their finances, physical needs, food, home, bills etc, that they will know that this touch is coming from You and that Your Name would be glorified in their lives. Thank You Lord for providing for this family's cry for help.

For Elo's brother Walter - Lord this man has been in such a mess for such a long time. Please allow him to see Your hand on his life and that You have much better in store for him. Please heal his kidney and also restore the relationship between him and his father. Lord but first of all he really needs You in his life so that he can turn away from all those things that mess up his life, the drugs, the wrong decisions and ulitmately his health as well. Father, we thank You that no soul is out of Your reach or so far away that the arm of God cannot save. We ask that You would save Walter, that Jesus would totally change his life and that Walter would cry out for You and that in Your mercy You would hear his cry and save him. Then Lord, we ask that You would help him to get off his drug addiction and that he would be able to sort out his life and be a blessing to You, to his family and be able to have confidence in himself that by Your strength he is able to do all the right things he needs to do.

Thank You for Elo, his sister as she's praying for him and worrying about his situation. Bless her in her studies, her future and all the decisions she is making concerning her life. Help her to always look to you for the right decisions and may she be able to patiently wait for Your answers.

For Charles & Debra - as Charles is still not sure if he will be discharged from the Army with a medical discharge or not. Their future is uncertain and they are worried. Please Lord, You know their situation, and we know that You are our provider and that You already have everything in order for what they need to do for their future and their finances.
Thank You Lord for caring for this family.
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Post by SamScales » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:58 pm

For all of us on this board, for our friends and families as well as for the men of PETRA I would like to end my postings for now with a prayer of blessing upon all of us:

Dear Father in Heaven,

We thank You so much again that we may come boldly to Your throne of Grace and that You are always so willing to listen to our cries, our prayers, our requests and needs, even our frustrations and of course our praises and our worship.

We thank You for the promises You give to us in Your Word and I thank You that we can stand upon them. I love Deuteronomy 28 and Lord upon those promises we would like to stand today:

Thank You Lord that You help us to obey all Your commandments and that You have given us grace through Jesus Christ when we fail. Thank You for repentance and Your forgiveness.

Thank You for Your precious promises that we:
Shall be blessed in the city and blessed in the country
Blessed is the offspring of our gody and the produce of our ground and the offspring of our beasts, the increase of our heard and the young of our flock.
Blessed shall be our basket and our kneading bowl.
Blessed shall we be when we come in and blessed shall we be when we go out.
Thank You Lord that you will cause our enemies who rise up against us to be defeated before us; they shall come out against us one way and shall flee before us seven ways.
Thank You Lord that You will command the blessing upon us in our barns and in all that we put our hand to; and that You will bless us in the land that You the Lord our God has given us.
Thank You Lord that You will and have established us as a holy people to Yourself so that all the peoples of the earth shall see that we are called by the Name of the Lord.....
Thank You that only You oh, Lord will make us abound in prosperity, in the offspring of our body and in the offspring of our beast and in the produce of our ground.......
We praise You Lord that You alone will open for us Your good storehouse, the heavens to gie rain to our land in its season and to bless all the work of our hand; and that we shall lend to many nations and we shall not have to borrow.
You alone, our Living God, shall make us the head and not the tail and we shall be above and we shall not be underneath........

Help us to be people who listen to You, obey You, follow You, seek You with all of our hearts, minds and souls and love You above everything and everyone else and help us to never turn aside from any of the words that You have written in Your Word and that we surrender our lives unto Jesus Christ who is our all in all, our salvation, our redemption, our forgiveness, our advocate and Savior.

Thank YOu Lord that You love us and care for us and thank You for the promises You give us. Help us to live lives that bring glory and honor to Your Name and we thank You for the plans that You have for us - plans not for calamity, but plans to give us a hope and a future.

Thank You for loving us that much.

In Jesus Mighty Name we all pray. AMEN

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Post by SamScales » Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:00 pm

Phew..........I'm DONE typing......... I pray I didn't make any mistakes, but if there are - forgive me - I tried to correct them all.

How is everyone doing? I'm starting to get hungry...........
How about you?
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Post by yamasaaaki har har » Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:18 pm

calicowriter wrote:Daniel -- for strength and guidance
Daniel who?
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Post by Shell » Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:45 pm

That's Daniel from Australia, otherwise known as Danielaussie. :)
The last post he made was on the Paul Simmons Black Oak Arkansas thread I believe.
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Post by epdc » Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:02 pm

thank you sam, i�m gonna send my brother your prayer :)
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Post by Fobers71 » Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:18 pm

It turns out that I have been walking around on a stress fracture in my foot. Thanks for the prayers.
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