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Petra fans sites

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:43 am
by jm.atd was my top page years ago when the news delay to arrive to the south....

I loved to surf it and enjoy many things wich was uploadedthere... CITAS i the last news

where is Kirkman? and his wife? (she has an spanish page)... he used to post here...

guide to petra is a litle bit off date

we lost a great argentinian petrafan wich a lot of great production of Eze...

we have more...

Terje, Pieter, please, never leave us!....

I was thinking (what do you think about it? :roll: ) to created a GREAT PETRA FAN site with many things that all of we can share: videos, picturs, info, stories....
THE PETHEAD page...make by all of us... The biggest and greatest Petra truibute in the web.....