A New Hope

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Re: A New Hope

Post by brent » Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:42 pm

The difference between liberals and conservatives is the definition of the names themselves and the liberals call anyone or anything against their ideas of what the world should be "hatred". Where is the tolerance on their side? Why did they shut Republicans out of meetings when they had a majority, not needing ONE vote from them, and then blame them for failures of the Democrats? Yeah, that's love. That's fair. That's balanced.
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Re: A New Hope

Post by gman » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:07 am

Is President Obama a puppet or a puppetmaster? He's saying one thing to the American people; maintaining the trappings of America as we've known it, while doing something else privately. His cabinet is chopped liver, while he meets and talks with, on a regular basis, people who have their fingers all over the unrest we are seeing in the U.S. and the Middle East.
I think voter turnout for 2012 will be key in deciding the election. I believe the media is also a key. Will most of the mainstream media continue to provide cover for the president, or will we see more pushback?
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Re: A New Hope

Post by gman » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:06 pm

Rocksoup wrote:Gman, what part of PA are you from?
Don't think I answered this yet. i'm from Central PA, outside of Harrisburg; about 45 minutes or so east of Creation.

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Re: A New Hope

Post by brent » Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:46 pm

Obama is the puppet. He is only parroting what George Soros wants him to say. Soros is very dangerous. He is going around telling university audiences what he is going to do to the US, the dollar, and why. The press won't cover it. But, Obama and others repeat it word for word weeks later, when the appropriate (designed and orchestrated) situation has made way for it. Obama is too inexperienced and has not had adequate time to be grounded, intertwined and feared by people to be in a position to call any shots. His presidency was orchestrated. He was a puppet from day one.
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Re: A New Hope

Post by gman » Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:09 pm

brent wrote:Obama is the puppet. He is only parroting what George Soros wants him to say. Soros is very dangerous. He is going around telling university audiences what he is going to do to the US, the dollar, and why. The press won't cover it. But, Obama and others repeat it word for word weeks later, when the appropriate (designed and orchestrated) situation has made way for it. Obama is too inexperienced and has not had adequate time to be grounded, intertwined and feared by people to be in a position to call any shots. His presidency was orchestrated. He was a puppet from day one.
I give him a little more credit. I think he's a progressive radical, just like Soros, Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, and the rest of the folks working behind the scenes. I forgot who said it, but someone said drop the the radical pose for the radical ends. Obama is the perfect progressive hard left guy that could get elected by swapping the radical pose with the hope and change spin, and tell you there's nothing radical to see here; quit watching Fox news.
He'll admit who he is in the right setting, Joe the Plumber being a political mistake that wasn't milked for all it was worth.

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