More Laws?

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More Laws?

Post by kngser88 » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:43 pm

I do not set aside the grace of God, for if comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing. Gal. 2:21

I heard a Pastor one time start out his message like this, "This message I am about to bring will take about 45 minutes and during that time 25000 people will be damned to Hell and I believe most of you won't give a damn. Now after me saying that I believe you will worry more about me saying damn then those people being damned to hell.

That message seems a bit extreme, but I believe it has quite a bit of truth to it. we are so wrapped up in making sure that people fit in our little molds as being christians that we forget what being christ-like is all about. I am not saying that we should allow people to go around cussing and living a sinful life. I' m saying we should be looking to where people are headed then to what they are actually doing. If we look to where they are headed, we will focus more on Christ and allow Christ to move and do his work then we will trying to fix people ourselves. We try everyday to fix problems in the world. We shout that abortion is wrong, homosexuality is a sin, we don't need divorce, etc. If we can just overturn Roe V. Wade everything will be better. If we can just pass the marriage amendment. Won't that just save our family structure from being destroyed? I honestly believe we are falling into Satans trap and he is winning big. Old Satan is winning the lottery many times over.

Do we really think that people will really be better if they perform less sin in their life? Aren't sinners doing what they are suppose to do? Its called sinning. We are all born in sin...until when? Until we accept christ....right? Well if we do accept christ, aren't we suppose to act christlike? So if sinners are acting like their suppose to....are christians acting the way their suppose to? Pauls says in 1Cor. 2:14, A person who isn't spiritual doesn't accept the things of God' spiritt, for they are nonsense to him. He can't understand them because they are spiritually evaluated. So, why do we insist on proclaiming the law to people and not the Cross of Christ? Can we really reason people to the Cross without pointing them to Christ? Jesus said, "The only way to the Father is through me" So really our power lies more in our Lord Jesus Christ then in the Laws of the land. Just because christians win cases in the supreme court for our children to pray in school, I really don't believe we should get too elated. Because for one, there is no way a government can stop you from praying in school, and two, a prayer in secrecy is the most powerful prayer. We christians should quit whining and start using our "secret weapon" (prayer) more. Praying more in our quiet time with the Lord would allow us to really hear what God is wanting us to do. As God heard Abels blood cry out from the ground, we need to pray that God will allow us to hear the cries of help of those people who are hurting. Over looking their faults, their sins, their short falls, and pointing them to a wonderful savior we have in Christ. We are here to tell people not of what we think, but of what we know. Sin is trivial in the human thought process. It is not until we engage in a solid relationship with Jesus Christ that we find out what sin really is....destruction.

'When he came closer and saw the city, he began to cry over it, saying, "If you had only known today what could have brought you peace! But now it is hidden from your eyes.' Luke 19:41-42

When you look at a sinner do you see what they are doing or are you looking at their heart? Are you looking at their last cuss word, divorce, other sinful action; or do you see the pain, the hurt, the beaten, bruised, torn heart that satan has used as a punching bag? Telling them what they are doing wrong is not going sway then to Christ. I am starting to think this one question that puts it in perspective. If they were one reponse from death, and you were allowed to say something to them. Would you Tell them what you thought they shouldn't be doing or would you share with them what Christ can do for them? Sinners are sick already they don't need to be beaten down even more. They need us to lead them to our great physician, Jesus Christ. Sinners don't need us to tell them what to do, they need us to point the way. As Christ wept over Jerusalem because they didn't realize the truth was hidden from their eyes, we need to pray for a weeping heart. A heart that weeps every time that you say someone is going to Hell. Hell is such a terrible thing and we throw the word around like it is some prison or something of that nature. Hell is far worse then prison and is eternal. We aren't going to be any use to Christ until we fall on our knees with a weeping heart crying out for God's spirit to show us what to say to those that are blinded by Satan's grip.
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