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A Strange Show For Friday Nite Live.........Funeral Friday

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:06 pm
by Mexican Spud
Hey everyone, this Friday night on our live show we will be having Funeral Friday. What is that you ask? Well, we are going to play songs that our listeners want played at their funerals. We will also be reading epitaphs that our listeners submit about themselves. If you wish to participate t hen just e-mail me with your name, where you are from, your epitaph (what you want written on your headstone) and theeeee song you want played at your funeral. Also, let us know why you chose that particular song (due to the fact that we are a new station, there is the possability that we won't have a copy of the song you want. When you e-mail me, I will let you know if we have it or not). Send it to:
[email protected]

So feel free to participate. Or just tune in to hear what other people submit. Some may be silly, some may be sombre, but either way it will be interesting. So tune in Friday, Oct. 28
7:00p.m. pacific 10:00p.m. eastern at:
I hope you'll join us. Oh ya, we will also be chatting on the