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Ebola in the U.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:45 am
by gman
What are your thoughts? I'd call it a comedy of errors, but it's not funny. A guy flies in to Dallas from Liberia. He goes to the hospital and they send him home because his fever isn't high enough. He gets worse, goes back to the hospital, and surprise, he's got Ebola. I realize no one in their wildest dreams would think that Ebola could actually come here. However, the guy didn't come from South America or the Swiss Alps. He came from Liberia, which should have been enough to trigger a response and quarantine him, and ultimately move him to one of the four facilities designed to handle this. He's now dead.
The CDC wants to monitor everyone who lived in the same apartment complex, which includes four members of the Blaze TV network that received notification letters from the CDC.
A nurse treating the guy gets sick and is confirmed to have Ebola. She wasn't immediately moved either. There's also a boyfriend that has been isolated.
A second nurse flies to Cleveland to work on wedding plans. She starts getting sick. The CDC gives approval for her to fly back to Dallas because her fever isn't high enough. Surprise, she gets worse and is diagnosed with Ebola. Now the CDC is tracking down everyone on that flight so they can be monitored.
I've heard that school districts down there are preparing to take action. The owner of the Blaze TV reported that folks who were scheduled to fly in to Dallas for meetings with him have called and said they are not flying to Dallas.
Scary stuff. This is not Africa where thousands are getting Ebola every week, but by American standards, it could easily get out of control. And it started with the first guy not being immediately quarantined.

Re: Ebola in the U.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:10 am
by brent
I don't think it is a big deal, honestly. The worst time to catch it is when someone who has it is at their worst, showing signs. For the average person, this is a non issue. The downside is, we in America live a life thinking "that can't happen to us, the government is on top of it." Well, it can happen and our government is a big, dopey Baby Huey kind of character. So, be careful.

The other bad thing about Ebola is the radical religious right, which tends to think all Christians must be Republicans and Jesus would carry a concealed weapon, is freaking out. I see crazed facebook posts about this and other trivial crap, most of it false. People are so distracted and so stupid. They need not believe every text over stock photo of a cat they see. They get themselves so freakin worked up over nothing. If they would turn off facebook, they would realize that their day to day life really doesn't change much.

Re: Ebola in the U.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:17 am
by Shell
I'm not saying there's not a valid reason to be concerned or that it shouldn't be dealt with, but the media tends to jump all over stuff like this. I don't think we need to be quite as scared as they are claiming we need to be. I don't think the majority of Americans would be in circumstances where they could catch it. I also agree it's not a good idea to assume it can't happen to us or that the government has it under control. I do think it is ridiculous that they wouldn't shut down travel to and from the area where this started.

Re: Ebola in the U.S.

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:37 am
by srlwizfan

Re: Ebola in the U.S.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:30 am
by Psalm37v4
It does concern me, but the Lord reminds me of Psalm 91 in those times.