Help me tell the "church" about CCM

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Help me tell the "church" about CCM

Post by brent » Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:22 pm

In response to several ill-informed Blogs on the internet about CCM being of the devil, etc, I am going to create the utlimate answer to all sides of the argument. What I desire is to know what teachings you have received AND the bible verse used.

For instance, I was taught that Lucifer was the "cheif musician" in heaven. They based in on Ezekiel 28:13, where it says "the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created."

1. If you study the words tabrets and pipes in the context of the verse, they both are related to the settings, or sockets inwhich the stones mentioned in the same verse were held.
2. He was a cherub that covered the flaming mount (translated diamonds) that the throne of God sits upon. The bible never mentions a heavenly choir that Lucifer directs.

What have you got to share? If you have a website with errant data, list that if you like.

I know that there are good and bad ministers, bands, musicians, people, etc in the industry. This is not about that. It is about the method of using non-traditional music. It's funny because musical instruments and singing was a BIG deal for some churches. So, modernization is really the issue.

If these nut cases would study where the hymns came from, many of them came from the music used in the bar room. They only had so much of it, and many tunes used the same music.
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Post by gman » Wed Mar 30, 2005 5:50 pm

You might have trouble convincing the other side; at least the die-hards. We come at this from the perspective that all forms of music are neutral. Their underlying belief is that music is not neutral, and some forms are inherently evil. I find though that they are not really interested in honest discussion of those two views. Maybe because they know they really have no basis for their view and cannot win. They instead resort to attack mode against individual artists and bands, and guilt by association. Basically, the music has to be evil if they can attack the character of a band and find enough bad things to say about them. So and so was a drunk, got divorced, hangs out with bad people, and doesn't mention Jesus on their album. See, the music cannot be good.
In my opinion, music is not inherently evil, nor is it the cause of who you are. It is simply a reflection of who you are and where you are at in life.
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Post by Jonathan » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:21 pm might has some interesting tracts.
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Post by separateunion » Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:49 am

I have a very simple tactic when dealing with said people:

Do you read? You do? Do you enjoy reading books that don't mention Jesus? Do you enjoy reading books that are not by Christian authors?
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Post by charl » Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:14 am

Hey, I know this is a little old but I am only a marginal lurker...

Maybe I can help a little bit, as I have read a fair amount on both sides of this debate.
There seems to be roughly two schools of thought in the anti-CCM camp. The first is the one which believes that the music is evil, that there is a universal aesthetic to which ccm does not conform, making it profane. Their arguements are rather weak and easily refuted-however they hold to them quite tightly and I would say they will not be convinced easily if at all.
This is just my opinion, but I think these arguments actually have their basis in the idea of 'monkey music' of the jazz age-the belief that black music was more primal-less civilized-and would lead to people acting in a less civilized manner. This was some weird kind of cultural Darwinism, and very odd.

There is a second group whose concerns are a bit more-well-sane I suppose, and I think there may in fact be hope for reconciliation here. Their fear is a 'dumbing down' of the gospel. CCM seems often times to borrow themes from scripture and the psalms that are 'nice' and 'happy', while excluding negative things, such as suffering without an answer and judgement. (This of course is not always true-remember bloodgood?-, but I had to admit as I thought of it there is an obvious imbalance towards positive subjects.)

Speaking strictly of CCM in the church service itself, they are wary of the fact that in many chuches, music is becoming the focus, and as mentioned it's message is often not balanced. Add to that music sometimes takes a sharply individualistic turn with CCM, and church music should out of necessity be communal.

They also fear that it is another symptom of the church attempting to be as worldly as possible while still being Christian. Though many who play CCM are very commited to Christ, what does this do to someome in the pews who is attempting to do exactly that (be as much like the world as possible)? I do think that is less of a concern though.

And interestingly, one of the biggest arguements is that much of CCM is just garbage. The musicians are barely past the three-chord stage, the writing is derivative and poor. Should not christians always aspire to excellence? (I think so) Of course the best way to argue in that case is to gain the skills! And listen to the bands that have them! Many of the older songs are poor as well, and who wants that?
I am a visual artist and I often make the same arguement. We should do everything as if for the Lord, yes? That means doing the best you can, plus learning from the knowledge of others.

I add a problem of my own-often CCM as an industry seems to be rather cut-throat and fickle. Maybe I am getting a distorted picture about that, though it seems to me the reason a record company carries someone is not because they are ministering to many or doing good things, but because they're young, fresh, and can sell a lot of records. CCM doesn't even seem to respect older artists the way secular musicians do. That I think only adds fuel to the fire.

THEN there is the whole issue of whether music should even be earmarked 'Christian' in the first place-is this merely a contrived marketing demographic, as the teenager was in the 40's and 50's?

My this is long isn't it? Well I think that the best way to engage someone you disagree with is to learn their position as well as your own. You may even be able to find a common ground! I think there is hope, provided we take such concerns seriously. Just as we don't like all being painted with the same brush, so I hope we don't do that to others who disagree with us.

Oo and I read some things by Dr. Harold Best on the subject of church music. Very interesting. Lots to think about.
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