US Govt Health Jay Sekulow etc.

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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by executioner » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:28 pm

brent wrote:The problem with anti-Americans and anti-conservative Americans is their accusations and generalizations are so drastic. They dream up extreme situations that do not, or rarely, exist. For instance, people bring up the rape and/or incest elements in the abortion arguments. That is so rare. The majority of abortions are out of convenience or to save face. There are organizations outside of the government providing aid. In fact. the government is the least effective at social programs. Why? The charities have financial over sight and must obey the law. The government does not. I would rather trust the Salvation Army than the US Government. Some of the best US charities and research organizations exist outside of the government and help people outside of the government. The government is less efficient, corrupt, and accountable to it's self, which is a joke.

Matthew. Nobody, including the Republican party, wants people in need to parish needlessly. But face it, third world countries see our poor people living fat. The poor get cell phones, emergency health care, food stamps, free education, etc, etc. Third world countries view our poor as rich!

The big argument for Americans is access, management and abuse of these programs. Americans want to see the waste and pandering gone. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans really want to do anything about it. They want to be re-elected. It's just like the health care thing we are getting into now. It sounds like a good idea, but the downside is that healthy people, who otherwise don't have medical bills or high insurance, are going to be forced into paying the same high premiums as someone who has lived their life abusing their body, smoking, getting cancer, aids, etc, There is no equality or incentive to better yourself. Poor people have no incentive to get educated and be productive.

Why should my insurance go up $1k per month (and it is) so someone who is lazy can have something they already get and do not pay for? How is that right? Why should the government take the food out of my family's mouth and give it to someone else? I work HARD! They don't. I earn my money and my tax dollars are their pay checks. Come on. THIS is robbery. Nobody cares about us. They only care about the fictitious poster children for their programs and ideals.

This young generation wants free education, free college, free music, free movies, free concerts, etc, etc. Nobody wants to pay for what they use. That simply does not work in any country/economy. It sure as heck does not work in Heaven, on earth, in God's Kingdom and economy. We were created to work. We will work in Heaven. We are created to take pride in our work. There is no pride in being a beggar.

People point at our culture and say that it has skewed how I read scripture. That is bogus. I try to read it as the first century followers did, in contest. There is nothing in my American way of life that colors my belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have found the people pointing their finger at me are just as guilty of doing the same thing. They use what their government does as substantiation of their interpretation of scripture.

Very well said; I dislike that I'm put in a box because I'm American. Yes I'm American but I'm a Christian and follower of Jesus first & foremost, and I am offended by the ones that judge me just because their liberal media says what they say about being an American. Forgive, Forget, & Let go is my motto.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by gman » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:30 pm

The problem with fixing the system in this country is that the left doesn't want to do it because many of the people hooked on the system are their voting base. The more people they can get hooked, the more votes they hope to get by accusing the right of wanting to take away their benefits.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by brent » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:59 pm

Totally agree.

BTW, did any of you see the piece 60 Minutes did on the abuse of Workman's Comp/Disability Insurance programs? Two judges said about 50% of all claims are bogus. As people lose their unemployment, they are claiming an injury or disability. It costs too much money to verify everyone. There are attorneys making bookoo bucks helping people with crooked doctors and doctors reports. The doctors they use never see the clients.

This last Sunday, 60 Minutes confronted politicians on campaign finance funds being spent on vacations, crazy $5k per plate dinners, etc. Now, I am a simple guy. I do like to eat great food. But, what can they be eating? No food is THAT good. Must be some other type of service being provided. Probably hookers, Dominos Pizza and lots of beer.

I like what Warren Buffet said. Change the laws so that politicians are paid by performance, and can only be re-elected if the budget has been balanced every year. He said it can be done. Something tells me he would have a clue how. Oh yeah, Buffet is an example of a person who does not rely on the government for charity to be dispensed. He consistently gives away more money than he allowed his family to inherit.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by thunderecho » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:33 pm

gman wrote:The problem with fixing the system in this country is that the left doesn't want to do it because many of the people hooked on the system are their voting base. The more people they can get hooked, the more votes they hope to get by accusing the right of wanting to take away their benefits.
Speaking from my family's experience, I can attest to that fact that people get addicted to welfare. "With God we are free. Now what a liberalistic society tries to conform us to be". I recall waiting in line with my Mom and Grandmother waiting for Government issued cheese and powdered milk. Meanwhile, my Dad did odd jobs to try and break us away from a cycle of welfare dependency. Six of us lived in a 2 Bedroom dilapidated house. As easy as it was to get food, it was just as difficult to get the one thing my Dad needed the most - a new job skill. He was rather hopeless and our home life was not good. It wasn't until we started going to church that my Dad was renewed and afforded an opportunity to learn a new trade. Bothers from the church helped him get going again. From 1975 to 1988, our family toiled through the welfare system and developed a sense of entitlement with an extreme dislike of Conservatism and the Republican Party. Fast forward to 2013, my Dad is eight months away from retirement. My Mom retired last year. They are both actively involved in their Church. They avoid Politics now though. I work in HR and actively work with unemployed church members to find careers. I thank God for the opportunity to serve HIS people in a manner where I can share my own skills.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by brent » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:54 pm

Awesome story! How great is God, right? Thanks for posting.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by executioner » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:07 pm

thunderecho wrote:
gman wrote:The problem with fixing the system in this country is that the left doesn't want to do it because many of the people hooked on the system are their voting base. The more people they can get hooked, the more votes they hope to get by accusing the right of wanting to take away their benefits.
Speaking from my family's experience, I can attest to that fact that people get addicted to welfare. "With God we are free. Now what a liberalistic society tries to conform us to be". I recall waiting in line with my Mom and Grandmother waiting for Government issued cheese and powdered milk. Meanwhile, my Dad did odd jobs to try and break us away from a cycle of welfare dependency. Six of us lived in a 2 Bedroom dilapidated house. As easy as it was to get food, it was just as difficult to get the one thing my Dad needed the most - a new job skill. He was rather hopeless and our home life was not good. It wasn't until we started going to church that my Dad was renewed and afforded an opportunity to learn a new trade. Bothers from the church helped him get going again. From 1975 to 1988, our family toiled through the welfare system and developed a sense of entitlement with an extreme dislike of Conservatism and the Republican Party. Fast forward to 2013, my Dad is eight months away from retirement. My Mom retired last year. They are both actively involved in their Church. They avoid Politics now though. I work in HR and actively work with unemployed church members to find careers. I thank God for the opportunity to serve HIS people in a manner where I can share my own skills.
Great story and a great witness to what can happen if we let God take it and run with it.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by Dan » Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:25 pm

thunderecho wrote: Speaking from my family's experience, I can attest to that fact that people get addicted to welfare. "With God we are free. Now what a liberalistic society tries to conform us to be". I recall waiting in line with my Mom and Grandmother waiting for Government issued cheese and powdered milk. Meanwhile, my Dad did odd jobs to try and break us away from a cycle of welfare dependency. Six of us lived in a 2 Bedroom dilapidated house. As easy as it was to get food, it was just as difficult to get the one thing my Dad needed the most - a new job skill. He was rather hopeless and our home life was not good. It wasn't until we started going to church that my Dad was renewed and afforded an opportunity to learn a new trade. Bothers from the church helped him get going again. From 1975 to 1988, our family toiled through the welfare system and developed a sense of entitlement with an extreme dislike of Conservatism and the Republican Party. Fast forward to 2013, my Dad is eight months away from retirement. My Mom retired last year. They are both actively involved in their Church. They avoid Politics now though. I work in HR and actively work with unemployed church members to find careers. I thank God for the opportunity to serve HIS people in a manner where I can share my own skills.
Amazing story, I find it amazing how quick people are to put in their 2 cents about US and US govt. when they haven't the experience of living here. Your story is what makes a great American and shows that with God you can get past entitlement and other addictive patterns that are inherited. Thunderecho, you should write a book, I think you could really inspire others. :)
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by brent » Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:18 am

Matthew RJ wrote:
Mountain Man wrote:
Matthew RJ wrote:Ever heard the expression "don't throw the baby out with the bath water?"
Ever heard the phrase "When the problem is government, the solution is not more government"?
I'm confused - isn't the problem the people who abuse the system? I thought that was what you were talking about, not the government. In fact, it seems to me that your expression really means "when the problem is the wrong government, the solution is the republican party."
Republicans are not the answer for bad government. They were at one time, but they became part of the problem.

When it comes down to the two parties, look at who has voted for or supported equal rights, freedom from oppression, balanced budgets, social programs being run by people who run them was not the democrats. Democrats resisted voting and equal rights for women and minorities. Do the research. It was not until the Republicans gained control of the house and senate that the democrats gave a crap about anyone else but themselves, and started importing aliens and paying them to live here, thus getting new voters. Some people say Jesus would be a democrat. I don't think so. The democrats don't really care about anything but ruining all other parties and going back to doing whatever they want, preserving their positions. The charity crap is just marketing. You fell for it.

Look, you can dig up syndicated newspaper articles and published works by former soviet officials, scientists, doctors, and average citizens. They cannot believe that we are on this path to ruin. The very things they wanted to escape have been ushered in by Democrats and the Bush family here. They cannot believe common Americans are so stupid and blind. Communism starts as socialism. Foreign leaders have told the American public that we no longer are a republic practicing democracy. We have a dictatorship. When outsiders looking in get it, that should tell us something. But, it doesn't.

These social programs are crack for the lazy and uneducated. Social programs are slavery because people no longer see them as a hand up until they can sustain themselves. The programs in and of themselves might have been be good ideas. Most social programs we started were intended to be temporary.
They have overstayed their usefulness and can no longer be funded. Why? They are used to keep voters happy. The voters no longer take shame in using them, but boast about it. The programs are now viewed as a hand-out, rightfully theirs for them to take, without end and without repayment.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by gman » Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:27 am

The gov't is an enabler. They create these broad programs that go well beyond the scope of the poor and needy. People who are financially able to take care of themselves should. The Gov't doesn't need to create programs for them or force them to participate in programs, but it does.
I could go a couple different directions here, but in the interest of being careful with what I say, I won't. I'll just say that Gov't programs are way too big, spending way too much, and those of us who are working hard to make without the Gov't are paying the freight in high taxes. The bigger Gov't gets, the more it punishes the people working hard, and the more it wants to take from the wealthy that keep America going.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by Mountain Man » Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:12 pm

Matthew RJ wrote:
Mountain Man wrote:
Matthew RJ wrote:Ever heard the expression "don't throw the baby out with the bath water?"
Ever heard the phrase "When the problem is government, the solution is not more government"?
I'm confused - isn't the problem the people who abuse the system? I thought that was what you were talking about, not the government. In fact, it seems to me that your expression really means "when the problem is the wrong government, the solution is the republican party."
No, when the problem is government, regardless of party, the solution is less government. Things like abuse of the system are symptoms of the real problem, which is a bureaucracy that has become so bloated and unmanageable that it can no longer be policed and regulated.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by executioner » Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:10 am

The Federal Government is the enabler for the people that are taking advantage of the system. Have you all seen the posts of facebook about a link the Feds have set up for applications for disability benefits? They make it so easy to get the benefits that any one that is not totally honest can easily take advantage of it.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by brent » Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:13 am

Did you guys see the 60 minutes feature on this? Judges, attorneys, doctors are all in on it. It is an industry.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by executioner » Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:55 am

brent wrote:Did you guys see the 60 minutes feature on this? Judges, attorneys, doctors are all in on it. It is an industry.

I know the doctors that are not involved in it are getting out of practicing medicine; Over 10,000 doctors alone this year have failed to renew their licenses here in the U.S. My understanding is an average year roughly 3,000 doctors per year decide to not get their licenses renewed. The Federal government is actively searching and advertising for people to sign up for welfare and disability claims. They don't want people working they want them relying on the Fed to get them through. This is just like what Germany was doing back in the 30's when Hitler came to power. Hitler took control of the Parliament first, then the judges & Attorneys, and finally the healthcare. By late 1936 Hitler had complete control of the whole governmental and financial system in Germany. The worse is yet to come for the United States.
BTW I'm thinking about heading to either Canada or Mexico if MathewRJ will have me.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by Mountain Man » Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:45 pm

If you're happy with Canada's healthcare offering then I strongly encourage you to never look up the facts about how countries with socialized medicine compare with the traditional US system of private insurance.

Anyway, I'll just leave this here. :P ... esnt-know/
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by Mountain Man » Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:14 pm

You didn't bother reading the report, did you? Just saw the words "FOX News" and said, "LOL genetic fallacy." (Look it up.)
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