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Carolina Petra Fan
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Post by Carolina Petra Fan » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:03 am

Been listening to dcTalk's Jesus Freak (1995) and Supernatural (1998) albums this week. Jesus Freak is one of my favorite albums of all time, and was certainly what Christian rock needed at the time of it's release. I would love to see dcTalk reunion, with maybe Kevin Max, Newsboys, and Toby Mac opening for them. dcTalk could sing the Jesus Freak album from front to back. How about you? Would you go to a dctalk reunion concert?

Here's the reviews for the albums:

Jesus Freak
http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/cdrevi ... sFreak.asp

http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/cdrevi ... atural.asp
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Re: dcTalk

Post by brent » Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:14 pm

I wouldn't go. Word is they were going to try a reunion. I don't know if there has been enough time for the industry and some offended believers to have gotten over events of the past.

BTW, I think that album was a landmark album, and it was the best thing they ever did. I like it still.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by Carolina Petra Fan » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:37 am

Hey Brent,

Could you elaborate on your statement:

"I don't know if there has been enough time for the industry and some offended believers to have gotten over events of the past."
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Re: dcTalk

Post by brent » Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:02 pm

Life happened to those guys. They weren't perfect, nobody is. The Christian audience and the big Nashville machine became hypocritical and distanced themselves from them, forgetting (maybe never really knowing) everyone is just human, working out their salvation. Anytime money is involved, the labels, promoters and radio peeps get their panties in a wad, and only concern themselves with what sells and what to let loose of because of controversy.

The guys covered secular from Nirvana live. That didn't sit well. Max had lots of beatle-esque crazed groupies, that didn't sit well. Max had a divorce. That was a big stink. Every little thing about their personal and stage life became a big deal, because they were put on this platform, akin to Billy Graham. The guys walked the line as much as they could, but eventually rebelled against the system. Sound familiar?

They were just musicians who were Christians, and they were vocal about not liking being put into the Christian category, because it put them in a confining box. The industry that made them didn't like that. Their band would hook up with chicks and participated in drug abuse. It was spoken behind the scenes and in some forums as gospel that one of the guys is gay. Tait was featured in a CCM article, along with other CCM artists, standing up for those with AIDS. He spoke about his sister. Somehow people twisted that into he was fine with Christians being gay. His sister got AIDS from drug abuse. It wasn't like he was Doug Pinnick, throwing it in everyone's faces.

Petra was full of this stuff, yet they were accepted. Bob, Greg and others had divorces. I have personally seen hand trucks of beer being brought in for road crews setting up for shows. I know some of the guys drank a beer or two. So what? It doesn't mean the guys are not Christians. A couple of the guys in the 90s were known for only talking to good looking females and were jerks to anyone else. Then there was a story of an improper relationship between a band member and another band members wife? Being a Christian artist doesn't mean that all techs, engineers, roadies and volunteer loaders are even PASTORS involved are going to be Christians. It doesn't mean they are held to the same standards as church staff. This absurd.

I feel sorry for the guys, especially Kevin. I don't like his voice solo, but I get where he is coming from and what he was trying to do as an artist post DCTalk.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by Carolina Petra Fan » Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:11 am

Thanks for the info brent. There are things behind the scenes that artists deal with just like us.

I'm not a fan of Max's solo voice either, but he blends well with dctalk.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by cvs2kids » Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:23 pm

I guess i am naive then.

I understand Brent has a much different view being part of the industry, but feel all Christians are to be held to a higher standard. If they're on stage proclaiming God and Christ's love, they better be living the life!

Frankly, it's outright hypocritical if a band is praising the Lord in one breath and chasing groupies the next.

A drink, a smoke, those aren't real issues to me. Doping it up drunkenness & sexual immorality are something else altogether.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by Shell » Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:44 pm

It's been a while since we've had one of these discussions. I get the idea that if you claim to be a Christian you should be living that way, but that goes for anyone, not just people in a band or with jobs where they have to deal with the public a lot. I don't think Brent is trying to say sin is okay. He's saying these folks deal with the same sort of thing as any of the rest of us. Sin is a problem because it is disobedience to God, and disobedience is disobedience no matter who it is or what form it may take. And sin isn't "worse" or "bigger" for people in bands than it is for anyone else. Putting someone on a pedestal they don't belong on is a form of sin. Caring about someone just for how much cash they can bring in for the business or how they can benefit you is a form of sin. The Christian industry isn't immune to that. Stuff does have a way of catching up with you. There are consequences for sin, and it appears these folks have reaped at least some of those consequences. Pray for them. Just my take.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by brent » Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:55 pm

Right on Shell.

I agree that every believer should be above reproach, with the world unable to cast a rightful stone. But Christian bands are entertainers and not called, appointed and commissioned by the local church to represent them. They are contracted for money, to make money for a label. PERIOD. Do they do ministry? Yes. We all do. DCTalk were not pastors and should not have held to that standard. That standard, whatever it is, was not the same thing to all people. This is the same problem people have with churches. This church is too contemporary. That church doesn't preach hard enough. This church's pastor wears a robe and is too religious. That church is too flippant because the pastor wears a Hawaiian shirt and no socks. The target is always moving.

My point is that DCTalk was crapped on for things they did not do, or things beyond their control. I don't know Mr. Max, but I bet you money he might have had a successful marriage if he had not toured for two years, had stayed home with his wife more, and received counseling. But, the pressure to ride the wave, feed the demand, etc did him in. So, we should put blame equally around. Christian audiences should be more understanding. Christian labels should have systems in place to minister to their artists so they don't flip God off and walk away. More needs to happen other than casting blame on musicians for stuff beyond their control.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by Shell » Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:19 pm

Kevin is not alone in having marital trouble by any means. There have been a number of folks in the industry who have gone through divorces, and I would guess their being away from home a lot is probably a factor. Marriage is a lot of work in the best of circumstances. Being on the road a lot is bound to complicate things.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by brent » Fri Apr 22, 2016 6:57 am

...and it doesn't make their music any less enjoyable to listen to. If someone in a Christian band murdered a Muslim because he thought it was what God wanted, the whole industry, fans and Christians would distance themselves and the career would be over. Yet, the whole NT church is framed around the writings on a BIG TIME murderer of Christians, because he thought it was what God wanted. God was good enough to forgive Paul, but not the same way we want God to forgive, forget and purpose today. It is a huge double standard.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by Shell » Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:42 pm

I do get what you mean, and do agree about double standards. Whatever the case, God is bigger than anything messed up humans can dish out. If He wasn't we'd all be in trouble.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by Mountain Man » Fri May 06, 2016 7:32 am

brent wrote:BTW, I think that album was a landmark album, and it was the best thing they ever did. I like it still.
One of my friends described Jesus Freak as "a greatest hits album, but with all new songs".
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Re: dcTalk

Post by Mountain Man » Fri May 06, 2016 7:37 am

brent wrote:...and it doesn't make their music any less enjoyable to listen to. If someone in a Christian band murdered a Muslim because he thought it was what God wanted, the whole industry, fans and Christians would distance themselves and the career would be over. Yet, the whole NT church is framed around the writings on a BIG TIME murderer of Christians, because he thought it was what God wanted. God was good enough to forgive Paul, but not the same way we want God to forgive, forget and purpose today. It is a huge double standard.
It almost sounds like the church wants Christian entertainers to do the work that the church itself is unable or unwilling to do.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by brent » Fri May 06, 2016 1:49 pm

They like their stars and idol worship too.
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Re: dcTalk

Post by PiedPiper » Thu May 12, 2016 7:13 am

Has anyone been following the "big announcement" from DC Talk that happened yesterday? If you go to www.DCTalk.com you can get the announcement for yourself.

Basically, DC Talk fans were assuming that they were going to make a big comeback and have a new album, tour, etc... As it turns out, the announcement on their website says that they will be performing together, along with Newsboys and others, on a Caribbean cruise in July 2017. Hopefully they will actually record some new music and do a tour also, but that doesn't appear to be the case at the moment.
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