My crappy Petra concert experience!

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Post by Mountain Man » Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:18 pm

Well, as long as we're talking about what a "Christian" should have done, shouldn't a Christian have humbly removed his lights when asked, forgiven Wayne for his coarseness, and not publically lambasted him on an internet forum?

My point is, if you want to get on Wayne's case for being undiplomatic then fine, but it's awefully dangerous to try and use a fellow Christian's Christianty against them. :wink:
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Post by e5c4p3artist » Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:00 pm

Man, when a secular person does something rude, we call a spade a spade. The dude was rude and it's sad that someone was hurt by him.

When a Christian is rude, we eat the victim and write a philosophy book about how no Christian can ever say anything without being hypocritical.

Maybe that's why Christians should sometimes be "seen and not heard." So that other Christians won't tear his or her head off.
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Post by charl » Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:18 pm

I think the issue is that some of us don't see what was so rude and mean and awful in what he said. Bluntness does not necessarily equal rudeness.

I also think our culture has become far too sensitive to anything even hinting at negativity. It is getting to the point where people are becoming afraid to state their opinions-or even the straight truth-because it might hurt someone's feelings. Christians can never be among this group without compromising the gospel, yet increasingly we seem to be leading it.

I had a similar discussion on an art forum awhile ago, and no matter how many ways I presented it, I could not get it through one member's head that just because someone says something negative does not mean they are mean and hateful. From what I could gather, she went through her life terminally offended and chronically feeling victimised-and never stopped to think maybe it was her.
Personally I don't believe it is the christian's duty to cowtow to this type of person (though to be clear, I'm not saying that the originator of the thread is this type) as an incredibly sensitive nature is their problem-no one else can fix it. Keep in mind that sometimes the problem is not the offender but the offended.
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Post by Petrapraise » Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:23 pm

:shock: Wow! This topic sure has exploded! :shock:
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Post by Mountain Man » Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:55 pm

e5c4p3artist wrote:Man, when a secular person does something rude, we call a spade a spade. The dude was rude and it's sad that someone was hurt by him.

When a Christian is rude, we eat the victim and write a philosophy book about how no Christian can ever say anything without being hypocritical.
Wow, did you ever miss the point. I said, "If you want to get on Wayne's case for being undiplomatic then fine." In other words, feel free to call a spade a spade. Then I added the following caution: "But it's awefully dangerous to try and use a fellow Christian's Christianty against them."

All I'm saying is that if you want to be mad at Wayne then be mad at him. As I've stated, I think such anger is unjustified given what I know of the performing arts industry and how little we actually know about this specific situation, but if you want to mad then that's your perogative, but do not try and justify your opinion by calling Wayne's Christianity into question!

More simply, never try and use another Christian's faith as a club to beat them over the head.
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Post by brent » Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:24 pm

charl wrote:I think the issue is that some of us don't see what was so rude and mean and awful in what he said. Bluntness does not necessarily equal rudeness. I also think our culture has become far too sensitive to anything even hinting at negativity.
SWEEEET. Other people get it. I thought that I was turning into a hard hiney.

Jesus would be sinful according to today's US standards. He ran off from his parents at the age of 12, and didn't tell them where he was going. He called his mother woman. He basically laid it out, confronting a gal that she was having sex with all kinds of people, and the guy she's living with now is not her husband. Oh the brutal truth does sting. Yeah. Jesus candy coated it, didn't he?
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Post by Shell » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:11 pm

Jesus confronted sin and didn't sugar coat it, yes, but He also had a few things to say about how we should treat each other.

Whatever the case, Tim hasn't said anything more, maybe the rest of us should let it go now. He said he was blowing off steam, maybe for future reference if he needs to blow off steam he should do so by phone or
e-mail. Petrapraise is right, this topic did explode. It isn't the first time that sort of thing has happened and probably won't be the last. :wink:
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To Quote a Great Petra Song

Post by PJ » Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:46 am

Where Two or More agree and I agree with you Shell:

To Quote a Petra Classic''


Let's all move on and concentrate on the good things of Petra over these last few months we have with them.
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what kind of light?

Post by rexreed » Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:45 pm

After 5 pages of replies I am left wondering about these last Petra show. Is there a light setup at all or are they just performing with avalable light? I always liked the Petra light show- it was great from 92-98 when I was able to see them. What kind of light show are they using?
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Post by Rocksoup » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:05 pm

Their lightshow isn't what it used to be for obvious reasons, but from what I've gathered in this thread, it's still bigger than their merchandise displays appearently.
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Post by brent » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:22 pm

The tech rider, I have not seen. But from what I have been told by a promoter or two, is that contractors want around $5k to bring what is on the rider. That is a big chunk of change. So, many people are not meeting the tech rider, because it is all that they can do to risk the money to bring Petra in. Petra is bringing their own audio production. According to John, it isn't the best, latest stuff, but it is good enough to do budget shows like these.
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Post by theartist » Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:12 am

Yeah you guys are Beyond Belief....
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Post by theartist » Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:14 am

Off The subject of Petra...When's White Heart going to do a reunion show?
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Post by theartist » Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:15 am

Also I know from sources that Tim had someone offer him help but they were declined...
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