Prayer & Fast Day - Tues., Jan. 31

Talk about Petra albums, songs, and concerts.
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Prayer & Fast Day - Tues., Jan. 31

Post by sue d. » Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:12 pm

Just another reminder that TUESDAY is the weekly prayer (and fast, if you can) day. We pray for the men of Petra, their families, their future, and everything else that is related to the guys and their situation.

This week I'd ask for prayer for concerts for John as a soloist.

I've been getting alot of inquiries - lots more than I ever have, which I KNOW is in direct relationship to our prayers.

I'm asking for prayer that these inquiries go further, and that they turn into actual concerts. Every one of them. Concerts that will bless the listeners and bring them ever closer to Christ... or even better - that those who are at the concert that may not even know Christ may begin a new relationship with Him.
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Post by celinhamatos » Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:51 am

I'm on these purposes and I know that they will receive much more than we are asking God, because we can do everything through Him and For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope!!!
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Post by AlwaysJohnLawryFan » Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:10 am

God Bless Petra. God Bless John Schlitt... I will pray for him and for the other guys.
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Post by sue d. » Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:50 pm

Thank you guys.... it's a wonderful thing when God's people come together in prayers of support.

I can't wait to see what future the Lord has in mind. I can see bits and pieces, but nothing firm yet.

I feel that when the book comes out - things are really going to happen. You hear all the time about how well-known and in demand people become if their book hits it big.

I'm not saying I want fame and fortune for John - though that certainly would be nice. But when I first heard his testimony - my first reaction was "people have to hear this!!!" And they heard it in my town - I brought him in four times and I'd keep doing it if I had the financial means.

But you can just see God's hand in it all... I no longer promote concerts myself, but I try to help others organize theirs. The Lord certainly knows how to prepare someone to do his work!

I think of Bridget, and her writing expertise - she knows what she's doing with this book. The Lord picked the right person.

I think of Michael, who works on the website. If it weren't for him - I'd be lost with it all.

I'm sure He'll continue to bring others on board for various other things that need to be done.

But right now I see Cat, who rallied those prayer warriors who are helping with their prayers and fasting.... which is the MOST powerful thing in the world!
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Post by Shell » Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:23 pm

I can't wait to read the book. :) It is wonderful that there are more concert possibilities for John, but we need to pray against the enemy's schemes to keep the message from getting out there. He has a way of attacking to try to discourage and take our eyes off God.

The other guys will be okay, but we need to pray for them too. :)
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Post by 74CAPethead » Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:07 pm

When I read this hymn, I thought of John...

Sometimes a Light Surprises

For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. Mal. 4:2

Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while he sings;
it is the Lord, who rises with healing in his wings:
when comforts are declining, he grants the soul again
a season of clear shining, to cheer it after rain.

In holy contemplation we sweetly then pursue
the theme of God�s salvation, and find it ever new;
set free from present sorrow, we cheerfully can say,
�Let the unknown tomorrow bring with it what it may.�

It can bring with it nothing but he will bear us through;
who gives the lilies clothing will clothe his people too:
beneath the spreading heavens no creature but is fed;
and he who feeds the ravens will give his children bread.

Though vine nor fig tree neither their wonted fruit shall bear,
though all the field should wither, nor flocks nor herds be there;
yet God the same abideth, his praise shall tune my voice,
for, while in him confiding, I cannot but rejoice.

William Cowper, 1779
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Post by SamScales » Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:24 pm

Oh what a glorious day!! Man, compared to the last time we fasted and prayed, I did much better this time. HOw about you all? Sue? Did you stay away from those dairy drinks??? :lol: No more cappuchino for you!

It was really cool to chat with Cat this morning on IM and share a bit. For me it was a day encouraging people with incoming phonecalls of people who needed to talk and needed an ear that listened. Very cool opportunities.

Cat, I'm so glad that you brought this up again and rallied us to prayer!
Thank you!

Lord Jesus,

I thank you for this day, a day to set aside to pray for the needs of our friends. Lord I thank you for Cat and her vision and determination to get us all back in prayer for the ministers of this band as well as for each other. I thank You for Sue, who has never given up and always believes in the purpose of the calling YOu have given her - to follow her big dream.
I thank you for Bridget and her availability and willingness to write John's book, for the talent You have given her to do so.
I thank you for MJ, for his enduring patience and gift of love that he has poured in towards John's website. Thank You, Lord, for giving him this vision and the ability to know what to do. He has been a blessing for me in my own website and for that blessing I thank You.
I thank you for John and for the kindness he always has for everyone that wants to talk to him. Thank You for giving him patience and your love to spread about. Thank You that You shine through him and will continue to do so and for shaping his voice for the glory of Your kingdom.

Lord I am so grateful for all these my friends, because each and every one of them has played a very very important part in my life. I pray, dear Lord that You would grant every person on this board friends like these above, because it's an awesome thing to have godly people who are in your corner to encourage, uplift you and keep you on the path of righteousness.

Father therefore I pray - for all their different ministries - that You would breathe life into their individual callings - just like You did with the bones in Ezekiel 37!

May Your Word go forth prophesy to us all and may we hear the Word of the Lord. May our faith be the sinews that regrow, our trust in You the flesh that grows, our hope in You the covering of skin and may Your Holy Spirit be the breath that makes us come to life! Pour out Your Spirit upon all these friends - pour it out upon all of us who trust You and call You Lord.

I pray for John's future ministry, that he will be blessed when he comes in and blessed when he goes out. Blessed in the country and blessed in the city and may all that he puts his hands to prosper. Remind him that he is called and that You will fullfill that calling so that all the people of the earth may know that YOu are God, because whereever you send John, and he sings, preaches and proclaims Your Name, that You will be glorified before all nations, peoples, tribes and tongues.

Open up for all these my friends your good storehouse, the heavens and give rain to their land in due season and bless all the work of their hands so that they shall lend to many and that they shall not have to borrow. Provide for their needs, wants and dreams, financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally. Keep them all within Your hands and I pray for a hedge of protection around them so that the darts of the enemy will not hinder them in any way. That their focus is upon the task and not upon the negative and that the confession of their mouths will be according to Your will and Word.

Thank You again for this day. Thank You for all that have prayed, for all that have fasted. Bless their efforts and hear our prayers. Thank You Lord that we may come before You and bring our petitions, prayers and praises. We glorify Your Name. AMEN
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Post by sue d. » Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:23 pm

Cool hymn, 74 (you're Julie, right?). I can see how you would think of John on that.

Yes, Sam, I laid off the diary products this time - and I was fine. 8)
At the end of your prayer you asked the Lord to hear them.... He IS. Read further.

Prayer Warriors, I have to tell you who has contacted me today.

About a week or two I put John's name in as a possible guest for the TV show, LIFE TODAY (thank you Cat, for that link!). I and another friend had actually tried to make inroads to this organization a few years ago, but nothing happened. Total dead end. Very disappointing.

Today I received an email from the show... they want more information sent to them for further consideration!

Imagine that... this email came the very next day following our weekly prayer day. SUCH a coincedence!

This really could open up some doors if it goes through.... keep praying, guys!!!

"I see the power of the prayin' man..."
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Post by Shell » Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:59 pm

That is so awesome. That is definitely God at work. 8)
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i�m so sorry

Post by epdc » Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:36 pm

between school and work i just havent check the zone lately. can somebody tell me the bridget book thing'????
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

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Post by Shell » Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:43 pm

Bridget's writing a book about John, isn't that cool? She or Sue could probably explain it better though. There's another post about it, but I don't know how to link one post to another. :P
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