Pray for 'the guys'

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Pray for 'the guys'

Post by CanaMat » Sun Oct 05, 2003 11:08 pm

Well, like the saying goes... ...You can lead a horse to water, but teach him how to play tennis, and it's 'good-bye alto sax'! In other words, I have officially left "andband" as bass player/singer. I knew I was called to be a servant to John Schlitt's ministry, but the guys have decided to become an 'actual' band - something I knew I wasn't called to do. In fact, Lord willing, I will still play with the guys as John's back-up band, but I know that I would not be available at this time to write and record new material with them. I actually had one practise with them before I had to let the guys know I wasn't going to be with them, and it only made it harder! The songs are tremendous! Jon and Enosh have already submitted some original stuff and it's amazing!! The musicainship in that band is tremendous and whoever replaces me as bassist/vocalist will not be disappointed with the new material. Pray for them!

After 6 shows with John Schlitt, I've learned a few things. He's as real as he says he is. He's amazingly gentle, but a tough businessman. He KNOWS what he's doing! I stand in awe of his professionalism. He can forget words to the National Anthem, yet still win the respect of an audience. (Ha ha) :D Seriously though, the guys GOT IT!! He's was a headliner in the secular market and went through hell - became a headliner in the Christian market and went through Heaven, now he's back to earth with his head held high, preparing for another trip through the Promised Land, as he so richly deserves.

And lastly... ...and believe me... ...he ain't no 50 something years old... ...his drivers license might say different, but he's a 25 year old rocker that still has a lot to say. Listen to him.

God bless.
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Noticed something...

Post by CanaMat » Sun Oct 05, 2003 11:13 pm

When I was reading over this post I wanted to make it clear that the part about John forgetting words to the National Anthem - was not an actual incident. I was just stressing the magnitude of his professionalism. (I don't wanna find out that some patriotic pethead burned all their Petra CDs as a result! :D )
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Post by bakersfieldpethead » Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:22 am

To late!!!!!!!!................. :lol: lol lol lol lol

No I could never burn a Petra CD. I got what you said. And I know God does have plans for you, just never lay down the bass or your singing.

I had a Christian Rock band back in the 90s, I'm hoping to get it back toghether with new guys, but that's all in God's timing if it's in his plan.

God Bless

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Pray for...

Post by Shell » Mon Oct 06, 2003 7:16 am

Well, what will "andband" do without their crazy bass player? :D

God bless you Mat. Keep us posted on how you're doing. :)
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Aw, Mat!

Post by sue d. » Mon Oct 06, 2003 7:40 am

I'm so sorry you don't feel that 'Andband' is in your calling. You guys click SO well! Everyone I've talked to says the same thing - and you know you could "make it" as a band and not just John's backup band.

YOU, dear friend, are an intregal part of this band and I'll pray that God changes your mind!

But thanks forstaying as part of the backup band - if only they'd let me really PUSH & ADVERTISE the fact that the band EXISTS, I know the dates would come.
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The TRUTH!!!!!

Post by Enosh » Mon Oct 06, 2003 1:14 pm

The Truth is that we FIRED MAT! I couldn't take it anymore! We would ask him to stop but would he? Oh No, he just put a big smile on his face and kept eating five cans of beans and two bags of porkrinds before every road trip! He would lift one leg and... Something had to be done. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never fear faithful friends, this is not the end. We already have a couple of ideas for replacements. God is in control, just please keep us in prayer.
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Post by epdc » Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:01 pm


SOMEBODY GOT TO TELL ME WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

awwwww man. I`m glad I was able to see you on stage twice :)

as Sue says, I do hope you change your mind!!!!!AWWWWWWWWWW

but well, whatever God has for you it is something great and I know you`ll have victory in each thing you do and in each decision you make.

BLAH, l�ts forget all that spiritual stuff, LETS ALL CRY BOOOOHOOOOO
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

I love this verse!!!!!!

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Post by epdc » Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:39 pm

now that you will be free soon, would you consider to auditioning for the singer Sam Scales?????????? 8)

in that way, you wouldn`t miss John if you know what I mean :lol:
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

I love this verse!!!!!!

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Post by Shell » Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:36 pm

Yeah, we knew there had to be something going on; the truth finally comes out. Enosh, you kill me. :)

Working with Sam? Better watch out Mat, Elo and I will your work lined up for you if you're not careful...Just so long as we get a cut of the pay. :lol:

You have to admit it's an interesting concept....
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a question

Post by epdc » Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:08 pm

if you leave the Andband, will you leave Antioch too? is Antioch still a band? sowwy since I`m not a fan :wink: I don`t know all the news :P
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

I love this verse!!!!!!

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Elo's question

Post by CanaMat » Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:02 pm

Actually, Elo, I was never officially IN Antioch. I started out filling in for Bryan, who used to be the bass player. Four years later I was still filling in! I could never truly commit because to say I was in the band would mean a lot of extra responsibilty that I wasn't able to fulfill - like regular practices, etc.. That's why I had to back out of the "Andband" thing. I simply could not commit to practising as much as we would have to, among other things. John Schlitt's ministry was easy for two reason: 1) I knew I was called to that. 2) The songs were already completed. I only had to learn one someone else wrote. I'm able to commit to something like that for another two reasons: 1) I believe in his ministry. 2) It's not as time consuming.

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Post by Enosh » Thu Oct 09, 2003 6:31 am

Ok, here's whats going on for all those wondering. God told me shortly after we started playing with John that Antioch was coming to an end. It had been my baby and I had seen it through good times and bad. But it's time, (after nine years had come)

I didn't know what God was going to do with me past playing with John at the time. Well, God started moving and now we are forming a new group with the guys from for lack of a better term, "The AndBand," Mat was going to be involved but has now decided not to be part of this new endeavour. We wish him the best in whatever it is he decides to do. Jon Holtz, Bryan, and myself are moving forward with this new band.

In the meantime, all former Antioch fans can look forward to something brand new and exciting. We are working on some songs right now, and will be recording a demo soon. Pray for us as we venture into this new realm of ministry. We already have a few ideas for Mat's replacement, and we promise that you won't be disapointed.

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a big

Post by epdc » Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:14 pm

blah to you Mat :P YOU WERE ALWAYS PART OF THE BAND AND YOU KNOW IT LOL. If Antioch would have a bandmember list you would there BLAH :D .

No more Antioqu�a? somebody got to tell me why :wink: blah, is da same!!!!!!! j/k. Somehow I`m not sad about that because if I go to see a John solo concert I would see you all :D so is not like you guys are retiring or anything like that :D . And If Mat goes, just as part of the audicience, it would be like seeing Antioch hehehe ;) I mean, all the band members would be there :)

AWWWWW MAT, yeah, as hard as it is I wish you the best and I know God will keep using you for His glory and that with Him you will be going from victory to victory.
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

I love this verse!!!!!!

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He'll never stop singing !!!

Post by CanaMat » Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:30 pm

CANASAND here (Mat's wife), just wanting people to know that Mat isn't going to stop singing or playing or anything. He just couldn't commit to the band/practises. He is doing a solo thing right now. This time of year he is booked almost every weekend, quite often 2 times a week. His 'Impressionist' act is doing the best. He writes his original songs and music and has an Impressionist act, but I don't think he'll ever put down his instruments. (especially the fact the he teaches guitar Mon-Fri.)

One of the reasons that he had to quit was because being as busy as he is, he has no time for his 4 year old and 1 year old. He works 11 hours/day (job and guitar lessons), and then goes on the computer to prepare for his weekend shows. The children literally cry for him. So just keep him in prayer. He has a lot on his plate, and has very little time to himself.

I just wanted to mention that so that people would better understand the extremely hard decision he had to make before quitting the band :cry: .
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Post by epdc » Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:52 pm

wow, I had no idea. I`m so happy to see he has at least his own ministry, :) AWWWW I remember I saw his cd`s but couln`t afford them in that moment. Maybe the next time.

I`m so excited to see that his impressionism thing is working :) he did a very good job in the cd he gave us.

Let him know we will be praying Sandy for him and his family :) I didn`t know all the stuff he has on his own. We will be praying for od gives him victory in all the things he does and that he can organize himself :P so his kids won`t cry no more hehehe, either the wife of course LOL :lol:
awww I remember the pics you sent us, those two are soooo cute :)
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

I love this verse!!!!!!

Facebook account: Elo palacios

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