Feel old yet?

Talk about Petra albums, songs, and concerts.
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Feel old yet?

Post by TexMetal4JC » Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:49 pm

I was at an antique store in New Braunfels, TX, and was just looking through some records and came across "More Power to Ya" and "Beat the System" for a total of $7. I snatched them up because records make cool posters nowadays, and togethwer with "Never Say Die," which a friend gave me, I have three awesome pieces of art on my apartment wall. Which leads me to say 3 things:

1. Who would have thought you could find Petra at an antique store?? I'm only 21, so i don't feel so bad, but what about you folks who were my age when you were buying those records NEWLY RELEASED? You must feel ollllllld, lol

2. "Beat the System" had an insert with tour dates and opening bands, among which were Steve Taylor. 1985 was when he was touring for "Meltdown," I believe. I wish someone had made a CD combinging CITS with Taylor's "Meltdown" set. That would have rocked a LOT!

3. My roommate's older brother has "Washes Whiter Than" on LP (he's one of those who bought it when he was a kid), and it's in nearly perfect condition. I wish I could convince him to give it up, but does anyone have a spare copy they don't need (yeah right)? I'm bitter that the best song on that album ("Magic Words") isn't on the CD.

That's all for random rambling for now...
0 x
-Paul Anthony
"As the sunlight sets the clouds aflame
Do you not gaze in wonder at how they became?"

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