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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by p-freak » Fri Sep 24, 2010 4:25 am

Masada1 wrote:Sorry for the book...but, it just irritates the snot out of me that a person who has been a part of this community almost from its beginnings (that would be me...even though I do not post often) feels alienated because he doesn't see support of Greg as a rejection of John, nor excitement over the Classic lineup a repudiation of the John era.
As another person who's been around this community since over ten years, I don't think I share your feeling of alienation. Some of us have expressed some doubts concerning the viability of classic Petra, but I don't think anyone is opposed to the classic Petra reunion.
Masada1 wrote: I love PETRA...period. In all its forms...and all its incarnations...when they made music I loved...and when they put out stuff I listened to once and little after. I know that if I feel that way...there are others as well. Matter of fact, I suspect the tone of this Zone has probably driven off some who would be inclined to join. Shame on us. This divisive stuff needs to end and this Zone needs to get back to celebrating whatever incarnation of Petra is out ministering at any given moment...not debating what leader singer is better...or who's music rocked harder...or glorified God more. If Petheads truly are the one who support the band...then this Zone must be a place that not only says its inclusive...but acts...
I fully agree with you.
Masada1 wrote:and it hasn't for awhile.
I'm not sure if I agree with you on this. But maybe that's because I've been here for too long. :lol:
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Dan » Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:26 am

Masada1 wrote:BriGuyPEI,

I know absolutely nothing about why the creator of the facebook page isn't on this board. But, I sure could give a few reasons. I've been a member of the Petra Zone from 2 or 3 incarnations ago or more, near its very beginnings...it's been so long I can't really remember (ah, the joy of old age). But, frankly, since this whole Classic Petra thing started up there has been an element and a "feel" to this place that absolutely grates on my last nerve. There is almost a certain hostility to the whole idea of the thing. Not by everyone to be sure...maybe not even by the majority...but it's there nonetheless. There are a good many days I just tell myself that I'm just going to chuck it and not come back...but for some insane reason I still find myself reading the posts. However, I don't think that I would necessarily feel the love if I were the creator of the facebook page. I don't know that I would join this place, given the lukewarm reception some of our board "leaders" have given the whole idea. Shoot, the very way the facebook page is talked about...."fake"...would be enough to keep me away.

Fact is, this board isn't very inclusive. Oh, sure...we say we are. But the fact remains that YEARS have pretty much proven that many of us like to stake our position and then proceed to shoot down anyone else who happens to disagree. And, I know this may be hard to believe, not all Petra fans are members of this board. Frankly, the creator of the facebook page...or any other page doesn't owe us a darn thing...and he certainly doesn't have to be a member of our often dysfunctional family. In fact, given that the page was created to support the classic line-up...seems to me that he's a smart man for not coming around, given how anything Volz related seems to be cast in a less than positive light. There are plenty of people out there who still remember the classic line-up with great affection (and who have a lot of respect for Greg X. Volz). It's just that it doesn't appear that many of them are part of this community.

Sorry for the book...but, it just irritates the snot out of me that a person who has been a part of this community almost from its beginnings (that would be me...even though I do not post often) feels alienated because he doesn't see support of Greg as a rejection of John, nor excitement over the Classic lineup a repudiation of the John era. I love PETRA...period. In all its forms...and all its incarnations...when they made music I loved...and when they put out stuff I listened to once and little after. I know that if I feel that way...there are others as well. Matter of fact, I suspect the tone of this Zone has probably driven off some who would be inclined to join. Shame on us. This divisive stuff needs to end and this Zone needs to get back to celebrating whatever incarnation of Petra is out ministering at any given moment...not debating what leader singer is better...or who's music rocked harder...or glorified God more. If Petheads truly are the one who support the band...then this Zone must be a place that not only says its inclusive...but acts...and it hasn't for awhile.

Just my two cents.

Eric your right. Some of us that post are just waiting for something to talk about.. and I guess cause there isn't any news as such we just argue the oldest questions, I am really surprised the CITAS vs CTS hasn't come up out of pure boredom. I think there are valid points to the viability of Classic Petra, but in the end God only knows. In any-case in whatever form Petra will rock for His glory.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by shawnpfan2010 » Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:41 am

So has anybody been posting things about the Classic Petra reunion on other sites like youtube or myspace. I have posted comments on youtube videos and have had several responses. If you haven't been we need to start doing it even if you are not happy to see it, other people might like to know about it.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Jonathan » Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:50 pm

Eric, I think the silent majority of the zone is looking forward to what Classic Petra comes up with. As Official Petrazone Spokesman, but speaking only for myself, I am beyond geeked. I think most people are tempering their enthusiasm because we don't want to get too emotionally invested in the idea that Petra is going to return to the forefront and take the world by storm, when that's not realistic, and isn't really the stated goal of Classic Petra, Bob, or John. I don't know what goes on in PMs or behind the scenes here, but it does seem that there are some factions. I'm trying to be careful not to read too much into people's preferences for one singer/genre/album over another being their stated position that they are against what Classic Petra/II Guys/John/whoever is doing. That's my perception. To attack someone for their opinion, or suggest that a certain member here is invested in Classic Petra's failure because of a business allegiance with a Petra member, I find that somewhat protuberant.

Before "Classic Petra" came around, there just hasn't been much to chew on. You can only rehash the "What's your favorite song" thread so many times before your head asplodes.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by executioner » Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:09 pm

Jonathan wrote:Eric, I think the silent majority of the zone is looking forward to what Classic Petra comes up with. As Official Petrazone Spokesman, but speaking only for myself, I am beyond geeked. I think most people are tempering their enthusiasm because we don't want to get too emotionally invested in the idea that Petra is going to return to the forefront and take the world by storm, when that's not realistic, and isn't really the stated goal of Classic Petra, Bob, or John. I don't know what goes on in PMs or behind the scenes here, but it does seem that there are some factions. I'm trying to be careful not to read too much into people's preferences for one singer/genre/album over another being their stated position that they are against what Classic Petra/II Guys/John/whoever is doing. That's my perception. To attack someone for their opinion, or suggest that a certain member here is invested in Classic Petra's failure because of a business allegiance with a Petra member, I find that somewhat protuberant.

Before "Classic Petra" came around, there just hasn't been much to chew on. You can only rehash the "What's your favorite song" thread so many times before your head asplodes.
I think you said the best way it can be said. At times I'm going to give my opinion about things and yes sometimes it might ruffle some feathers, but you know what its just my opinion and if you disagree with it thats fine with me. We all can't like the same songs, albums, and band members the same; if we did it would be such a boring life we would probably go insane.
I'm not going to stop giving my opinion about items pertaining to Petra or other items on the other topics page, and I wish all to do the same. If we disagree, we disagree and its no biggy at least not on my end. Nothing I say is intended to offend anyone here on the board or anyone officially with Petra. If you so choose to be offended then there is nothing I can do about but tell you not to read or respond to my topics or/and replies.

That being said yes the ClassicPetra Era is not my favorite era of Petra, but I still like them and root for them to be successful. I am very eager to get the new material and other items on the website, and also eager to go see a concert if time, money, and locations are permitted.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Preacherman777 » Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:54 pm

The problem comes in the fact that certain opinions are protected and defended, such as disrespecting Greg or talking down about Classic Petra, while those who would try to counter that or who would say let's encourage and promote Petra in whatever form it takes and lose the negativity are treated like trolls. For those of us who've been here for a very long time (of which I am one though I don't usually post a lot) we've seen the excitement, devotion and anticipation that has existed here surrounding past Petra projects and then we compare it to the downplaying, disinterest and nay saying that has surrounded this one, seemingly just because it's with Greg rather than John, and well, it's sad, very, very sad. John and Greg have both been very important to the history of Petra and I am thrilled to see and support any project done with either of them, or heck, even both of them. That would be awesome too.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by CatNamedManny » Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:47 am

Preacherman777 wrote:The problem comes in the fact that certain opinions are protected and defended, such as disrespecting Greg or talking down about Classic Petra, while those who would try to counter that or who would say let's encourage and promote Petra in whatever form it takes and lose the negativity are treated like trolls. For those of us who've been here for a very long time (of which I am one though I don't usually post a lot) we've seen the excitement, devotion and anticipation that has existed here surrounding past Petra projects and then we compare it to the downplaying, disinterest and nay saying that has surrounded this one, seemingly just because it's with Greg rather than John, and well, it's sad, very, very sad. John and Greg have both been very important to the history of Petra and I am thrilled to see and support any project done with either of them, or heck, even both of them. That would be awesome too.
Hmm. I've seen a lot of the downplaying of which you speak, and I think a portion of it is related to some people worried about how this will affect John, etc. But I think it's a small portion, and I don't think anyone is actually rooting for the Classic Petra project to fail. I think most people are doing like Jonathan is doing -- not allowing themselves to get too excited because: 1. we haven't actually heard anything concrete yet in terms of track listing, release date, tour dates, etc. I mean, would anyone be terribly surprised if they posted tomorrow and said, "Sorry folks, stuff came up and we had to put the project on hold, but rest assured, we'll be back in the studio as soon as we can!"? 2. As Jonathan said, whatever they do is not going to debut No. 1 on any chart, get much if any radio play or likely signal the return of PETRA! to anything but our own iTunes playlists. Which is awesome, don't get me wrong, but it's not quite the same as anticipating the next Beyond Belief or Unseen Power.

Are some people disappointed that the Petra doing the reuniting is the Petra from 1981-86 and not the Petra from 1986-93? Undoubtedly. I've detected those undercurrents as well as you have. I'm not one of those people because I was barely alive during the Volz years and certainly had no clue who Petra was. This is really exciting for me, even as someone whose favorite Petra albums have John as the lead singer. Perhaps it's less exciting for some others. But I think a lot of the skepticism and hesitation to just jump on the bandwagon is born from years of Petra-related disappointment in general, as opposed to any kind of animus to Greg Volz or this particular project.

Just my two cents.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Dan » Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:57 am

Well said Manny.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Shell » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:22 am

That is well said Manny, and that's the sort of thing I've been trying to say. Nobody has said they don't WANT Classic Petra to be successful, and to assume that is unfair and reading more into the post than might be meant.

It's very difficult when you can't see or hear each other.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Dan » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:26 am

Shell where have you been?? missed ya

Agree agree, there has been a little oversensitivity by some people which has blown the whole thing out of proportion. Lets look forward :)
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Shell » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:29 am

I've had a lot going on with school and such, I just haven't posted as much lately. I'm still alive and out here.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Dan » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:52 am

Yup, good your keepin' busy
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by Vic » Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:20 am

Facebook is still not an effective marketing tool for events. Word of mouth beats it by far. Our church always does surveys on events attendance and FB always turns out as the least effective while WOM turns out the highest. I know some guy who bankrolled a professional dinner on the word of the organizers (who were his friends) who promised that he would recoup his cash on the day. The turn out was so disastrous that he is no longer in speaking terms with his friends up to date. He had to withdraw is kids for from school 2months for lack of fees. Well as it turned out, the dinner was "aggressively" marketed on Facebook.

Just came across some nice article on a band that stood out in terms of marketing against the prevailing trends at the time. http://www.boston.com/business/gallery/ ... adlessons/ Enjoy.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by sue d. » Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:18 pm

Ah... can't enjoy it if you're not a subscriber. Seems you have to pay to read the article.
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Re: TBN Show Promotion

Post by separateunion » Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:16 pm

Vic wrote:Facebook is still not an effective marketing tool for events. Word of mouth beats it by far. Our church always does surveys on events attendance and FB always turns out as the least effective while WOM turns out the highest.
Of course, we have to take scope into consideration when discussing how effective of a marketing tool facebook can be. Obviously, if a smaller area is being covered, such as a church event, word of mouth and flyers and such are going to work best. But we're talking about an international tour and an album that could be sold worldwide. That's a lot of ground for word of mouth to cover. How many Petra fans do you know in Europe outside of the people that post here? How many do you know in the next state over? The next city? I've gotten tickets to concerts at the last minute because someone got on facebook and said that there were a few extras available. Word of mouth would not have told me that.
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