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Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:18 am
by executioner
Mountain Man wrote:This is... odd. Not something I ever would have expected, but I'm getting a little tired of the remakes and remixes. I'd rather see these guys do 100% new material.
Well the press release does say 8 new songs which is almost a full album. It looks like it will have 12-14 tracks on it. I'm hearing some things on a couple of drummers that either have shown interest in joining or U.S.S. has contacted about joining and are known in our parts of the CCM industry, but I'm not able to give any details other than that. I will say that I do believe Smiley did some of the drumming on the album, but not sure how much.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:33 am
by brent
It doesn't matters who plays on the record now. It is all sliced and diced, snapped to the grid, overlaid with samples. 90% of the rock drums you hear on the radio have Steve Slate Drums mixed in. The live show will be the kicker.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:09 pm
by dihigo
Should we hold our breath for Louie? :oops:

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:17 pm
by executioner
dihigo wrote:Should we hold our breath for Louie? :oops:
You'll be dead before that happens....

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 2:50 pm
by dihigo
dihigo wrote:Should we hold our breath for Louie? :oops:
Never say die.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:50 pm
by brent
Psh. I will say die. Louie? Not gonna happen. Louie is driving a bus. He will not give up the good, consistent money to go play a few dates here and there. Besides, my gut says he wouldn't be invited. Please, don't make this a God thing. God does not run the entertainment industry, the Christian music industry or The Church. Man has free will to do what he wants, this is why there are rules, consequences and a system where you get what you give. People can choose to do what they want. Why force two people to be in the same room who wouldn't be otherwise? Life is too short and conflict is obvious from the back row of the concert hall. Anyone go to a Van Hagar or Van Halen concert in the last 20 years? Ya' know what I am sayin'.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:21 pm
by petraman
Does anyone know how they came up with the name of the band?

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:48 pm
by dihigo
brent wrote:Psh. I will say die. Louie? Not gonna happen. Louie is driving a bus. He will not give up the good, consistent money to go play a few dates here and there. Besides, my gut says he wouldn't be invited. Please, don't make this a God thing. God does not run the entertainment industry, the Christian music industry or The Church. Man has free will to do what he wants, this is why there are rules, consequences and a system where you get what you give. People can choose to do what they want. Why force two people to be in the same room who wouldn't be otherwise? Life is too short and conflict is obvious from the back row of the concert hall. Anyone go to a Van Hagar or Van Halen concert in the last 20 years? Ya' know what I am sayin'.
I was kidding.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:55 am
by gman
Interesting. Nice to see Anthony Sallee in there. I'd like to see Riqckue show up for this. Nothing against John, but it sure will be different is he's singing Whiteheart tunes.
I'd like to know what happened that caused the Whiteheart tour and new album to fall through. Maybe someday that will work out.
This should be fun though.
I'm not up on my Tree63 history, but didn't John Ellis bail on Christianity. I remember they covered a Michael W. Smith tune for an Ultimate Music Makeover album of Smitty songs, and Ellis mentioned how much he was moved an inspired by the song. So much, that he wanted to show that they could match the original in pretty much every way. But, I recall an reading something a few years ago where he said he was exploring and no longer held to the Christian faith.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:48 pm
by Mountain Man
gman wrote:I'd like to see Riqckue show up for this. Nothing against John, but it sure will be different is he's singing Whiteheart tunes.
It would be like Rick Florian doing Petra covers.

Speaking of Rick, I wonder why he isn't part of this gig? Seems he'd be a more natural fit for what is essentially a Whiteheart reunion.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:56 pm
by Dan
Ricqkh is busy in real estate making money.

Re: Is this for real?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:43 pm
by BriGuyPEI
gman wrote:I'm not up on my Tree63 history, but didn't John Ellis bail on Christianity. I remember they covered a Michael W. Smith tune for an Ultimate Music Makeover album of Smitty songs, and Ellis mentioned how much he was moved an inspired by the song. So much, that he wanted to show that they could match the original in pretty much every way. But, I recall an reading something a few years ago where he said he was exploring and no longer held to the Christian faith.
Well, the band is called "Union of Sinners and Saints".

As for Rick Florian, if you had Billy, Rick and Anthony it would be too close to a White Heart reunion and everyone would wonder where Mark was.