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Re: i'll be damned!

Post by LexingtonPethead » Fri Dec 05, 2003 9:17 am

Jackie wrote:all the same i'm not concerned about other ppl's opinion of me. i don't give a damn, it's not worth a damn (ooops!! :P )


I could go into a disertation at this point, and explain why when people accept the Gospel of Christ, they become new creatures. Followers of Christ, by their very nature, become more Christ-like in their everyday lives. That does not mean they don't stumble or make mistakes, but they do surrender their lives to Christ and depend upon His Spirit living inside of them to help them overcome temptation and carnal behaviors. This is called growing in our faith.

This is a Christian messageboard. While I understand that there are people from all over the world who post here, and there may be differences in how our languages translate, I find it hard to believe that the word you are using means anything other than what it was intended for. And I do take issue with that, to the extent that I think you should restrain yourself from using it here. If you want to talk like that elsewhere, that's between you and God.

It has been pointed out that non-believers may not understand why some Christians use vulgarity. They are the ones who will be judging you, not me.

And, there are sure to be new Christians out there reading this who may be struggling to clean up their own language, and using inappropriate language on a Christian message board is not going to help them in their walk... in fact, it will discourage them.

Many people appreciate what you do for translating Petra, and I think that's great. But that does not give you a license to offend others who don't appreciate hearing that kind of language used in a place where you would least expect it.

Just because someone is trying to live close to God does not mean they have a "country club" view of Christianity. But how about the opposite of that. If your actions are so loose that they weaken your Christian witness... to me, that sounds more like social club Chritianity... sort of like being able to say or do what you want and then cry foul when someone points it out.
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Post by Shell » Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:36 am

Yeah, you make some valid points Lexington. But to clarify what I said, I was talking about people who weren't interested in walking closely with God. They were interested in themselves. To claim to be a Christian and do that isn't right either.

Do you have a real name by the way? Or do you just want to be called Lexington? :D
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Post by LexingtonPethead » Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:46 am

Hello Shell! Yeah, my name is David Keller. You (and everyone else) are welcome to see my family and me online at
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Post by Corval » Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:15 pm

I am full of all this.


Artur :cry:
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Post by Shell » Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:39 pm

Don't be upset my friend, he makes some valid points, he's not saying anything against Jackie personally. :) David spoke up and essentially said we should watch our language, and that we shouldn't think we can just do what we want, and he's right. Several people said they didn't think it was fair to question someone's relationship with God based on one word, and they had valid points too.

Whatever the case, to continue to do something after someone has indicated it bothers them isn't right either, and I think we've all had our say. It's probably about time to move on to something else now, don't you think? :D :wink: Things seem to have a way of straying off topic around here. :P

What about Night Of Joy? Anyone have anything new on that? :D
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Post by Pethead1 » Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:33 pm

I was going to stay out of this but now I am not.

As some of ya'll know I have been in the bed sence the first day of Nov.
I emailed my pastor and asked him to have some ladies to call me. I was very nice about this and am still wating for that call. I was teaching kids church cleaning you name it I did what ever was asked of my.

The manager of the corner has called me 3 times. He is NOT a christian and let it be knone he does'nt want to here it.

I am saying this to get to this point.... befor the March NASCAR race in Atlanta,we go to all, he ,knowing I was a Christian, what I would do if someone besides my driver won. I looked at him and said " I'll be damed if someone else wins". He thought nothing of it nor did I.

This man knows I dount use bad langue nor do I like to here it.

Now who is being more Christ like. My church, who not one person has called. Not even my pastor. Or the non christian who herd me say damn. Now rember the nonchristian has called and tented to my needs.

Who is the person DOING WHAT JESUS DID?
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Post by Shell » Sat Dec 06, 2003 11:13 pm

That's pretty stinky Debbie. Someone at your church needs to wake up, churches should help out their members. Churches are made up of imperfect people too though.
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Post by LexingtonPethead » Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:24 am

Pethead1, sorry to hear that you that you are having some health problems that are keeping you down. I pray that this will be short term and that God will bring healing to you.

Not sure how your analogy relates to the dialogue earlier, but I agree with Shell. Churches do need to help out their members. Of course, there is a chance that your church has accidentally overlooked having your contacted. It may not be intentional.

I am reminded of the teaching of Paul where he explains how faith produces works, and that works in and of themselves is dead. In other words, we perform good works as an outflow of Christ living in us.

It really doesn't matter what an unsaved person does that is good... it won't save him. Good works can meet the temporal and physical needs of others, but don't bring anyone closer to God.
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Post by LexingtonPethead » Sun Dec 07, 2003 1:11 am

I also think this subject is worn out and it's time to move on.
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Post by Petrapraise » Sun Dec 07, 2003 8:26 pm

I had fun at Night of Joy. It was pretty crowded for the 1st concert, but not the second. Michael W Smith was on at the same time and he drew most of the crowd.
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to LexingtonPethead

Post by Jackie » Mon Dec 08, 2003 6:16 am

"Don't judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way as you judge others, you'll be judged. (...) Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all time there's a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-5)

1. In the interest of preservin' harmony on this zone ... i respect ur views, but just cos u believe u r right, doesn't make u right!

2. again, sorry if i offended u by usin' that kind of language again. it's childish, so childish! i apologize.

3. if i do or say whatever i think best, it's a problem of mine. i'm not the ultimate source for truth. focus on jesus cos he alone is perfect.

4. we have a moderator here; as far as i know, it's not YOU! if u read something that's not to ur likin', email him.

5. u wrote: "Many people appreciate what you do for translating Petra, and I think that's great. But that does not give you a license to offend others..."

it's wicked of u to say that; spare me! now u really managed to make me upset! don't be a baby! i've never said that just cos i support petra i have the license to say whateva i want here. i'm just being myself. if u think u r that perfect chirstian, y do u judge others without knowing them?

6. for ur information, i'll do whatever i can to support petra cos what petra does for me is above: they minister to my heart!

7. sorry if it appeared arrogant but i always say what i think and ppl don't usually like that or don't like what i think...

8. u have ur own ideas and i've mine. if u wanna comment/respond to what i said above, great. though i've to admit i no longer have the tolarance for this kind of discussion once i did.


Fui julgada por uma pessoa neste f�rum, sendo que esta pessoa n�o me conhece! Todavia, gostaria de esclarecer algumas coisas que "ficaram no ar" e podem denegrir a boa imagem do evangelho.
Primeiramente, gostaria de dizer que a "g�ria" utilizada n�o foi empregada com o intuito de ofender algu�m, mas sim usada de forma esp�ntanea. Reconhe�o que foi inadequada, mas isso n�o d� o direito de julgamento a algu�m.

� o mesmo que voc� comparar o fato de que no Brasil, muitos evang�licos usarem a express�o "Nossa!" para indicar adimira��o ou espanto. Nem por isso, voc� tem o direito de julgar quem � crist�o ou n�o. � apenas for�a do h�bito.

Obrigada pela manifesta��o de apoio e compreens�o por parte de voc�s!

Sei que Jesus ficou alegre por voc�s terem agido como verdadeiros crist�os. Todos estamos sujeitos a trope�ar, por�m devemos apoiar uns aos outros.

Pe�o ora��o em meu favor e desculpas se escandalizei algu�m. Obrigada!


"Porque sete vezes cair� o justo e se levantar�." (Pv. 24:26)

"Porque se cairem um levanta o companheiro; ai, por�m do que estiver s�; pois n�o haver� quem o levante" (Ec. 4:10)
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Post by LexingtonPethead » Mon Dec 08, 2003 6:50 am

I'm not responding to this anymore. If you want to email me personally, you are welcome to.
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Post by Shell » Mon Dec 08, 2003 11:12 am

I would love to see them in person at Disneyworld. I've seen them at Magic Mountain and Knott's Berry Farm in California and Six Flags in Atlanta. :D Why not Disneyworld too? :) Florida is beautiful, I've been there a number of times. Last time was about ten years ago, I'd like to see it again. :)
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Post by Pethead1 » Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:45 pm

I saw them 3 or 4 times at Six Flags. I fav was Beyond Belife.
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Post by Shell » Mon Dec 08, 2003 1:07 pm

I was there in 1992; were you there then? That would be hysterical if we were both there and didn't meet. I went with my friend Cheryl and had a blast. I even ended up working at Petra's merchandise table for awhile that weekend; I didn't plan it that way, it just kind of happened. LOL.

Susannah and I have been to a bunch of the same concerts and we just met in October at the Stryper concert. :D
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