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Concert review from a participating musician

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:37 am
by spottacus
A visitor posted this message at last week. I thought I'd share it with those of you who never visit. -spottacus


User: getcrossed
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 4

Oct. Shows - thoughts and thanks


My band Crossed was fortunate enough to get to open for Petra for their 10.19 and 10.20 shows. I had picked up a couple Petra CD's before hand and was only mildly impressed (mainly with Jekyll and Hyde - great riffs, no leads). I wasn't sure what to expect, but I just wanted to let everyone know that 1)Petra won me over and 2)They are just awesome guys.

The 10.20 show came off better than the first and they just had the whole place going. Both nights I got to see some awesome musicianship and a lot of great performance and spirit. I listen to a lot of progressive rock and instrumental stuff, so I like complex music and people who are skilled on their instruments (vocals included). The drumming was great and Bob's guitar leads were smooth as silk and really a great mix of melody and speed. I was just really impressed by Bob's guitar work. John's vocals were consistently great all night - both nights and the bass the first night was making my pant legs vibrate.

Anyway, having been sucessful in the music industry for so long, I wasn't sure what the guys would be like off stage. They were all super cool and very helpful and supportive. You couldn't ask for a better band to open for. I hope we lived up to their standards! It was also great to have John pray with all of us before the show and to hear Bob give an "altar call" - you could tell they were in this for the right reason. I'm not sure about the number from the second night, but the first night they had a ton of people give their lives to Christ and go backstage for some prayer.

It was such an awesome time and I wish the guys luck as they head off overseas!!! If you haven't seen the guys live yet - do whatever you can to make a show.



Oh, forgot - I got a couple cool photos that I'll be posting on our website tomorrow sometime if you want to check them out: