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Best Petra song of all time...

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:34 am
by Marion
I tried doing a search for this topic on here. Either there is none (hard to believe) or I just didn't do it right (more likely). :lol:

Anyway, my best Petra song of all time is NO DOUBT. Maybe I should say it's my best John Schlitt song of all time. I just ADORE his voice on that. The song has also encouraged me through many an all-nighter.

What's yours? :D

best petra song

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:53 am
by petrarckman
As petra fan I love some songs and it's so hard to say the best of, but We Hold our hearth out to you, it's an important song for me, because remember me that God is waiting when we hold out all our lost and shattered dreams, He will be binding every heart with broken seams
With a warm and loving hand He understand... it's very lovely that song...

Love is very cool too, it helps me to remember how should be our love as cristians, just reach out...

There's a lot of petra song that helps me in my cristian life!
Praise God for Bob and the inspiration He give to him so he can write this wonderfull songs!



Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:25 am
by ErioL
I dunno...I've always really liked "Hey World." "For Annie" is also a great song, and "Angel of Light." AoL is in my opinion one of the best classic rock songs ever, secular or Christian.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:03 pm
by calicowriter
I am not sure I could pick Petra's "best" song. However, if I were forced to pick the song that I thought of when I think of Petra (sort of a signature song), I'd have to say "Beyond Belief." "Creed" was a very close second.

Now, if by "best" you mean favorite, I probably would have to agree with you Marion about "No Doubt", and for the same reasons. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:12 pm
by Shell
I have to agree with Bridget, it's hard to pick a "best" song, there are so many good ones. No Doubt is one of them. So is Beyond Belief, Prayer, More Power To Ya, Judas' Kiss and Rose Colored Stain Glass Windows.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:04 pm
by Jonathan
Tie between "You Are My Rock" and "You are Holy."

"Rock" just reminds me of all the attributes God is to me.

"Holy" at the end of the Medley on PP2 is in my opinion some of Petra's best musicality, the way it starts simply, and then builds to an exciting, energetic U2-esque anthem!

Please disregard the opinion of whoever posts next.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:56 pm
by wallytheman
the greatest petra song ever would have to be "Lucas Mcgraw"


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:22 pm
by seichu kaisho
I remember starting threads several months ago called something like "What are your fav' Pet'rockerz" and "What are your fav' Petra sof'songz" so if you wanna, you can look for them wherever the heck they are and add to them. :idea: :?: :arrow: :wink:

You can notice I put so many in both, because I admire so many songs equally & can't make up my mind. I'm often thinking, maybe I should consider I Am On the Rock to be my most favorite of all, but then there are others from On Fire and Beyond Belief I love just as much as that song.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:08 pm
by johntheumfreak
hmmm......maybe "For Annie".........I literally cry every time I hear that song :cry: ..................but as far as rockers, I guess "Praying Man"

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:16 pm
by Marion
calicowriter wrote:Now, if by "best" you mean favorite, I probably would have to agree with you Marion about "No Doubt", and for the same reasons. :)
Oopsy. I should've said "favorite", sorry. :oops:
"Holy" at the end of the Medley on PP2 is in my opinion some of Petra's best musicality, the way it starts simply, and then builds to an exciting, energetic U2-esque anthem!

Please disregard the opinion of whoever posts next.
Hahahaha! Very funny, Jonathan.

I guess I'm not a Pethead after all :( as I don't recall "Holy"...I have to listen to a ton of discs in my line of work, so maybe I just forgot it. But the U2 comparison makes me curious...

Ohayo, Seichu! I'll try to dig up your thread. :)

I'll have to go through our CD library and dig out those old Petra songs that all of you mentioned.

Thanks, people. :)

P.S. I also like "More Power to Ya" because, well I dunno. It's one of those songs that on the surface I wouldn't really be into in terms of melody or lyrics...but there's just something about it. I can't put my finger on it...hmmm. Wonder what the story is behind that song.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:45 pm
by ErioL
Jonathan wrote:"Holy" at the end of the Medley on PP2 is in my opinion some of Petra's best musicality, the way it starts simply, and then builds to an exciting, energetic U2-esque anthem!
Incidently, this song is the reason I've been playing guitar for over 7 years now. I was listening to this song and my mom came and asked if I wanted to learn this song on guitar. So she taught me A, D, and E, and that was the beginning. I played till my fingers were throbbing, and kept going on and on. I know the guitar is something God has blessed me with, so this song had something to do with it! :D

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:55 am
by johntheumfreak
I don't remember "Holy" :? and I have that album, so...........wait, was it just on the LP version?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:50 am
by Jonathan
The track's actual title is "Medley (Only by Grace, To Him Who Sits On The Throne, You Are Holy)." "You Are Holy" starts about 2:48 into the song.

I just shortened the name of the song from "You Are Holy" to "Holy" in my post to avoid being wordy. I figure if there is something you can say in fewer words, then go ahead and say it in fewer words. There is no need to type out a long-winded harangue that nobody wants to read. Besides, if everyone here did that, and not just Michael, we would never get anything done in our day outside of reading some windbag's post at the Petrazone. So, in the interest of sparing you and me some precious minutes, I just shortened the name of the song. Matter of fact, I also did it with "You are My Rock," of course shortening the title of the song for brevity. I whittled that one down to just "Rock." There's no telling what I would try to do with something like "Love" or "Sally." I'd probably just leave them be, or abbreviate them, or even just use the first letter, which is what I will try in the following sentence. T W I L M A C F T R S E. That really does not work. I was just kind of thinking with my keyboard, you know, brainstorming for a second there. I am not sure I will try that again. I really strive to have every word I post here mean something, and not just go for filler to see a bunch of English words fill up the text box. The other long-time zoners will attest to that, I am certain. I apologize for the confusion that I may have caused.


Ramblin' Man

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:35 am
by Michael
Hey, Jonathan... careful with the rambling!!! You're steppin' on my territory, man! It's my job to blow hard here about once ever two weeks, and it's Elo's job to post every ten minutes 24 hours a day, and it's Bakers' job to post about five topics a day in the Off Topic area that life is too short to read. And it's Sam's job to always agree with everybody, and it's Shell's job to try to keep us from punching each other's lights out. Your job is to say something irrelevant on every thread, not to ramble on and on about nothing! You've got to stick with your idiom, or else we'll all die someday!!!

But hey, I gotta give you credit... you're kind of good at rambling. Maybe we can team up on this one!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:57 am
by Shell
It's actually Jonathan's job to try to confuse everybody... :D