GQ and John

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GQ and John

Post by monster machine » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:58 am

Hey gang!

Long time no chat!

I got this month's issue of GQ and there was an article about the Creation Festival. The author went down to check out what all this Christian rock fuss was about. Sure enough, Petra was mentioned (at pretty great length) and there's a pic of John rocking out.

The article was a little slanted towards the condescending, but it was neat to read a non believer's take on the festival.


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Post by calicowriter » Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:31 am

I went to read the story at GQ online. All I can say is that I'm really embarrassed that the writer is originally from Louisville (my hometown). He's one messed up dude. Not that he didn't have a couple of interesting observations, but the story read like a therapy session.
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Post by Shell » Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:44 am

Hey Monster Machine, it has been awhile.

That is interesting to say the least... :P That guy is pretty messed up.
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Post by spottacus » Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:31 pm

I read the entire article, and I thought it was very open-minded and sympathetic - apparently we need the sympathy.

I enjoyed it, and it left me feeling melancholy about this guy. He's a lost soul, and I've known a few lost souls. I hope he gets it together.

Read the article here:
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Post by Shell » Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:40 pm

There is a difference between empathy and sympathy. Sympathy tends to go along with condescension and empathy is when you understand what someone is going through. Yeah, he's a lost soul, but I thought he was sort of looking down his nose too. Different people will see it differently I guess. CCM needs a good shot in the arm or kick in the pants as far as I'm concerned, not sympathy, but that's just my opinion too. That being said, it was well written, and I was glad to see an article with Petra in it. :D
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Post by calicowriter » Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:57 pm

I don't know, his description of being an advisor of sorts at a Petra concert doesn't give the world much of an idea of how most people are treated after an altar call. Nor was it a very flattering description of Petra onstage at the Creation festival.

Oh the other hand, I'll bet John never thought he'd make GQ! :lol:
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Post by Shell » Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:16 pm

Hehehe. I bet he didn't either Bridget. That's a good one. :lol:

I wonder if he realizes there's an article in GQ about Petra.
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My thoughts...

Post by Masada » Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:59 pm

When I saw this post, I just had to read the article, particularly given the diverse opinions of it. All I can say is that after I read the article, I found myself profoundly moved. Maybe some of you cannot understand where the author was coming are the lucky ones. I felt almost raw after reading this article. Ok, the language was rough and he was not particularly complimentary about any of the bands...though I have to confess a slight chuckle at his exclamation "oh ****, it's Petra." The thing that moved me more than anything was that as I read further and further into the article, I got a huge sense of how divided he really was. How incredibly heartbreaking it must be to see geniune Christianity lived out right in front of you and not be able to embrace. The whole time I was reading, I just got the sense that here was a man running from himself and God, in a larger sense. I certainly sensed his desire to be a part of and yet finding himself absolutely burdened by doubts. Doubt is a terrible thing and it can be debillitating. I guess I just want to say that we need to back off the negative comments. Frankly, I appreciated his honesty, at least he reported what he was feeling and thinking, both negative and positive. What we need to take away from this article isn't that our favorite band got bashed or anything of that nature. What we need to take away from the article is that here is a man who needs the Jesus he once knew. And don't go quoting me any Scripture about those having tasted of the kingdom not being able to come back. That is just a misinterpretation of a verse that has ended up as an excuse for us not to do what we have been commanded to by God. I thought the most profound part of the article was the little bit that said, "Why should He vex me? Why is His ghost not friendlier? Why can't I just be a good Enlightenment child and see in His life a sustaining example of what we can be, as a species? Because once you've known Him as God, it's hard to find comfort in the man."

We need to pray for this man; this prodigal who so very clearly wants to come home...or at least it sure seems like it to me. My heart weeps for him. May God turn our weeping into joy!

In Christ,

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Post by Shell » Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:22 pm

Hehe. I admit, the "oh, **** it's Petra" sort of made me smile too. I'll read it again when I have a chance, I usually have to read something more than once before I really understand it. It is sad that he hasn't given his life to God.
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Post by Jonathan » Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:25 pm

I actually subscribe to GQ and consider an important resource for my clothing and general appearance.
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Post by calicowriter » Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:30 am

I agree that this guy needs our prayers because he is definitely conflicted. I would be willing to bet he is suffering from the same social malady that a friend of mine has. She is a knowledge-worshipper. She thinks that anyone who is "learned" and is a thinker, always has valid arguments. Because of this, she no longer believes in right and wrong -- everything is relative. In her mind, all religions may be true, or none of them may be true. I suspect this guy got into college and was exposed to this kind of thinking and hasn't been able to come back to the Truth. Thankfully, our loving Father will continue to pursue him (and my friend), even when we may move away in frustration.

Does that mean there is not something wrong with the Christian Music industry? No, I think we're all pretty much in agreement about that. It is just a shame that he had to drag a group like Petra (who try to do it right) into his cynicism.
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Post by seichu kaisho » Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:22 pm

What does "proselytize" mean?
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Post by Jonathan » Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:37 pm

To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith, political party or to espouse one's doctrine.

Definitions of the above words can be found at

That is...if you need further assistance.
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This is quite interesing

Post by eknock » Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:08 pm

This is quite intersting, I would like to read the whole thing when I have time. I think this stuff is very helpful for us Christians to look at...
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Post by eknock » Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:07 am

I thought this post would draw a greater response...
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