Foot Wayne, Indiana 11/12/05

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Foot Wayne, Indiana 11/12/05

Post by reoracer » Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:42 am

Hiya folks! Last night in Fort Wayne was absolutely INCREDIBLE! I'll be posting a full-length review (including setlist) over the next few days on my livejournal (linked in my sig). A few highlights:

-hearing Petra in it's various forms do nearly 30 songs covering all the eras, and rocking them all!
-The original Petra members doing 4 songs, including Lucas McGraw, and getting 2 standing ovations!
-Petra doing at least parts of all my fave songs, including a few surprises!
-the banquet, especially the photos and stories!
-seeing a zillion Pethead friends!

You all should have been there, and to those who were, thanks for a great time!

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Post by Waterboy » Sun Nov 13, 2005 12:19 pm

Yes, The concert last night was great, but kind of bittersweet in a way. The band has ministered to me so much over the past 24 years I have been a fan.

I enjoyed meeting you "Rock On" last night and thanks for telling me about this site. Keep in touch if you want.
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1Cor. 10:13

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Post by Jonathan » Sun Nov 13, 2005 12:25 pm

It was a blast.

I saw many people.

At the banquet, my brother and I sat 5 feet from Bob Hartman.

I don't remember the setlist, but it was amazing.

Original wonderful, in my opinion the greatest part of the night...they did Lucas McGraw, Walkin' In The Light, Without You I Would Surely Die, and Storm Comin', which turned into a big instrumental jam. Think Allman Brothers with some teeth. Petra signed my Petra album.

Did anyone else notice they never sign album covers? Always the back or inside?

Farewell June and Bread of Stone: Good bands.
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Post by petrarocksA2 » Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:44 pm

I got back a while ago from Ft. Wayne. What a night. The concert was awesome. It has to be the best I've seen them. I have seen tem aboout 40 times. The banquet I really enjoyed. Hearing Bob and John talk about the years of Petra. Then came the concert. The current and original Petra was awesome. I really enjoyed Bread of Stone and Farewell June. I noticed Paul played drums with the Bread of Stone. Is he he drummer for them also. I met some really nice people at our table at the banquet. A couple from Ohio and a couple of Canada. If they ever read this I wouldn't mind talking more Petra with them. My e-mail address is [email protected] My user name on the board is petrarocksA2. It is so sad that Petra has to end. GOD BLESS PETRA!!! :D
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Post by brothertom » Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:10 pm

OK, my take on events in Ft. Wayne. As you all know, it was something of a reunion event. Ft. Wayne is a special place in Petra history as the place where they got their start. On this night, the people who were part of that start helped to celebrate what Petra has been over the years. There were many Petheads in attendance. As always, it was nice to meet a few new friends, and to renew acquaintances with old friends. Sue and Bridget, thank you for taking care of Teri and me while we were there. Apologies for not calling you this morning, but we were up and out of the hotel a little early, and didn�t think you would want us to disturb you at that hour.

Those of us who purchased the artists circle seats were treated to a special event prior to the concert. Not only did the ticket price include a decent dinner, we got to hear some of the stories of the history of the band from those who lived that history. Bob, John, Greg Hough, and a couple of folks who were instrumental in helping Petra get their start shared a few thoughts, stories, and pictures. Greg had several photos in a slide show format of Petra in the early days. I tried to take pics of the display, and will post them along with the rest of my pics later on. I really enjoyed hearing the stories. There were some amazing tales shared, and the sentiment in the room was palpable. John, in particular, is an excellent speaker, and seemed to get a little emotional talking about what Petra has meant to him over the years, and in paying tribute to his �mentor�, Bob. I was a little disappointed that Bob�s talk was restricted to about three minutes, on the premise that we had to take our seats for the concert, and then they brought up another speaker. He was good, though, and told of how he was saved at a Petra concert. I ran into John as I was heading up for the buffet line, and he was returning to his table with his dinner. Not wishing to delay him from his meal, I simply suggested that we recreate the infamous picture from Head East�s Flat as a Pancake album, where John was trying to stuff a stack of pancakes the size of his head into his mouth. His reply, �That�s just not nice!�

After dinner, we were herded into the auditorium to take our seats. One of the disadvantages of having a table close to the head table for dinner was that it was harder to get the best seats for the concert. Still, we wound up only four rows back, and just to what would be John�s left. We wound up sitting next to Greg Hough�s father and grandkids. I had no idea who he was, but learned about it as we struck up a conversation after a minor dispute about reserved seating. I was ready to give up my seat for them, but it turned out there was room for us all. He is quite the proud parent. I also got a kick out of seeing the little ones getting all excited about seeing grandpa playing some rock-n-roll guitar. We spoke with him afterwards, and he really enjoyed the concert, and was justifiably proud of his son.

Now, on with the show. There are two opening acts for Petra. Bread of Stone is a group of younglings who seem to have some potential. Farewell June was a fairly entertaining group who has some talented musicians, and a couple of people who really know how to play to the crowd. I liked their blues number. During the break before Petra, their manager came out with a story and a video of Petra�s visit to Peru, and a request for folks to sign up to support poor families in that part of the world. John would later reinforce that message indicating how some of the simple things that we take for granted make such a huge difference in lives.
Given the nature of the Petra event, I wasn�t sure how they were going to work it. They started off with the current lineup. I will leave it to others to share the set list. Suffice it for me to say that the boys put on a wonderful, high energy show. The place was packed, and it was rockin�! As you might expect, it would be difficult to match the energy of the DVD taping in Franklin, and I don�t think they did, but a great time was had by all. John seemed to struggle a little bit with his voice. Whether due to the long hard touring schedule or, as someone indicated, he had a cold, I�m not sure. Regardless, John is a pro, and knows how to compensate without compromising the energy or quality of the show. He did a great job! All the other guys did a fine job, as well. Bob is clearly a master on guitar, and I enjoyed watching him play. He seemed to be into this show, big time, and I think I got a couple of great pics of him. He also was pretty funny at times. I continue to be impressed with Paul and Greg. Paul played two sets last night � with Bread of Stone, and Petra. I was initially impressed with how well he did with BoS, but took it back when he told me he was helping them out on a regular basis. Seriously, I complimented him on his performance on both sets. Greg is always solid on bass, and plays a mean cello, as well.

After the ballad medley, they trotted out the originals for a few songs. They started out with the one and only �Lucas McGraw�. I had never heard this song. I have heard many people asking for it, and Bob commented on how they asked to play this song all over the world, and how they ignored all these requests. Until last night. Frankly, I don�t understand the fuss. It will not become one of my favorites, but they certainly did make it entertaining. I much preferred the remainder of their set, and was favorably impressed with their efforts. The current lineup came back for the big finish. Of course, there was a standing ovation. Most everyone was standing all night, anyway. Of course, they came back for an encore. Bob also said a few words at the end, and did their altar call.

The entire cast of Petra for the evening, current and original lineups, was at the autograph table to meet & greet the fans. Almost everyone in attendance seemed to have stood in line to get autographs and say hello. Our little group waited until the end to go through the line. While waiting, I went back out to the souvenir table. They did a fantastic business on this night. Many of the T-shirt designs they had were sold out! They had a few farewell Ts left, and just a few others. All the CDs were gone! The line finally ended, and I had a chance to tell everybody how I enjoyed the performance, and had a brief chat with John.

It was well after midnight by this point. The Pethead traditional post concert meal was scheduled for the local IHOP. Teri & I opted not to attend this time, as she was terribly tired, and looked it. I was tired too, and Bridget was gracious enough to drop us off at the hotel rather than watch us go headfirst into our omelets. Maybe one of the folks who were there will fill us in on the happenings there.

Next up for us will be the Petra US finale. Well, it�s being advertised as the US finale, anyway. We will be in both Dawsonville, Ga. and Murphy, NC. Hard to believe that it is only a few weeks away, isn�t it?

I�ll be working on getting my pics posted. Meanwhile, if anyone was planning to copy any of my shots from Franklin, you should do that now, as they will likely be coming down, unless I have plenty of space remaining for more pictures. That web address again, is I�ll post the new link when available.

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Post by unlost » Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:36 pm

Looks like you guys covered all the bases....
Petra did more than build a band or ministry, they built my life and a lot others. "Upon this (Petra) I will build my church".
Saying farewell to Petra is like losing an old friend. I was introduced to them in 1982 at a festival called "Agape". Thousands gathered outdoors to hear multiple bands and Petra closed out the night. During their set we all did communion and also everyone had lit candles. The sight was phenomenal. And to think there was Christian music that sounded great was such a joy! I saw them every year for over a decade and they are timeless.
Fast forward to today where my twin boys at 9 years old have just started listening to Petra. But I told them this ws their last year together, so today we are driving to Indiana so they can see them in concert for the first and last time. And the boys were satisfied.
Somehow I guess I thought they would keep playing forever. But they live on in us fans, particularly in the my kids who constantly play their music daily! To them, Petra is not a "farewell", but a discovery.
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Post by calicowriter » Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:19 pm

Sue and Bridget, thank you for taking care of Teri and me while we were there. Apologies for not calling you this morning, but we were up and out of the hotel a little early, and didn�t think you would want us to disturb you at that hour.
Appreciate that! :)

Yes, it was a fun and special day for us as fans, and for the band, especially Bob. I can't add much more to what everyone else has already said, except to say that it was great to hang with you and Teri, and nice to meet everyone else I didn't already know. And Jen, you were a doll. You treated us as if you'd known us a lifetime. I hope you and John D are very happy together.

And thank goodness I didn't make fun of a certain person who said she might cry all the way home, cuz I wasn't 10 minutes out of Ft. Wayne when I let loose. I think you planted subliminal messages!
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Post by Jonathan » Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:51 am

The set list, to the best of my recollection, included:

Regular Set:
It's All About Who You Know
Amazing Grace
Beyond Belief
I Am On The Rock
Jekyll & Hyde
It Is Finished
Judas' Kiss
Lord I Lift Your Name On High
Midnight Oil (!!!)
Mine Field
Think Twice
Sight Unseen
This Means War
We Need Jesus (may have been in encore, but I know they exited after this one.)

Vintage Set:
Bob: Banjo, Electric
John DeGroff: Guitar, Bass
Greg Hough: Mandolin, Electric
Bill Glover: Bass, Drums

Lucas McGraw
Without You I Would Surely Die
Storm Comin'
Walkin' In The Light

Acoustic Set:
Bob: Acoustic
Paul: Djembe
Greg: Cello

Coloring Song
For Annie
Road To Zion
More Power To Ya
No Doubt
Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows

He Came He Saw He Conquered

Without question the greatest Petra experience I have ever witnessed.
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"...We bent our backs and pulled the oars to the beat of Louie's solo..."

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Post by sue d. » Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:56 am

As always, these trips and meeting so many old friends and making new ones are just a sample of what it will be like in heaven, when we're ALL together for eternity. Not only us Petheads will be together, but the ultimate reunion will be with Jesus in the middle of us all. I am SO looking forward to that day!

Yes, it was a wonderful concert - and probably the last one I'm able to see, sans a miracle in getting me down to GA/NC (and brothertom, we're working on that, aren't we??!!).

That "certain person" not only lost it on the way down to the show, during the show and after, but the Kleenex was pretty well gone by the time I drove the 5+ hours back home.

IF I make it down on Dec. 31, I'll really be a basket case afterwards... as will John, I'm sure. Buy up stock in Kleenex... you'll make a fortune!
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Post by callbeyond » Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:20 pm

So is Dec 31st the VERY last Petra concert ever? Man that sounds bad just typing it! :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Post by reoracer » Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:24 pm

Jonathan was pretty close on that setlist. I actually have the entire set list in writing, in order played, and will post it later today or tomorrow, when we get our lives back to normal here.

It was definitely an emotional night. I am just glad I am going to Oklahoma this week as well... I'll be a basket case on the way home from that. Poor John will have to deal with that.

Thanks everyone for the fun and friendhsip!

My review will be up soon.
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Post by reoracer » Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:19 pm

Here is the setlist for the FOrt Wayne concert:

(Current Petra lineup)
All About Who You Know
Amazing Grace
Judas Kiss

Sight Unseen
It Is Finished
Think Twice
I Am On The Rock
Midnight Oil
Mine Field
This Means War
It Is Finished

Jeckyll & Hyde

(acoustic medley, complete with Greg Bailey on cello!):
Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows
Road To Zion
More Power TO Ya
For Annie
No Doubt
The Coloring Song

John led the crowd in I Am A C-H-R...

(Original Petra lineup):
Lucas McGraw
Walking In The Light
Without You (I Would Surely Die)
Storm Comin'

(Current Petra)
Beyond Belief
Bob solo
Lord I Lift Your Name On High


He Came He Saw He Conquered
We Need Jesus

I know this is accurate, I wrote it down myself during the concert :)

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Post by RockOn » Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:58 pm

glad to see you made it to The Zone! It was really great getting to talk with you. Of course we had plenty of time to get to know each other considering we were in the back of a mile-long meet-and-greet line. :)

Don't be a stranger, take care and ROCK ON! 8)
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missed song

Post by wallytheman » Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:56 pm


you missed three blind mice during the reunion part of the concert. bill played and sang it solo, ha ha
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Post by reoracer » Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:57 pm

LOL I had it on my list, but wasn't sure if anyone else caught that.... Good to see you and your wife again.

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Jen Savage-DeGroff

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