New England Concert Input Requested

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New England Concert Input Requested

Post by WildGoose » Sun Jan 04, 2004 9:14 am

I posted this on both and However, I am looking for as much feedback as I can get. Thanks in advance for your replies!
I have made an initial inquiry with H20 (Petra's booking agent) for a possible late Spring date in Central New England (Worcester, MA). A friend and I are considering starting a concert promotion "business". The italics are used because because we really don't expect to make much of a profit. We are more interested in getting back to the roots of early Christian music - as a tool for evangelism. We are both 'number crunchers' by occupation, and know that we simply can't pay to have someone play, no matter how good our intentions. So, we hope to be able to do a little better than break even to give us some padding in the event future concerts come up short. That's the background. Now, here's what I'm hoping for from the members here:

(1) What is a *realistic* turn out these days for Petra with proper promotion? "Proper" means the following: Letters/posters to youth pastors within a 200 mile radius; spots on Christian stations within the same radius; posters at Christian colleges; Contacts to leaders of InterVarsity, Campus Crusade, etc at universities in the immediate area.

(2) What is the going price for tickets for Petra these days? (In advance/door/group discounts)

(3) Who do you think would be an 'ideal' opening act(s) for Petra? (Keep in mind that Petra must approve all opening acts)

(4) If somebody died and left you in charge, what type of special promotion for a Petra concert would you like to see?

Fan boards naturally attract optimists. I ask that you try to be balanced and realistic in your responses.
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Post by PetraFan007 » Sun Jan 04, 2004 9:26 am

I don't know much about this kind of stuff, but I can tell you what would be some good opening acts. You could find some local bands, or find some new bands that are popular but not nationwide popular (yet). I really believe Eternal Decision would be a terrific opening act, followed by a band like Jonah33...who just hit the Christian music scene and could hit it big. I also think, for the girls who like pop, heh, Joel Hanson and/or PfR would be great (I've always wanted to see PfR live, but I've just seen Joel Hanson). That would be a killer lineup and it would please all crowds....from metal to rock to pop. I'd pay $30 to see that. btw, I'm from Woburn, MA. I haven't seen Petra up here since 2000.
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