New Material

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Re: New Material

Post by Mountain Man » Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:32 pm

I remember having to hunt for my copy of "Jekyll & Hyde" because none of the local Christian bookstores bothered to order it. I think I found it at Best Buy of all places, so it doesn't surprise me it wasn't a great seller. But with digital distribution and streaming, albums are more accessible than ever before, so maybe they feel they can actually make a profit since they don't have to fuss around with a physical product.
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Re: New Material

Post by dihigo » Tue Dec 06, 2022 11:05 am

The real question remains will Bob & John continue where they left of with a heavier Jekyll & Hyde sound, or will it be another praise album similar to Vertical Expressions from II Guys from Petra? Alternatively, will they seek a more adult contemporary, radio friendly format akin to God Fixation? I suppose only time will tell. Either way, I look forward to whatever they create.
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Re: New Material

Post by brent » Wed Dec 07, 2022 4:46 pm

Since it's not going to sell what they used to sell, and Christian radio probably isn't going to play it, they should do what they want and RAWWWWWWWWK! Make music they like and don't worry about anyone else.
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Re: New Material

Post by Krich » Tue Jan 24, 2023 6:37 pm

Wow! You guys sure are down on Petra!
wonder why John & Bob are doing this
Because... they like to make music and sing a new songs unto the Lord!

Why else would Christian artists make an album???

Making money is a side bar and shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the list as to WHY we're making a new Petra album. Too many so called "Christian" musicians are so much like the world you can't tell them apart from secular musicians. No surprise there since the Lord told us in His Word that there would be a great falling away before He returns... the goats are separating from the sheep.

Pleasing the Lord comes first... a distant second is inspiring people to turn from their sin (REPENT!) and walk with the Lord.

The Lord should be our first love and pleasing the Father thru Jesus by the Holy Ghost should always be our first and highest priority!

I think these guys should get off their proverbial duff and crank out some new tunes!

You don't "retire" from a calling... if some petheads are now in the old folks homes then Petra can bless them with some new music
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Re: New Material

Post by brent » Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:44 pm

Please take this in the most Christian way, but that's one of the most ignorant posts I have read in a while.

You are over-spiritualizing things, saying Petra is not following a calling or pleasing God because of inactivity when you don't understand how things work. At 70+ years old, they might have other important things to do. Someone has to come up with the cash to play live, write/record and distribute music.

Don't take this the wrong way, but if people are getting any sustenance from any source other than God's Word, they are choking themselves. It's not the responsibility of a band to give people anything. They owe nothing.
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Re: New Material

Post by Mountain Man » Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:32 pm

Thing is, you can't do public ministry like that without money. Even Jesus had people who supported him financially, and a treasurer to keep track of it.
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Re: New Material

Post by dihigo » Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:08 pm

Did we ever get an update on this topic, or is their Fifty anniversary album the "new material?"
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Re: New Material

Post by zman7720000 » Wed Aug 02, 2023 8:22 am

I think they still have some projects in the works, but yes, it seems as if this tour is their focus at the moment.
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Re: New Material

Post by Mountain Man » Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:19 pm

dihigo wrote:
Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:08 pm
Did we ever get an update on this topic, or is their Fifty anniversary album the "new material?"
I hope a compilation is not all we get, but honestly, I'm going to assume new material is not happening until we hear something concrete, like Bob or John saying, "We are in the studio, right now, recording a new album, this is when it will be released, and here is where you can pre-order it."
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Re: New Material

Post by Petrapraise » Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:30 pm

From what I heard, they are still looking for a studio or distributer for a CD. Many are not willing to pick them up, maybe for a lack of total sales. A video will likely be easier from all the concert footage taken.
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Re: New Material

Post by brenthandy » Mon Aug 07, 2023 7:29 am

Krich wrote:
Tue Jan 24, 2023 6:37 pm
Wow! You guys sure are down on Petra!

Why else would Christian artists make an album???
Money. And there is nothing wrong with earning income to provide for their families.

There are LOTS of motivations. There are secular people involved in the CCM INDUSTRY (NOT ministry), and non-believers have been running the Christian companies. At one time, when WORD was at its peak, it was being run by a LOST guy—his testimony, not my accusation. They are in it because they aren't good enough to make it in the secular world, or they are making a style that won't sell elsewhere.

Some Christians play in the secular industry and choose to make more money and impact there. Michael Omartian, Bill Schnee, Dan Huff, and countless other top-tier musicians and producers have produced some of the best music ever. Some are in it for ministry but are also side-hustling as studio session musicians for secular Work.

All of them glorify God by doing what they do with the talents they were given and developed to provide for their families and make the world a better place.
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Re: New Material

Post by Mountain Man » Wed Aug 09, 2023 4:59 pm

Petrapraise wrote:
Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:30 pm
From what I heard, they are still looking for a studio or distributer for a CD. Many are not willing to pick them up, maybe for a lack of total sales. A video will likely be easier from all the concert footage taken.
Forget about a CD. They should do a digital only release. Much cheaper.
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Re: New Material

Post by pmal » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:49 am

It might be cheaper but a CD is much better IMO.
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Re: New Material

Post by Mountain Man » Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:24 pm

pmal wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:49 am
It might be cheaper but a CD is much better IMO.
"Much better" in what way? In terms of sound quality, which is all I care about, there's zero difference between CD audio and lossless FLAC.
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Re: New Material

Post by pmal » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:26 pm

I may sound like a < 50 year old grandpa here, but, IMO, in every way physical media is a better experience. From the materials to the credits to the artwork, it's something that prepares you for a musical trip/adventure. IMO, the sound quality is almost always better as well. It shouldn't be, but it is. Not always, as there have been CD production issues in the past as well, but in my experience I lose something when I burn FLAC to a piece of media. To me, FLAC is only useful for archiving and portability. As a computer programmer, I can really appreciate that functionality and backup. But, there is a big difference in looking at my shelf at CDs/Vinyl, going to the effort of opening up the media and playing it in a physical player, versus just pulling up a file on a computer/phone/thumb drive and playing it. To me, it's just a totally different musical experience.
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