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Post by 74CAPethead » Wed May 02, 2007 11:35 pm

Did most of the Petheads turn into Deadheads just because Petra retired?

Don�t you people want to stand behind Bob & John? What is the problem? I don�t understand why most of you don�t want to help support their ministry�and you call yourselves PETHEADS?!!!!

I�ve been reading MinnesotaPethead�s posts and I�ve wanted to reply but just didn�t know quite what to say! And the reason is, because one year ago I put a post on the Zone asking ALL the Petheads to help sponsor concerts by making a commitment to donate $1.00-$10.00 per month (or whatever they could afford). The donations were to be used to help the churches that want to host a concert but can�t afford it. Like the one that MinnesotaPethead keeps posting about, here is a place that wants to have Bob & John but they just can�t afford to pay for everything! This is a perfect situation where ALL of us can pitch in to help make it happen! What if they could have the concert but they�re $1,500 short, MinnesotaPethead can�t pitch in an extra $1,500 but if 150 of us pitched in $10.00 the problem would be solved! And for all of you that wish that they could come to your State, with ALL of us pitching in�they can!

As soon as I found out that �II Guys� were going to start touring. I asked Pastor Mike Reed, of Calvary Chapel Oceanside, many times about hosting a concert. But every time, he would tell me, �I would love to but we just can�t afford to pay for everything.� And only a handful of Petheads were contributing to the Pethead Sponsored Concert Fund. So I decided if I want them to come to Oceanside then somehow I�m going to have to find another way to get the money. So I prayed, I worked tons of OT, saved, and offered the money to Pastor Mike! And now a show is happening because of it. A few of my friends have said they will pay $50.00 instead of $10.00 for their tickets to help Pastor Mike with the costs too! In fact the Pethead Fund IS being used to sponsor a worship service! How awesome is THAT?? Sue posted a while back, asking all of us that contributed if that was OK, I emailed her my vote and I got Shell�s vote too. But NO ONE else on the Zone answered. This is an example of how every contribution no matter how small does make a difference!

Same with the Marinette, WI show�Sue is contributing to make that happen! Who else has dreams of bringing Bob & John to your State? We can ALL make it happen!

Any of you noticed that John is going to Finland ALONE? You know why? Because the promoter can�t afford to pay for Bob to go too! Why don�t WE send Bob?!

(One of the scenes in the movie Pursuit of Happyness where Will Smith and his Son are playing basketball.)

Will Smith says to his Son:

I don�t know�you know uh�you�ll probably be about as good as I was, that�s kinda the way it works you know and I was below average. So (whoa�he shoots and misses) so you�ll probably ultimately rank somewhere around there you know so really you�ll excel at a lot of things just not this, so I don�t want you out here shooting this ball around here all day and night�all right?

His Son gets discouraged and doesn�t want to play anymore.

Then Will feels bad and says to his Son:

Hey�don�t ever let somebody tell you, you can�t do something, not even me�all right? You got a dream, you gotta protect it! People can�t do somethin� themselves they want to tell you, you can�t do it! If you want somethin� go get it! PERIOD!

So MinnesotaPethead�how much money do they need? I would be glad to pitch in! I hope that ALL of you Petheads will not continue to be Deadheads and help support our II Guys from Petra! They were ALWAYS there when we needed them (ministering to us through their songs), now they need ALL OF US�we�re Facing the Giants (radio, record labels, marketing etc.)�are you in? Are we a TEAM? Well come on then�lets go�PETHEADS�PETHEADS�PETHEADS!!!!!
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Post by Mexican Spud » Thu May 03, 2007 12:03 am

WOW!!! Very well written. Your are right. I have to do something about this.
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Post by somewhere » Fri May 04, 2007 12:57 pm

Maybe you should change it to retiredheads instead of deadheads. :D
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Post by sue d. » Sat May 05, 2007 3:20 pm

You say you want Petra and not II Guys.
Define Petra. Who is Petra? Is it Bob? Is it John? Is it Greg? Is it Paul?
Is it all four??
Petra is a band. You want a band. You are looking for the glitz the glamour, the rock show. The dream team, the glory days.

John and Bob want to give you their heart, their soul, their ministry as II Guys and you don�t want it.
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Post by SamScales » Sat May 05, 2007 3:27 pm

Have you seen them in concert lately as IIGuys?
Have you seen the reaction of the crowd as John and Bob share their talents, their
stories their hearts. Lives are being touched at their concerts, as much and maybe
more so as with Petra.

These guys have sacrificed a lot throughout their lifetime. Their kids grew up without
them most of the time while they were out there ministering to YOU!
Their wives were at home handling all the daily tasks of keeping a home by themselves so that their husbands could follow and fulfill the call that God put upon their lives.

In you saying that you don�t want II Guys is like a kick in the teeth to two ministers of God.

Don�t you think that John and Bob were ordained by God to follow this call to bring YOU this music that you have so enjoyed over the years??? Now you are saying that that�s just not good enough for you anymore.
Basically you are saying that the new direction God is taking them into is not what you want. But what you want may not be what GOD wants, and Bob and John will always
and have always followed God�s direction in their lives and so they should.

A lot of times what we WANT is not what we need, and GOD alone knows what we NEED and maybe in such a time as this, we NEED IIGuys to minister to us.

Psalm 100 Ministries
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I want 'em

Post by trodLAN » Sat May 05, 2007 3:50 pm

I want II Guys, I want even more of them!
I'm really looking forward to their concerts in Norway this summer.
They are the dream-team of Petra, and they are such a blessing in my life. We all need a lot more of Jesus, and a less of rock'n'roll.
Few people moves hearts like these guys do in their concerts!
I'm so glad they are following God's plan and directions with their lives!
They may reunite one day as Petra, (who knows) but right now God is using them as "II Guys from Petra". And I just love their music and their ministry!
Remember to pray for them, everyone,- And also you: petrafan1.

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Post by sue d. » Sat May 05, 2007 10:40 pm

all i am saying is that i am not a big fan of the music style on ve
But that's not what you said. You didn't mention music or styles or genre. You said you did not want II Guys.

That statement implies that you do not want what John and Bob are now.... which encompasses more than just the musical style.
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Being a Pethead

Post by JMBJR72 » Sun May 06, 2007 9:07 am

Right now, I have large medical bills but when I get finished I plan on giving.
If you listen to ve it sounds like Petra with keyboards.Who produced ve Jim Cooper Petra's keyboardist. As for the main stays John and Bob are Petra. Maybe it is not what you were want it to be. Yes it light and alought it is not heavy it is Petra. Who knows what the future holds we just have wait, see and pray!
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Post by Shell » Sun May 06, 2007 12:47 pm

We all have our favorite Petra era; I love the dream team too-I can manage to find something about every Petra era and album that I like even if I like some more than others. I tend to be a creature of habit too, once I get used to something it may take me awhile to adjust to any changes. :)

These guys still have a lot to offer even if they may not be the "Petra" we're used to. VE is a wonderful praise album worth checking out. And Julie's right, $5 or $10 from each of us would add up. If we want concerts, we should be willing to help out as much as we can. I know not everyone may be able to or may be especially led to do this, but we could accomplish a lot if we'd unite in this.

And above all, we should pray for them.
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Post by charl » Mon May 07, 2007 2:11 am

I would buy everything they did from Bob, but not having a credit card puts the kibosh on that.
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Boy! This whole thread bugs me to no end!

Post by misterbob » Mon May 07, 2007 9:40 am

Why am I responsible for supporting II Guys? I love the music. I buy tickets when I can. I buy their CDs. I also love supporting my home church, missions, other Christian musicians, my family, other outreaches and, God forbid, so-called secular causes like the Cancer that took most of my family from me. Please know that most of us get your point but your tone, simply put, stinks!
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Post by Shell » Mon May 07, 2007 10:14 am

I think we've all vented or expressed frustration here at some time or another. I don't think Julie is saying anyone is "responsible for supporting" 2 Guys, and going to concerts and buying their CDs is a perfectly valid way to do that. She's simply saying if we want to see them at our churches is we should be willing to help out, it takes money to do that. Many of us were pretty vocal about their ministry when they were still officially Petra.

Apathy in the church is a problem on a lot of different levels, has been for a long time, but that's a topic for another thread.
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Post by misterbob » Mon May 07, 2007 10:23 am

...I respectfully disagree. Throughout my time on the various incarnations of the Zone, there have been many times where someone has posted something like this and the only purpose of such a posting is to guilt others into stepping up to the plate.

I could easily argue...and THIS TOO WOULD BE IMPROPER...that Bob and John could (or should have) earned enough money over the years that these small-scale events would only cost airfare and a love offering or honorarium. That would be a rude and unfair assessment on my part but I cannot help but look at other bands that have taken similar steps over the years (most notably Carman with his frequent no charge concert options).

I think that most of us like the new music and are glad that they have had the chance to continue moving for Christ! Most bands don't ask for this type of support (and in this case they really aren't asking but, rather, us "Petheads" are doing the asking)...at least the ones that I've ever known.

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Post by Shell » Mon May 07, 2007 11:02 am

Okay, that's your opinion, and you have as much right to that as anybody else. But by the same token, it's unfair to assume Julie is just trying to make people feel guilty, and you do have the option of saying "I've chosen not to" or not responding.

It can be difficult to really say you "know" someone simply by reading a post on a message board. You can only get a limited idea at best of what someone might mean or what their motives are by what you read on the Internet.

I've met Julie personally and I've had contact with her by e-mail and I can say with confidence she has a good heart and her motive here isn't to make people feel guilty.

Bob and John may not have "asked" for this per se, but I'm sure they're glad for the help they've had from Sue, Sam and Julie.
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Post by p-freak » Mon May 07, 2007 12:38 pm

I believe that it would be better if there would be so much local support for a II Guys performance that the local community would be able to raise the needed funds. But I'm aware that many local communities might not be able to find the necessary money.

If we really would want to develop some kind of financial support system for places where they cannot afford to bring Bob & John, perhaps the II Guys Club would be a good idea. I guess many of us would gladly become a member of the II Guys Club when they know that the monthly donation (and I would suggest a minimum of $5-10) would benefit some local community that wouldn't be able to bring II Guys without financial support. And as a II Guys Club member you would receive the songs and bobcasts. I would much rather endorse this than Food For The Hungry. And by the way, I don't have the financial position that I can donate $28 a month for a long time.
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