US Govt Health Jay Sekulow etc.

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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by brent » Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:38 pm

My friend John Penner, was the tour manager and bass player for Junior Brown when I toured with them. John's wife is from Germany. Canada paid for John's wife/family to move to the US, study a certain type of brain surgery, then move to Canada, where she would work for a LOOOOONG time to repay the debt. They can't believe we are headed to a Canadian system, want it, or will work with it. They get their health care in the US when they need it. They know the ins and outs, earn a living by it. They said that old sick people with things like cancer are screwed. If you are old, sick, you are a drain on the system and are shuffled to the rear of the line. No thanks.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by BForm » Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:20 am

I know there will be people that get upset over this, but this is my take on what I've seen having several Canadian customers over the past 20 years. Young, relatively healthy Canadians typically love their system. But many of the business owners I have dealt with have confessed that when they, or their family members, have serious health issues, they will often have to look elsewhere. I've known people who have taken sick parents into the US because the wait was too long in Canada. One from Vancouver even said the Canadian system was killing his father. Fortunately he had the money to go elsewhere. I know of another that has traveled to the US multiple times and even to South America.

I have MANY European friends as well. Even though they are generally protective of their system, and are absolutely filled with misunderstandings about ours, get them to relax at dinner and they start opening up about horror stories in their own systems as well. I've had Germans admit that emergency rooms are so crowded with elderly people coming to have every bump and bruise examined that those with serious chest pains have been known to sit and wait until they died of heart attacks. We're being sold a lot of crap about how good other countries have it.

What bothers me most about these arguments is there seems to be one critical false assumption that is made by those that advocate more/better government control. That is, the evil private sector needs to be controlled by the good guys in government. That is the biggest load of crap. Corruption runs rampant in both the private and public sector. The problem is, the corruption in government has virtually limitless power. Our founding fathers understood this and that is why I believe they rightly determined that the government's role needs to be limited. Corruption will be with us until the Lord sets everything in order. Until then, endlessly giving government more and more power is just feeding a beast until it becomes uncontrollable, and we become slaves.

But, for those of you that are advocating this, congratulations. You are getting what you want. Just remember that in a few years.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by executioner » Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:58 am

BForm wrote:I know there will be people that get upset over this, but this is my take on what I've seen having several Canadian customers over the past 20 years. Young, relatively healthy Canadians typically love their system. But many of the business owners I have dealt with have confessed that when they, or their family members, have serious health issues, they will often have to look elsewhere. I've known people who have taken sick parents into the US because the wait was too long in Canada. One from Vancouver even said the Canadian system was killing his father. Fortunately he had the money to go elsewhere. I know of another that has traveled to the US multiple times and even to South America.

I have MANY European friends as well. Even though they are generally protective of their system, and are absolutely filled with misunderstandings about ours, get them to relax at dinner and they start opening up about horror stories in their own systems as well. I've had Germans admit that emergency rooms are so crowded with elderly people coming to have every bump and bruise examined that those with serious chest pains have been known to sit and wait until they died of heart attacks. We're being sold a lot of crap about how good other countries have it.

What bothers me most about these arguments is there seems to be one critical false assumption that is made by those that advocate more/better government control. That is, the evil private sector needs to be controlled by the good guys in government. That is the biggest load of crap. Corruption runs rampant in both the private and public sector. The problem is, the corruption in government has virtually limitless power. Our founding fathers understood this and that is why I believe they rightly determined that the government's role needs to be limited. Corruption will be with us until the Lord sets everything in order. Until then, endlessly giving government more and more power is just feeding a beast until it becomes uncontrollable, and we become slaves.

But, for those of you that are advocating this, congratulations. You are getting what you want. Just remember that in a few years.
I think both sides have a point but will say the ones in the international community that say all is well with their health care system are ones that rarely use it or use it for the small minor things. The one thing I will point out is that internationally the words "your terminal" are diagnosed at a higher percentage than here in U.S. and unlike here these people are less likely to receive the care they need; most of the time they are just made comfortable until they die.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by executioner » Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:04 am

Matthew RJ wrote:Actually I did read the link, and it presupposes you have cash and can afford health insurance. If you're wealthy, sure it's a great system you Americans have.

I'm not saying Canadian health care is the best in the world, but I'm thankful for the system we have, and it's a system that takes care of everyone.
And yes, there are those few Canadians who complain, and the US right-wing media give them a platform to air their complaints. But I can counter your anecdotal evidence Brent with another story of someone getting a personal call from a knee surgeon saying, "I'll take you ASAP." No bump to the back of the line, or year long wait.

Besides, this whole thread started with someone questioning John being political. I said once, and I'll say it again, I don't care for it but it won't stop me from enjoying good music.
This is what the world is about the have/have nots and will be present until the Jesus returns; this world is very sinful and God says some will suffer more than others, and once again I will point out that it is solely the churches and Christians responsibility to take care of the poor & needy and the only reason why the government seems to think they need to is because they want complete control of every aspect of our lives.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by brent » Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:25 pm

Health care as again you change the target after the bullet has fired. Caring for the poor and medical care are two different things.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by calicowriter » Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:24 pm

I realize this subject has gone way off topic, but I just wanted to say something about health care changes AND taking care of our fellow man.

My roommate and best friend for 50 years died last month after a 6 year battle with pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension. She was already on disability from lupus (2003) when it attacked her lungs. She was originally told she's be lucky to make it six months, then after they got it under some control told her 5 years would be a miracle. Well she made it over 6. And the main reason? She was taking a new drug called Tracleer that stopped the pulmonary hypertension. That drug cost $6000 a month. Do you think she had that kind of money? No. But, her Medicare Advantage health insurance DID cover it. The only problem was the donut hole, which was Several thousands a year that she did not have. But her doctor's office put her in touch with the Caring Voice Coalition, a charity that pays for respiratory medicines. They would pay the deductible and donut hole amount every year. Once she was in catastrophic coverage, the amount they paid each month was a lot less.

This is going to sound terrible, but it turns out she died at a good time. You see, Obamacare does away with Medicare Advantage for people on disability -- it's still around for now for folks over 65, but if you are on Medicare because of disability, you are out of luck. Apparently her insurance company automatically referred her case to the state Medicaid office. Since she has died, I have gotten several pieces of mail from them saying she is not eligible for food stamps, nor supplemental income, nor the state's Medicaid insurance. I don't know what we would have done. I work in the office where the state's high risk insurance pool is and I hear the rates the people have to pay -- usually $500 to $800 a month!

So yes, in my mind, Obamacare need to be repealed or very revised. And praise God for charities that are standing in the gap to help those who can't afford their care. I'll bet no one in Canada is getting Tracleer from their medical system.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by Shell » Sat Oct 26, 2013 7:33 pm

I'm sorry about your friend Bridget. Lupus, pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension are such terrible diseases. Things are scary now as far as health care, but the ones who are really going to be affected by all this are those who are the ages of my nieces and nephews...8 to 22.
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Re: New take on Never Been Any Reason

Post by brent » Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:51 am

calicowriter wrote:I realize this subject has gone way off topic, but I just wanted to say something about health care changes AND taking care of our fellow man.

My roommate and best friend for 50 years died last month after a 6 year battle with pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension. She was already on disability from lupus (2003) when it attacked her lungs. She was originally told she's be lucky to make it six months, then after they got it under some control told her 5 years would be a miracle. Well she made it over 6. And the main reason? She was taking a new drug called Tracleer that stopped the pulmonary hypertension. That drug cost $6000 a month. Do you think she had that kind of money? No. But, her Medicare Advantage health insurance DID cover it. The only problem was the donut hole, which was Several thousands a year that she did not have. But her doctor's office put her in touch with the Caring Voice Coalition, a charity that pays for respiratory medicines. They would pay the deductible and donut hole amount every year. Once she was in catastrophic coverage, the amount they paid each month was a lot less.

This is going to sound terrible, but it turns out she died at a good time. You see, Obamacare does away with Medicare Advantage for people on disability -- it's still around for now for folks over 65, but if you are on Medicare because of disability, you are out of luck. Apparently her insurance company automatically referred her case to the state Medicaid office. Since she has died, I have gotten several pieces of mail from them saying she is not eligible for food stamps, nor supplemental income, nor the state's Medicaid insurance. I don't know what we would have done. I work in the office where the state's high risk insurance pool is and I hear the rates the people have to pay -- usually $500 to $800 a month!

So yes, in my mind, Obamacare need to be repealed or very revised. And praise God for charities that are standing in the gap to help those who can't afford their care. I'll bet no one in Canada is getting Tracleer from their medical system.
Sorry to hear about your friend. This story will not be unique unfortunately. I know of situations like this personally. Obama care will kill people because it is a one-size, does not fit all "solution". Obama care is NOT insurance.
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Re: US Govt Health Jay Sekulow etc.

Post by zman7720000 » Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:09 pm

John Elefante was on Moody Radio's Chris Fabry Live today! John mentions Petra, John Schlitt and Lou Gramm of Foreigner as well as some other Christian rockers! The subject of the program was Johns new CD ''On My Way To The Sun'' and the single ''This Time'' given the subject matter I thought it was appropriate for this thread.
Enjoy! ... 689&hour=1
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