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Fast & Prayer Day

Post by SamScales » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:17 am

Anyone remember? I kinda slipped up the last two Tuesdays but remembered today!

So I'm going to post a prayer..........

Dear Lord Jesus,

We thank You so much for the love You constantly shower upon us. We thank You for Your grace, the way of forgiveness You have made for us and that through Your blood we are washed whiter than snow and can come before the Father's throne in all boldness.

Lord there are a few people that I would like to pray for.

First off, since this is the Petra message board, I do want to lift up Bob, John, Greg and Paul to you as they've been the last ones to end Petra's ministry as a band. I thank You Lord for their faithfulness and we all know that You have much more work for them in store as minister's of the gospel individually. So I pray that You would guide them and plant their feet upon a solid path and help them to focus their eyes upon You and not turn to the right nor to the left but fix their eyes upon the object of their faith which is - You and press on towards the goal that You have set for each and everyone of them.

They are a letter to everyone, written in their hearts, known and read by all men; being mainfested that they are a letter of Christ, cared for by all of us, as we pray for them, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts! Lord You have used these men and this ministry to touch all of our hearts, we have worshipped You through their music, we have been brought before Your throne, many have received Christ and many have kept on the path of righteousness by being encouraged through those songs! Lord I can't count the many times "No Doubt" has made me remember to keep trusting, or "First Love" to remember where my heart should be!

May the eyes of their heart be enlightened so that they may always know the hope of their calling and what the riches are of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints. Keep them firmly planted in the soil of Your marvelous love and guide them to be steadfast in Your truth! Show them the path to the future You have planned for them and I thank You Lord that they will continue to stay faithful to their calling that YOu have placed upon their lives.
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Post by SamScales » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:25 am

I want to also lift up Cat & MJ,

They have been such good friends to me Lord and I ask that You would show them that they are blessed. Help them to stand upon the promises in Your word and resist the devil for he has to flee, for he does not stand a chance against a child of the living God. He can taunt all he wants, but he has no chance of success.

Remind Cat and MJ that they are blessed and that You have established them as a Holy people to Your self and all the people of the earth shall know that they are called. Open for them the storehouse of heaven, Father and give rain to their land and bless all the work of their hands so that they can lend to many and not borrow. Thank You Lord for their deisre to serve You in so many ways. May their music be blessed, their voices and talents Father and may You take that to the utmost.

I personally thank You for MJ's talent of doing webwork and knowing all this computer stuff, it sure has been a blessing and I know he's been a blessing to many others. Lord open the doors for MJ to get justice in wages, so that he will be compansated for his experience properly!

I pray that You would strengthen their marriage and their love for one another. For two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. Furthermore, if two lie down together, they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.

Together they shall be strong and together they shall stand against the enemy for You are right in the midst of them, being that third strand.

Thank You Lord - we praise You and adore You for Your unending goodness towards us. AMEN
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Post by SamScales » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:34 am

Lord, I want to lift up my dear sister and friend Sue to you,

She's been such a blessing and such an encouragment through many months and even a few years of heartache and struggles. Lord, she's always had a listening ear and a sympathetic heart. Her desire is so much to reach out and encourage people who have gone through hard times. Lord as her life has changed so much and many things have happened, I thank You Lord that You've always been her strength, even when it sometimes doesn't seem like that, You are always there for You will never forsake the righteous nor have Your seed begging bread!

Thank You Father that You comfort her and give her direction in all decisions she has to make, that You make the path straight before her feet so that she will know the way to walk and that as YOu speak to her You give her listening ears and a sensitive spirit, so that she will hear Your voice when You say to her, walk this way and walk that way!

Thank You that You are her provider and that all her needs are met for You already know what she needs before she even speaks it. Strengthen her feeble arms and her legs when they get weak and lead her, as she abides under the shadow of Your wings. Let her heart's desire always be to seek Your kingdom first, not be anxious for anything, for You will add all these things to her that she is in need of.

Help her to continue to press on towards her dream, for the dream comes through much effort...........

As she has always loved You, thank You that You will deliver her, that You set her securely on high because she knows Your Name. She will call upon You and You will answer her, You will be with her in trouble and You will rescue her and honor her. With long life You will satisfy her and let her behold Your salvation.

Thank You that You are her avenger and that she will get justice in all wrongs done to her and that You will restore unto her 7 fold what was stolen from her! Thank You Jesus that You are her kinsman redeemer!

Hallelujah, we praise You and adore You. AMEN
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Post by SamScales » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:45 am

Lord I also want to lift up Elo to you,

She's really been going through some struggles with school and the ton of work she has to do. Lord, You've given her wisdom from above, You give strength to the weak and You are the abiding grace that will lift her up. She walks in the light of the Son, for You are light and she has fellowship with You and Your people. She's not alone and her steps are ordered and solid and firm.
If she lacks wisdom, Lord, let her ask of You, for You will grant it generously and without reproach to all who will ask, help her to always stand in faith, never doubt, for she is not one that will be like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. Lord, by Your grace, power and strength, she is a blessed woman who perserveres under trial for she's been approved, she wil receive the crown of life which YOu have promised to those who love You.

she maybe afflicted in every way, but she's not crushed, she maybe perplexed, but she's not gonna be despairing; she maybe persecuted, but she's definitely not forsaken and even though she is struck down, she will never ever be destroyed, for she's Your child always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus so that the LIFE of Jesus may also be manifested in her motral flesh, in her life, her mind, her attitude and her being!

Thank You for strengthening this warrior of the gospel and keeping her on the path of righteousness, always knowing what to do, the right way to go and the good choices to make. Make straight her path, O Lord and I thank You that she desires to follow You all her life. In Jesus Name I pray. AMEN
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Post by SamScales » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:53 am

Father, I also want to pray over the calling that You have placed on my friend Bridget's life as You gave her the desire and opened the door for her to write John's book.

As of today, she continues to patiently wait for a publisher to pick up that book. Lord, as she and many have prayed many times for You to move in that situation, we know that You have already heard those prayers and now I do want to thank You that You bring about the answer quickly and that we can see the answer manifested in the physical. Thank You that the publisher that You have chosen will respond to Your call and that he will say - "I'm gonna do this"! May the blessings flow from Your throne concerning this book for the sake of Bridget, John and all those who will be touched by this book - hopefully hundreds and thousands who will give their life to Christ, because they read about something in there of how their own lives are and see the power of the arm of God who can change a life from guttermost to uttermost!!!

Lord for Bridget personally I also thank You that You already have THE perfect job lined up for her. Help her to find it, see it, seek it out and go apply, Lord and then grant her so much favor that the people can't help it but want to hire her for better pay than she'd ever expected to get, because - that's the favor of the Lord. I pray for Your favor upon her life, her job, her finances, any situation that she comes across. Favor is hers, Lord, for she is Your child.

Thank YOu Father for such amazing kindness, blessing and love!

In Jesus Name I pray. AMEN
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Post by SamScales » Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:04 am

For all the Petheads on this zone I pray:

May they lift up their souls to You and trust in You. Do not let them be ashamed, O God nor let their enemies exult over them. None of those who wait for You will ever be ashamed. Make them know Your ways O Lord; and teach them Thy paths. Lead them in Your truth and teach them for You ae the God of their salvation. If there is someone one this board who does not know You - Oh, Lord I pray that this day You would draw them as they read these Words that are written in Your book which is life unto all those that read them and health to all their flesh!

May we all wait upon Thee all day long and mayb ew remember Your compassiona dn Your lovingkindness for they have been from of old.
Do not remember the sins of our youth or our transgressions according to your lovingkindness remember Thou us, for Thy goodness sake, O Lord.

Good and upright is the Lord and He instructs sinners in the way and He leads the humble in justice and He teaches the humble His way.

Remind everyone here that all the paths of You are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep Your covenant and Your testimonies. For Your name's sake, O Lord, pardon our iniquity for it is great. Who is the man who fears the Lord? You wil instruct him in the way he should choose. Thank You Lord that You instruct us in the way we are to go and help us to choose the right path when it is put before us. Oh our soul will abide in prosperity and our descendants will inherit the land!

The secred of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and You will make them know Your coventant. That's awesome Lord!

May their eyes be continually toward You Lord, for You will pluck out their feet out of any net that they got caught up in. Turn unto them and be gracious to them for there maybe some who are lonely and afflicted, who's troubles of their hearts are enlarged - bring them out of their distresses. Look upon their affliction and their trouble and forgive all their sins. Look upon their enemies and grant them justice and guard their souls and deliver them and let them not be ashamed and help them to run to You and take refuge in You. Let integrity and uprightness preserve them as they wait for Thee. Thank You that You redeem everyone who calls upon YOu.

Thank You Lord for Your provisions, Your care and Your love for every person that comes on this board, their families and friends and for all mankind. May they see the love You have for them through Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. AMEN.
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Post by Shell » Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:12 am

Those were wonderful prayers, Sam, and I'll add an Amen. I think the Tuesday prayer and fast day is important and we should do our best to continue it.

I have several family members and several friends who travel a lot, I'd like to ask God's protection and blessings while they're on the road.
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Post by ctwomn » Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:42 pm

Thanks sam for the awesome words of encouragemnet today! i needed them! I have to go get ready for the party!!! I wish you guys could be there....and Sue, bridgette and spud too!!!:)
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thank you sam *hug*

Post by epdc » Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:52 am

I could use your prayer right now, sigh..... :-(

I really feel like crying.... I know other peoples opinions shouldnt matter but....sigh. I would like to meet a person who would say to me: "ya know what? , you have this personality and i think is great, i dont think theres something wrong with you, i dont think you need to change...."

People always tell me i should go out more (I do, but ya know, im the kind of person who goes out to dinner, to the movies and relax stuff), they mean going to parties, get drunk and go to clubs and stuff... I have been in parties and let me tell ya: I just dont fit in and not because im bad but because thats just not my environment.... but people dont see it like that... people think i dont have fun enough. Some have dare to say that I would have a boyfriend if i would go to parties and that I REALLY need one, that would make me a lot of good.

Maybe you think those are stupid comments... and ya know, they are, but sometimes im in a very sensitive mood (like now) and I get hurt very bad...Why cant people accept me for who I am?. I gotta say not all the people i know is like that. my friends from school specifically for example definitely dont think that. but for example the people i work with see me like that. some even think is stupid i have friends online....sniff.

donpt know , im just very depress right now and just cant sleep...I was very hurted today...sniff...... can somebody give me a hug and pray for me...

i mean, for example the boyfriend thing.... do i need to smoke, get drunk, wear tight and short dresses and go to parties "to get one"?, is that the whole thing? sniff, don�t know i was very hurted today, i played the tough person, i acted like "whatever" but i�m very hurted, so hurt that i can�t sleep....

believe petheads (crying), i have tried my best to fit in (in my job).... but ya know what? i just can�t, i jus t can�t allright!!!!!i don�t know how to dance, i don�t drink, i don�t have sexual experience like the rest (not that i want all that), i don�t flirst with guys either way small and tight dresses......

I have been in reunions with them and all the schlitt i hear is: why are you so serious???" blablabla, guys, the people that already know me in person know that i LOVE to talk (lol) but, what things can i talk about with this people??? is not that they wanna hear what i have to say....

ya know, forget it, i�m just very very hurt right now, i�ll take a pill or something for sleeping....
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

I love this verse!!!!!!

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Post by Shell » Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:58 am

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time, sweetie. And no, you do not have to party to have someone to go out with. The people who tell you that are the ones who are stupid. And the guys who only like girls who party are stupid. They don't have lasting relationships. You hang in there, God will put the right person in your life. Don't waste your time with people who are telling you these lies.
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Post by sue d. » Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:36 pm

Thanks for the prayers, Sam. That was great! You'll have to post it on the Zone itself next time.... keep people remembering the guys.

Elo - here's a quote that is on our school board outside on the building. It is meant for you today:

You can't base your life on other people's expectations

In other words - live your OWN life the way YOU want it to. If other people want you to act a different way - do not do it just to please them.

There is no rush to get a boyfriend - and if you have to act different, go to parties, get drunk to have one - then he is not worth it. Boys need to like you for who you are - not what you are trying to be.

If you try to be someone else - eventually you will go back to your normal self, and then the boyfriend or girl friend will not understand and they will leave you, because they never saw the REAL you. And you will end up being unhappy too and even feeling worse.

You must be strong and tell these people that you are who you are and you do NOT want to change and pretend to be someone else.

There is nothing special about being a party animal.... I never was into that scene either. I went and had fun, but I had MY kind of fun, not someone else's.

And maybe if your friends are so set on trying to change you - then maybe they are not very good friends to begin with.

Maybe you need to find some other kinds of people who DO like to do the things you like... there is nothing wrong with being the quiet person.
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Post by epdc » Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:24 pm

i know all those things, and i`m so agree with you guys. sorry for exploding yesterday, i don`t know, i was very sensitive yesterday and when they "attacked" me i took it incredibly bad....

I know is gonna be prolly an everyday struggle :p but i feel better now :)

sometimes people is sooo like UUUGGGHHHHHH i mean, they judge everything different than them. now thinking about it it was stupid. for example if i say that i have friends on the states and i talk about some of you specifically people tend to say stupid and ignorant things like "you should get friends in real life" ya know and i do have friends here.

i don`t know, even though hermosillo (where i live) is a city sometimes is just like a ranch or a smalltown when people can be very close minded in some things...

thanks God i have some friends in school and others from church that i really get along with them :), don`t know, i was very sensitive yesterday and the people was just being annoying, everything got together ya know.

thank you for your patience... HUGS
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...He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing...
Zephaniah 3:17

I love this verse!!!!!!

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Post by Shell » Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:59 pm

You don't need to apologize for being upset, Elo; it's normal to be upset when you're dealing with that sort of thing. Just don't listen to the lies. And yeah, there have been some pretty solid friendships develop here. :)
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