Starting a dialog with the Corrupt Christian Music webmaster

A place for Petra fans to discuss other topics
Pethead Fanatic
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their website.

Post by gman » Mon Mar 22, 2004 8:06 am

They make a lot of good points on their site and give people something to think about. However, I maintain that none of that stuff has anything to do with whether the music can be good or not, whether it can be used by God. For every Christian artist that does bad, I'm sure you can find a non christian artist that does good. It's not a music issue but a heart issue. Their basic belief is that the music is not neutral, it is bad and of the devil. They have no real support for that so they instead go after these side issues.
If christian music is bad becuase a particular group does something bad, or a person does bad, then secular music must be good because a band gave money to feed the poor, help help the homeless, help Africa or whatever.
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