Passion of The Christ

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Post by Petrafan4life79 » Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:18 pm

Debbie, you were asking if churches renting out theaters will be a turn-off to the lost...I'm guessing most unsaved people will go on an invite by a Christian friend or relative. And some may feel intimidated like they're gonna get 'Bible thumped' by the droves of Christians that'll be there. But then again, we may be pleasantly surprised at how many unsaved show up. :wink:
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Re: I noticed

Post by Michael » Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:09 am

executioner wrote:I want to see the ratings for this, because the Gospel was given on national prime time television.
17 Million viewers: news story about movie's upcoming opening
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Re: The Passion

Post by Michael » Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:11 am

Petrafan4life79 wrote:A couple people I've talked to have said they're waiting til it comes out on DVD to rent before they see it.
Tell them they need to go see it in a theater. Any movie is judged by its ticket sales in the first couple of weekends; if they want to see it be a box-office success, they need to vote with their wallets and go see it on the big screen in the first couple of weeks.
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Post by epdc » Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:26 pm

we are not takin CS like the Bible, we just thought his ideas were interesting...
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Post by winterlens » Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:55 am

Matthew RJ wrote:Just to pick up the loose CSL thread:

That part of Last Battle troubles me, and if you really want to confuse the discussion, let's consider Great Divorce.

All this to say, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Would you reject his work for this odd .01% (in a work of fantasy!) while the rest is a blessing and timeless for the Church in all ages?
Let's stir up the fire a little more--no surprise from this corner. Try John 6:44, 65. No one can come to Christ unless God draws him. (Most of the time, people kind of try to get around this by saying that God draws everyone--but this very evidently isn't what Jesus meant when he said it.)

But perhaps a more pertinent question, and the one that Mel raised in the interview, is whether or not those who do not believe in God can go to heaven. Could an athiest, for instance?
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Post by Michael » Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:43 am

winterlens wrote:Try John 6:44, 65. No one can come to Christ unless God draws him.
I'll see your John 6:44, 65 and raise you a John 12:32... [Jesus said] "But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." So is God the Father doing the drawing, or is Jesus the Son doing the drawing?
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Post by micah » Fri Feb 20, 2004 6:52 pm

whatever the case, my interpretation of this stuff is that everyone is drawn -- at least once in their life. At that point if they reject the message, they may or may not be able to accept it later. And they may not be able to accept it now but WILL be able to later.
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Post by Pethead1 » Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:45 pm

I found this and thought ya'll would like to read it.

� 2004

Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" won't be released until Wednesday, but it's already one of the most controversial films in history.

For months Gibson has been showing rough cuts of the movie to religious leaders in an effort to stem mounting criticism that his interpretation of the last hours of Jesus' life will foster anti-Semitism.

And now America's most prominent film critics, Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper are weighing in.

This weekend on their nationally syndicated show, they're offering an exclusive early review of the completed version of Mel Gibson's new film.

Ebert and Roeper made the following remarks about the film and the controversy surrounding its release:

ROEPER: ''This is the most powerful, important and by far the most graphic interpretation of Christ's final hours ever put on film. Mel Gibson is a masterful storyteller, and he has created a 2,000-year-old world brimming with authentic details.''

EBERT: ''I was also deeply moved by 'The Passion of the Christ', which in excruciating details does follow the blood-soaked Stations of the Cross. Christianity has focused on the physical wounds of Jesus to show that he suffered, as well as died, for man's sins, and this movie makes it real.''

ROEPER: ''As for concerns of anti-Semitism: Caiphas does lead the call for Jesus to die, and Pontius Pilate is depicted as more conflicted than most historical records indicate. But other temple leaders question the rush to condemn Jesus, and it's the Roman soldiers who are portrayed as sadistic animals throughout this film. This movie does not blame all Jews past and present for the death of Jesus, a descendant of Judah.''

EBERT: ''It's a very great film. It's the only religious film I've seen with the exception of The Gospel According to Matthew, by Pasolini, that really seems to deal directly with what happened instead of with all kinds of sentimental eyes, cleaned up, post card versions of it.''

ROEPER: ''With 'The Passion of the Christ,' I know there'll be protest groups in front of the theater. I hope they at least go into the theater and see the movie first, and then decide if they want to protest the actual film.''

EBERT: ''I think the controversy was very premature and was based on people that hadn't seen the film, and who are going to be a little surprised at what's actually in the film.''
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Post by Mountain Man » Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:02 pm

I had the priviledge of seeing this film last night. Frankly, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing.

Is it violent? Absolutely, almost right from the start (the film starts with Jesus' arrest), but it's not gratuitous. The violence was shown for what it was, without commentary or editorialization leaving the audience to draw their own conclussions.

The most troubling and difficult to watch scene was the scourging of Jesus as Mel Gibson pulled no punches. The detail was excruciating in its exactness and make-up effects created an extremely realistic and brutal portrayal of this moment. You literally saw the weapons of torture biting into Jesus' flesh. It makes me squirm with unease just to think about it.

But the whole time, it was made clear that Jesus was an innocent man who gave up his life for his tormentors (and all of man kind) because his Father willed it. "Don't you realize that I have the power to crucify you or set you free?" Pilot challenged at one point. "You have no power over me other than what has been given to you by my Father," was Jesus' reply.

A particular poignent moment when Jesus is being nailed to the cross, he's crying out in agony, but his words are not anger but "Forgive them! Forgive them, Father!" It's at this point, when the Roman soldiers appear to be at their cruelest, that Gibson cuts to a flashback scene with Jesus on a hillside admonishing those listening, "I tell you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. If you love those who love you, what is the reward in that?" Never has this verse carried greater weight than when you realize that Jesus was not just pontificating but preaching the very act he would soon live out.

There were a few moments that caused me to scratch my head, such as the depiction of Judas after his betrayal being tormented by demons in the form of children until he was driven mad and committed suicide. I'm not sure if this is based on some Catholic text that I'm unfamiliar with or if Gibson intended it as symbolism.

All in all, it's a powerful movie that may leave you stunned and unable to fully comprehend the sheer scale of Jesus' sacrifice. It really brings to life exactly what he went through in way that I don't think anybody alive today has ever seen. It is good, then, that Gibson ends the film with Jesus' resurrection!

It's also good that Gibson was able to incorporate the basic elements of Jesus' ministry and message. Contained in the movie, amidst the intense images, is the whole plan of salvation set against the very act that makes our salvation possible. It's an incredibly powerful juxtoposition that many will find moving.
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Post by p-freak » Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:11 am

I'm looking forward to watching the movie, although it won't be released in cinemas in the Netherlands until April. Guess I'll have to wait... But last November I already saw a short preview for the film. That was at a Christian music festival, called Winter Wonder Rock in the Netherlands. About 1,000 young kids were watching the preview on a large screen and during the preview they played Delirious's song Majesty (from their new album World Service). That was so immensely impressive.
When the preview was finished you could feel the silence. I know for sure that I won't be able to watch the movie without being moved to tears. I believe this film will help to realize just what the sacrifice of Jesus was. It was horrible. There are no words for it... But because of His sacrifice, I am free!
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Getting excited

Post by Petrafan4life79 » Sat Feb 28, 2004 12:34 pm

Yay! One more week before seeing this movie. I'm itching to see it NOW! My father-in-law arranged for the whole family to go see it. The list keeps getting bigger. He's bought 14 tickets so far.

My husband was saying he was listening to some talk show on the radio and a lady was talking about her church was recommended to go to the movie, but bring an unsaved friend or relative. Her 17 year old son brought his friend, who after seeing the movie, borrowed a Bible, read it and now wants to become a Christian. :D :D God is good! \o/ \o/

Do you guys see what I see? Many lives are going to be changed. This movie is just what we need in a time like this. Many, many kudos to Mel for a job well done. :)
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Re: Getting excited

Post by winterlens » Sun Feb 29, 2004 11:17 pm

Petrafan4life79 wrote:Do you guys see what I see? Many lives are going to be changed. This movie is just what we need in a time like this. Many, many kudos to Mel for a job well done. :)
I would add a quick word of caution. I have yet to see the movie, so I can't render a good review. But remember when you see the movie that it's important to filter it through the Scriptures, first. In my experience, most commonly popular perceptions are the ones we should beware of. This is especially evidenced in CCM, where watered-down and/or incorrect theology pervades almost everything I've heard (including a lot of Petra songs).

While The Passion is a movie, and in this sense Gibson is allowed to take artistic liberties, I think "what we need" is Scriptural truth. I don't mean to jump down anyone's throat, and I'm not trying to be pushy. I would just caution people not to jump on a bandwagon for the film--instead, compare it to Scripture.

I think at the very least that this movie will reveal to us the physical hardship that Jesus endured--but this pales in comparison to the spiritual travail that we all too often take for granted.
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Post by String » Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:59 am

Went to see it Saturday night!! I grew up reading and listening to this story and have even heard graphic sermons on the subject. But watching it was hard. As much physical pain the Jesus went through, the emotional agony was no less!!

Yes, it was very graphic! The fact that it was so graphic and emotional draining refreshed my appreciation for His death...and resurrection. It magnified the fact on how much He loves us!! Just little ol' me He looked into the future and died for me!!

This was very hard to watch and very emotional. As much as it was hard for me to watch, I found it necessary to see it in this light. I was numb (and still am a little) for hours after the movie. Very moving!!

Like someone said before, filter what you see with the scriptures. There are some scenes where they don't go by the Book for dramatical purposes!!

Well, I better not say much more. A lot of you probably haven't seen it yet and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, even though you've read the Book and know the ending.

God bless!!
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Post by Pethead1 » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:31 am

I saw it Saturday and did not see it a graphic as I thought it would be. What He want through was even greater than I saw.(We have all seen a T-rex eat people which to me is more graphic.

It was very emotional draining. I still find myself thinking that none of this small things matter.

I do think nonchristians are going to have very differnt thoughts on the movie. I do not see how, some of the things Mel has done brought things very much closer to home tham I thought. The solider in the garden, thw was Jesus looks at pilot when asked to defend himself and the wat the earthquake started.

This brings us back to the blood. We have no hope without that blood.
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Post by gman » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:47 am

I think Winterlens is on the right track. I posted some comments from a PAstor on another board and some people didn't like them, but I think they are valid. The pastor was making a response to the people of his church as he was getting many questions about the movie. As their leader he wanted them to be aware and informed of some things. His posiition was that the church would take a neutral stance on the film, neither rejecting it or endorsing it. It would be up to the individual whether or not they chose to see the film. Whle the film might be accurate, and might have an impact, understand that it was not made a Christian film company, but rather by Mel Gibson. Some of beliefs differ from that of the church, and while he claims to be Catholic, his views do not even fit with mainstream catholicism but rather a sect of Catholicism that reject certain parts of the mainstream. He wanted people to be informed so that they would be hyping up Mel Gibson as something he is not or even worse, having new believers latching onto some of the ideas that mel believes and getting confused. He also wanted to have people understand the money from the film goes directly to Mel. He has every right to profit from it as the film maker, but just understand that the money is going there instead of to a christian ministry or to someone or an organization dedicated to furthering the gospel. One other main point he made was that the marketing plan for the film was to encourage churches to buy blocks of tickets. He wanted people to understand where the money was going but also that he felt the church should be careful in endorsing an R rated film so as not to give the impression that all R rated movies are ok. All movies should be evaluated by their content and not just the rating, but an R rating typically does mean certain things that the church might want to avoid. This movie is different because it is violence to make an important point, not just violence for the sake of violence, which is why the pastor wanted to leave it to the individual to decide whether or not to see it.
An online publication said that we should be careful about getting caught up in hyping this movie as the greatest gospel opportunity in 2000 years. The article said this: "THE PREACHING OF THE WORD OF GOD AND THE TESTIMONY OF EVERY BELIEVER SHARING THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST, IS AND WILL ALWAYS REMAIN, THE GREATEST GOSPEL OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE TO HUMANKIND".
I would agree with that. We can certainly be praying for those who see the movie and we can be making ourselves available to answer the questions of those who have seen it. We should see it because it is accurate, but we should also be informed about some of the other things surrounding the movie. Is this movie a direct move or work of God? I don't know. I look at who made the film and what his personal beliefs are and I have to say I don't know. Were this film made by someone like Bill Graham or Luis Palau, I mightbe more inclined to say yes it is a move of God. One thing I won't disagree with, however, is that God can use this film and us in a big way.
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