Schlitt & Sekulow: Back in the USSR

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Re: Schlitt & Sekulow: Back in the USSR

Post by executioner » Wed May 22, 2013 10:25 pm

brent wrote:
calicowriter wrote:I prefer Jay Sekulow's method of fighting to Brent's.

As for sending people to hell, I prefer God's judgment to Brent's (or mine).
Hey, God has preordained who will and who will not go, knowing who wants to. It isn't up to me. It's up to the individual's. If I recognize the signs, that doesn't make me the bad guy. I am not going to do some mushy have a coke and a smile love voodoo on them and turn a blind eye. I don't accept that they are normal and like me. They are not. If they are in the church, practice church discipline, put them away from you, let the devil work them over for a season. Discipline, rebuke,'s all scriptural. Being unequally yoked in government, business, church,'s all bad.

Obama does not want to serve Jesus Christ. That makes me the bad guy? Why doesn't that make him a bad guy? God call people who work against Him children of Satan. I say what God says and I am a bad guy. Classic. Now I know how the prophets of old felt when they were sent to rebuke and declare the errors of the kings and citizens. Those people that did not want to hear it did not want to think about judgement. They too wanted to live in their happy little microcosms.

You think Obama hasn't heard the gospel? I know he has. I watched/heard it spoken in front of him and he somewhat repeated it. If people want to go to hell, you cannot stop them. If they want to serve themselves and their own interests (like the majority of politicians do), then they will. If they want to work against God and His people....hey, that is not on me. They are doing it to themselves.

God is a God of justice. Hello. Judgement is coming. If you think everyone is going to just be ok and patted on the back, treated equally in heaven, you are nuts. That is not what the bible says. There will be rewards. There will be a hierarchy. There will be rulers and servants. There will be people who barely make it, smell like smoke and have nothing to show for their life here. All of these people have the same exact opportunities according to Paul. No man has an excuse. Everyone will be judged and judged by the same ruler and rule. Read the book.

Sure, I don't want anyone to go to hell. But, that is not reality. It was preordained that people would before they were created. It just so happens that Obama is acting like one of them.

Actually, I get what you are saying, and I know I am a hammer. But, I think the real reason you and I don't get along is you like the original version of Petra and I think that version was terrible. :)

I agree! It's time the Christians stand up and say "hey your(nonchristians) wrong". It's time the world knows where we stand...

Like I said in an earlier post I pray everyday for all our leaders that they would seek God's Guidance in all their decisions; if they so choose to continue in their sinful ways there is nothing I can do about it, but I can speak the truth and speak out against them. We as a nation and really world for that matter are in this evil mess because as Christians want to run & hide in a corner somewhere and think prayer will do it all, which in fact is actually shows how little faith you have if you are that type of Christian.
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Re: Schlitt & Sekulow: Back in the USSR

Post by executioner » Wed May 22, 2013 10:33 pm

rexreed wrote:
executioner wrote:
rexreed wrote:Sekulow is a muslim and continues to undermine the U.S. Constitution with his ultra right, racist, legal training. He has built up quite the cash arsenal that his untalented son will inherit. Bear in mind that his sone is a total hack, athiest film maker that wants to destroy CCM, Petra included.*

* all this is unproven allegation, much as a few posts in this thread are.

Sekulow is a Messianic Jew. Where you got Muslim from is beyond me.
it was totally made up exe, like other statements posted that some keep repeating like a fact.
I figured that after I responded.
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Re: Schlitt & Sekulow: Back in the USSR

Post by gman » Thu May 23, 2013 11:11 am

I think Rex was bing sarcastic, poking at the idea the the president is muslim, and was raised muslim. I don't know what his faith is now. The media doesn't do much digging, and much of what Obama has told us about himself is scripted and on a teleprompter.
His current faith may be debatable. The anti american nonsense he heard under Rev. Wright is not. His muslim father, his being raised outside the U.S. and being exposed to muslim and other cultures, is not. I listened to a radio show that spent months highlighting his upbringing, and all they did was play clips of the president from his audio book.
I personally think that too many democrats are not willing to consider that perhaps this President is far more extreme than any regular democrat that has been elected in the past. I'd like to believe he's not that guy, but the mountain of evidence kind of gets in the way.
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Re: Schlitt & Sekulow: Back in the USSR

Post by brent » Thu May 23, 2013 3:38 pm

The problem with text is that few of you can hear the big tongue in my cheek 95% of the time.
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Re: Schlitt & Sekulow: Back in the USSR

Post by sue d. » Fri May 24, 2013 9:24 pm

I heard it! Loud & clear... but then again, I've known you for years too.
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Re: Schlitt & Sekulow: Back in the USSR

Post by brent » Sat May 25, 2013 5:37 am

Sometime, you me and Tim need to eat pancakes.
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