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Who remember Mister Rogers?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:58 pm
by Kirkman
I have a great love for Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. This Saturday is "Won't you be my neighbor? Day" where people where sweaters and promote neighborliness.

I went ahead and created a Mister Rogers quiz for the website where I work, Check it out here: ... hood-quiz/

I also wrote a little something on my personal blog, if you'd like to read it: ... rhood.html

Any other Mister Rogers fans here besides me?


Re: Who remember Mister Rogers?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:24 am
by Dan
yes I am a fan.. he is not known outside the US, I noticed so many comedians were taking the mickey out of him, so I did a google to find out who this guy was that so many people seem to hate.

I think he is great, he let God speak through his life, and it really shows.

Re: Who remember Mister Rogers?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:55 am
by knotodiswrld
Fred Rogers was an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church, USA. However, he never actually pastored a congregation. It seems he felt the work for which he was so well known was his ministry. (All the stories of him being a Marine Corp sniper or Navy Seal are pure urban legend. During the time he was supposedly doing all that, he was actually in Seminary.)

I remember how sad my oldest (and at the time only) son was when Mr. Rogers passed away. My son was very young at the time, but he understood enough to say, "That makes me sad. He was a very nice man."

Yeah. That's pretty much how I felt too.

Re: Who remember Mister Rogers?

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:39 am
by separateunion
I was confused when they started referring to God as a he and a she on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.