New/Old Van Halen

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New/Old Van Halen

Post by bradleyr12 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:33 am

So I've had a chance to listen to the new VH.(Legally. Sorry,can't say how.) I've listened to it 3 times now to let it soak in. I must say, I didn't think that I would enjoy it that much because of the old material and the missing Michael Anthony. Let's not forget that DLR is not the greatest vocalist in the world. But I have to say, this thing ROCKS!!! It has energy and Eddie has never sounded better!! My face has been melted!
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by brent » Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:01 am

I have heard it as well....and I do not like it as much as I hoped I would. I have the same feelings about DLR and Michael Anthony. It is such a shame that Mike is not in the band. His playing and his vocals ARE part of that VH sound that was magical.

This lyrical content does not match the music IMO. Of course, it would be creepy to have Dave singing about girls and stuff the way he used to. But still, when I listen to old VH, I can sing along, and most of those songs I like have memorable lines, melodies and noises that make the song work. This album is obviously VH handing DLR's producer a finished session of music for him to work with. This album screams "no made in the same room at the same time." Maybe I know too much about the process. But, this album does not resonate with the 14 year old in me, and THAT is what it must do to every VH fan for this to not tank.

China Town rocks.

I wonder if they can pull this stuff off live.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by executioner » Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:54 am

I heard a very limited amount is planned to be played live, and I also wonder if they're going to do any Sammy Era songs?
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by executioner » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:10 am

I just don't think I will be able to get by with DLR singing and also M Anthony not being there. Lead singers are very important to the sound and too be honest I was never a VH fan until Sammy was on board.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by bradleyr12 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:27 pm

I seriously doubt that they will do any Van Hagar songs. DLR has a hard enough time hitting the notes of his songs. He does NOT have the range that Sammy has. Never has. Although, back in the day they did cover some Montrose songs but that was a LONG time ago. I guess I just have a different taste on things, but I like it. I think it will do well considering the fact that their are a lot of DLR era fans out there. They still would make a better halftime show than Madonna.
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Re: My micro-mini thoughts

Post by brent » Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:40 pm

I am listening to it again now. The mix is probably the best since Balance. They actually have bass guitar and kick in the mix. Tattoo sucks. She's The Woman has some of the attitude that they used to have. Listen to the demo record produce by Gene on YouTube. I miss Ed's guitar tone from that demo. China Town is a steam roller. Like it allot. Blood and Fire is really lacking Mad Mike's vocals.

Got to chase a rabbit. Anyone see the Mentos commercial where the guy puts his finger on the spider and the spider flips him around? Very nice.

Back to VH. The intro to Bullethead is cool. That song is very retro. I take back what I said about the lack of spirit. Dangit. The album is growing on me.
As is intro is funny. The song is very DLR (Vai and Sheehan) and Mr Big "Addicted To That Rush"-esque . It is a trip. Honeybaby... is probably the most non-DLR era tune on there, if you ask me. That is not a bad thing. Sonically it is pretty darn hard for Van Halen. I can't help but wonder if Wolfgang's musical friends and tastes aren't rubbing off a bit. (I guess it took having Wolfgang in the band to hear some growling bass.) The Trouble With Never...hate Roth's lyrics. Like the music. Very good. I miss MA here too. (Come to think of it, I could go for Sammy on all of these! I predict that after this tour, Sammy will be back.) Man that intro and outtro groove is good. Outta Space. We have heard this before more or less. It's ok. Stay Frosty is my fav! Love this one. THIS is what I like!

Ridiculousness is a funny show. Watching it while listening. I just saw a big fat guy, about 270 and all of 5' high try to jump a guy on a Ninja motorcycle. What an idiot. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Big River...Almost Runnin' With the Devil-esque. It's ok. I do like the change. This is what VH used to do well. They did the change, the solo, chased rabbits. Ed is doing triad arpeggios more and more on this record. Beats Workin' is very modern in tone with a live feel on the intro. I miss that. This has a "I Just Want To Feel Your Love" element to it. It's a good song.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by Preacherman777 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:37 pm

Now that I have heard clips from all the songs and even the whole song for a few of them, I am ready to say that this album is so far beyond anything they ever did with Sammy that it ain't even funny. This is the Van Halen that I loved back in the day. Eddie playing like he hasn't played since 1984 and Dave is actually less filthy than he used to be and we can all thank God for that. As for his vocals, they really aren't too bad. Not what they used to be, but not that bad for guy his age. There are some very excellent songs on this album. Stay Frosty and That's the Trouble Never are early favorites for me, but the album is just packed full of quality Van Halen rock and roll. The reviews for the album have been great and I have no doubt that the tour will be a major hit as well. As for Sammy being back after this tour. Yeah, I highly doubt that. Sammy has been doing everything he can to trash the band and burn his bridges and the success outlook with Dave is looking pretty darn good, so yeah, I don't think we'll be seeing that. Wishful thinking, perhaps, for some.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by rexreed » Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:27 am

uh oh- not another lead singer debate! I have always contended that Sammy helped VH grow as a band in ways that I just can't see DLR doing. Does that mean they got better? In some ways but DLR is no slacker, what he lacked in range he made up for with presence. I like the new tunes. My only problem (and keep in mind I always have a problem with bands and their personal problems) is they way they treated Michael Anthony. It was weak to push him out like that. Also, I hope Eddie is healthy and drug free.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by Preacherman777 » Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:08 am

Pretty sure Eddie and Dave are both sober these days. I agree that Michael Anthony should not have got the boot. They sound great, but it ain't quite classic Van Halen without Mike there.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by executioner » Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:06 am

I went out and found this for $5.99 in the used bin at my local CD Place, I'm thinking this is not good since its only been out now 3 days. I will say I like it better than I thought I would; Eddie shreds it on the whole album. DLR is not too bad, but I hate how he seems to talk through his lyrics instead of singing them which he always has done. I'm with Brent and think the Eddie/DLR will be short lived especially since DLR and Alex already had a tiff last month over tour dates which is really stupid.
Another 2 things I noticed 1. In some cases it sounds like DLR is trying to sound like Sammy, which probably means those songs were meant for Sammy. 2. Boy this sounds an awful a lot like Whitecross.
Songs that are strong: China Town, Honeybaby, As Is, Stay Frosty, Trouble With Never, Beats Workin' all the rest are weak.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by brent » Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:53 am

None of these songs were meant for Sammy. These songs (for the most part) were written when DLR was in the band the first time. I don't hear any inkling of Sammy in them.

There are lots of people who buy albums for the solo purpose of importing them, and then they sell them off. When I lived in Tulsa, there was a used shop across from TU. One of their patrons did just that. We would always call and talk to the old lady who ran the joint, to see if the guy brought anything in. She was cool and remembered our purchases, what genres we were into, etc. Those were the days.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by executioner » Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:57 pm

Eddie says a couple tracks were written for Balance but were never laid out, but everything else is about 30-35 yrs old; in fact one track was suppose to be on "1984" but was nixed in favor of Panama. Could you image a VH without Panama?
We have a chain of stores here in DFW callad Half Price Books and everything is used; they sell anything from books, CD, LP, DVD, game console games, and all types of computer software. Once in a blue moon do I ever buy anything new or full price. I have somewhere in the range of 800+ CD's and I would have to say 80-85% are used from HPB
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by bakersfieldpethead » Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:37 pm

I have a question

If the lineup has to change in a band, does that mean all the members should just give up and quit what they do for a living?
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by rexreed » Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:09 pm

uhh... no.
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Re: New/Old Van Halen

Post by executioner » Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:25 pm

bakersfieldpethead wrote:I have a question

If the lineup has to change in a band, does that mean all the members should just give up and quit what they do for a living?
What type of question is that?
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