Are there any "good" Christian Rock Bands anymore?

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Re: Are there any "good" Christian Rock Bands anymore?

Post by Disciple » Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:35 pm

I think there are a lot of great Christian rock bands right now.

Sacred Warrior is about to come out with an album called "Waiting In Darkness" and the title cut is incredibly hard rocking and good. Check it out at their website

I totally agree about Theocracy. They are my favorite right now. Great lyrics with a lot of deep meaning. Incredible musicianship and wonderfully inventive songs.

Another really good American band is Inner Siege. Their songs "Fight On" and "Ultimate Sacrifice" are amazing.

There are some really great Christian bands across the pond over in Sweden right now -- HB, Golden Resurrection, Harmony, Audiovision to name a few.

These are not popular in CCM because housewive's don't listen to it and K-Love is pretty much designed for the Moms.

Try this website to find more:
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Re: Are there any "good" Christian Rock Bands anymore?

Post by kpec3 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:44 pm

Not to downplay Petra in any way,
but if you like them, you might enjoy
my Christian rock, kpec3 arrival.
It is heavy at times, slightly prog and
experimental, or it leans to pop-rock,
as the writing goes.
In any style, 100% Christian lyrics with
a lot of Biblical truth. And it jams!
I have loads of songs!
You Tube: ... WflmVEno_9

Spotify: ... ChOrGuGNJw

Thanks, be blessed!
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Re: Are there any "good" Christian Rock Bands anymore?

Post by Diehardpetrafan:) » Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:45 pm

So, for all my insistence of being a 80s child who won't listen to almost any record more recent than '95
Haha- same for me a lot of the time, even though I'm certainly not an 80s kid :)

I agree with everything everyone has said here. I feel more comfortable listening to just non Christian music rather than CCM which I feel can be an insult to God instead. I think also that that music is for outside the church. All commercial music should stay out of the church. Not saying Christian people who make music, such as Petra etc., only make music for money, but it does make them money, & I feel that that music should be enjoyed outside the church. Because in my experience with churches that play music that's commercial, I'm paying attention to how fun/easy the song is to sing or the people playing the instruments. I guess in my church, we sing the psalters, so they're kind of hard to sing at times, and I'm not particularly a fan of the organ. But it keeps me focused on the Words, not the atmosphere.

However, as for modern Christian music, I'm afraid I'm not the greatest person to ask. My favourite modern Christian tracks are (2000 on)
・O how the mighty have fallen- The Choir
・Breathe You In- TFK
・Oceana- The Violet Burning
Lol that's my tiny list. Usually the latest is maybe like 97-99, I guess…
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Re: Are there any "good" Christian Rock Bands anymore?

Post by Diehardpetrafan:) » Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:15 am

I've have seen Skillet live, but not in a secular context. In a Christian setting such as a festival, they are very open about their faith, but not preachy. They let you know they are Jesus Freaks, but then they keep on playing. It's my impression that in a secular environment, they don't even go there.
If it's not in a secular environment, then they're just confessing faith, not being Jesus freaks. We're only freaks to the secular world.
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Re: Are there any "good" Christian Rock Bands anymore?

Post by George Harrison » Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:37 pm

Diehardpetrafan:) wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:45 pm
So, for all my insistence of being a 80s child who won't listen to almost any record more recent than '95
Haha- same for me a lot of the time, even though I'm certainly not an 80s kid :)

I agree with everything everyone has said here. I feel more comfortable listening to just non Christian music rather than CCM which I feel can be an insult to God instead. I think also that that music is for outside the church. All commercial music should stay out of the church. Not saying Christian people who make music, such as Petra etc., only make music for money, but it does make them money, & I feel that that music should be enjoyed outside the church. Because in my experience with churches that play music that's commercial, I'm paying attention to how fun/easy the song is to sing or the people playing the instruments. I guess in my church, we sing the psalters, so they're kind of hard to sing at times, and I'm not particularly a fan of the organ. But it keeps me focused on the Words, not the atmosphere.

However, as for modern Christian music, I'm afraid I'm not the greatest person to ask. My favourite modern Christian tracks are (2000 on)
・O how the mighty have fallen- The Choir
・Breathe You In- TFK
・Oceana- The Violet Burning
Lol that's my tiny list. Usually the latest is maybe like 97-99, I guess…
I really liked Oh How the MIghty Have Fall and Oceana. Good recommendations :)
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Re: Are there any "good" Christian Rock Bands anymore?

Post by Diehardpetrafan:) » Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:05 pm

:) :) :) :)
George Harrison wrote:
Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:37 pm
Diehardpetrafan:) wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:45 pm
So, for all my insistence of being a 80s child who won't listen to almost any record more recent than '95
Haha- same for me a lot of the time, even though I'm certainly not an 80s kid :)

I agree with everything everyone has said here. I feel more comfortable listening to just non Christian music rather than CCM which I feel can be an insult to God instead. I think also that that music is for outside the church. All commercial music should stay out of the church. Not saying Christian people who make music, such as Petra etc., only make music for money, but it does make them money, & I feel that that music should be enjoyed outside the church. Because in my experience with churches that play music that's commercial, I'm paying attention to how fun/easy the song is to sing or the people playing the instruments. I guess in my church, we sing the psalters, so they're kind of hard to sing at times, and I'm not particularly a fan of the organ. But it keeps me focused on the Words, not the atmosphere.

However, as for modern Christian music, I'm afraid I'm not the greatest person to ask. My favourite modern Christian tracks are (2000 on)
・O how the mighty have fallen- The Choir
・Breathe You In- TFK
・Oceana- The Violet Burning
Lol that's my tiny list. Usually the latest is maybe like 97-99, I guess…
I really liked Oh How the MIghty Have Fall and Oceana. Good recommendations :)
:) :) :) love those ❤️
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