I guess if you call a person who lies about everything he does a good person, yeah it could be.
He's a freakin' joke. Go to YouTube and search for old Meet The Press, 60-Minutes, Johnny Carson and evening news coverage of Lyin' Joe. His lies and innaccurate recollections of personal history are laughable (literally). Like, when he said his wife was killed by a drunk driver with his kid in the car. HIS WIFE was the drunk driver. She t-boned a guy running a stop sign and Joe got her charges dropped. Technically, Joe is legally incapable of being a candidate or holding any public office. What has he done for 40+ years besides make himself richer, get it on with his best friend and former campaign manager's wife, cause them to get a divorce, then marry her? He says he is going to get us back into the bad deals Obama made, tax us more and shut the country down again (something he criticized Trump for) and THIS IS A GOOD GUY? YOU ARE NUTS! Get ready for a huge recession. Manufacturing jobs will go away. The oil industry is going to go back to historic low revenues and we will once again be buying oil from our enemies, placing our radishes in a vise! NO THANKS! Talk to people from socialist and communist countries about his rhetoric. People come here to escape socialism and live the dream. He wants to take all of that away and make slaves out of the poor. The only hope we have is a recount, exposure of the fraud (more votes than people registered, ballots being filled out by pollsters, etc.
Well, this isn't good
- Pethead
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Re: Well, this isn't good
I cannot help but laugh at the ironybrenthandy wrote: ↑Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:13 pmI guess if you call a person who lies about everything he does a good person, yeah it could be.

1 x
Re: Well, this isn't good
There is some truth to the statement that Trump defeated Trump.
At some point it got too obvious for too many that lies and political apologetics for those lies cannot explain away the obvious reality in which, amomg other tragic consequences, way too many people are dying from a pandemic that was lied about from the very beginning. His "miracle" with regard to the virus did not come. Reality did not listen to his lies. And that was just one of his numerous lies.
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- sickasadog
- Pethead
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Re: Well, this isn't good
There was a lot of talk flying around the police and fire departments back then that the trucker was intoxicated. Back in those days people that drank alcohol regularly drove under the influence. It was joked about. Police didn't enforce DUI laws like they do today. The trucker was not required to get tested and wasn't. (Neither was his wife, btw.) That didn't stop the rumours from being repeatedly told to the grieving Biden by his neighbours and emergency personnel over the years. Grieving people try to find a narrative that helps them explain what occurred, and a drunk trucker fits the bill perfectly.brenthandy wrote: ↑Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:13 pmI guess if you call a person who lies about everything he does a good person, yeah it could be.
He's a freakin' joke. Go to YouTube and search for old Meet The Press, 60-Minutes, Johnny Carson and evening news coverage of Lyin' Joe. His lies and innaccurate recollections of personal history are laughable (literally). Like, when he said his wife was killed by a drunk driver with his kid in the car. HIS WIFE was the drunk driver. She t-boned a guy running a stop sign and Joe got her charges dropped. Technically, Joe is legally incapable of being a candidate or holding any public office. What has he done for 40+ years besides make himself richer, get it on with his best friend and former campaign manager's wife, cause them to get a divorce, then marry her? He says he is going to get us back into the bad deals Obama made, tax us more and shut the country down again (something he criticized Trump for) and THIS IS A GOOD GUY? YOU ARE NUTS! Get ready for a huge recession. Manufacturing jobs will go away. The oil industry is going to go back to historic low revenues and we will once again be buying oil from our enemies, placing our radishes in a vise! NO THANKS! Talk to people from socialist and communist countries about his rhetoric. People come here to escape socialism and live the dream. He wants to take all of that away and make slaves out of the poor. The only hope we have is a recount, exposure of the fraud (more votes than people registered, ballots being filled out by pollsters, etc.
Biden was wrong to repeat this unsubstantiated rumour. He did apologize to the trucker's daughter many years later for doing just that, and he stopped saying that the trucker was drunk. This was before he was VP.
The truth is that it was an accident that caused the deaths of his wife and daughter and seriously injured his 2 sons. She was at fault and she was T-boned as a result. Was probably distracted by her 3 young kids in the car - no child carseats in wide use back then. These things happen all the time. A couple that lived just down the street from my parents pulled out into the path of a vehicle last year. She died instantly, he passed several days later. No alcohol was involved, it was just an accident.
Nobody should be repeating unsubstantiated rumours. It causes real damage. I think back to all the times I was told a juicy piece of gossip and passed it on without considering how reliable the info was, or how it could hurt people. Today, some guy anonymously posting lies on Internet gets treated like he's a prophet. This in an age when fact-checking has never been easier.
There is a lot a grief being felt by many people right now. To some degree, we are all trying to find a narrative that easily explains why things are happening the way they're happening. Unfortunately, most of the underlying causes are complex and are difficult for even the experts to understand. So, instead we grasp onto theories which blame the problems on something we can believe. Usually this involves scapegoating.
Lost your job? Must be immigrants. Nevermind that automation is requiring fewer and fewer people to do the same tasks and that we think it's okay to let people work for poverty wages. How many jobs have been lost due to the invention of the spreadsheet, I wonder?
Pandemic? Must have been planned by some cabal of the super rich and we'll throw in the Jews while we're at it. Nevermind that these disease outbreaks have been occurring forever and we have been repeatedly warned by the people that actually know stuff. Honestly, how did we get to the point where the people that actually know what they're talking about aren't to be believed, but we believe people that are demonstrably ignorant?
News we don't like? Must be fake news. Nevermind that journalists stake their reputations every day on getting the facts straight. Instead we unquestioningly believe some blogger with no such ethics (and risks no repercussions), who cannot back up their claims.
Nobody's perfect, but we all need to take responsibility for the things we say. We need to engage in critical thinking when being presented with "facts". No political party has a monopoly on the truth, and no political party is above reproach.
When I was younger I was convinced that the Republican party was on the side of God and the Democrats were evil. I was a fan of the Rush Limbaugh show too. I now realize that party affiliation prevented me from properly discerning my actual position on issues. I'm not saying that everyone needs to be an Independent, but I do think that all political parties should have more fear of losing support. There are way too many people whose vote is locked in for life.
People have different ideas on how to do things, and it will always be that way. People that all unquestioningly believe exactly the same things are in a cult. Those that disagree with us don't need to be demonized and considered "the other side" all the time. We are all just trying to find a way to care for each other and protect our loved ones and the vulnerable.
I don't expect people to agree with what I' ve said. Other opinions are always welcome.
Congratulations! You've made it to the end of my rambling post! Have a cookie.
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- sickasadog
- Pethead
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