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Would love some feedback

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:26 pm
by Masada1
Hi, all!

I haven't been on here in awhile...but I am a LONG-time lurker. My name is Eric and I'm from Indianapolis. I sing for a band called Stones Crye. We were really active in the late 90's, then took a hiatus that lasted 11 years. We recently started playing out again and are really enjoying it. Our music seems to be in the same musical family as King's X, Galactic Cowboys and Atomic Opera. Anyway, we had a guy come out with a pro digital camcorder at our first show and I would love to get some feedback. I know that if there is any group of guys that could get what we do, you all will be it. I also know that you won't blow smoke up my tailpipe either. So, I am posting the links to the videos on youtube. If you all could give them a listen and let me know what you think I would totally appreciate it.

Your Petrafied bro,


Log In My Eye
Lay Me Down
Earth Stained Red