New Stryper album: "The Final Battle" (2022)

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New Stryper album: "The Final Battle" (2022)

Post by Mountain Man » Tue Nov 01, 2022 8:22 pm

Stryper just released another new album, and it's pretty awesome. How is it that they've managed to stay relevant and successful while staying true to their musical roots? Christian bands aren't supposed to be capable of that.

I don't know how much studio trickery is being used, but Michael Sweet sounds phenomenal on this record. In the opening track, he cuts loose with an incredible 15 second scream that dropped my jaw the first time I heard it. It's not Sweet's typical trademark wail. It's on a whole different level.
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Re: New Stryper album: "The Final Battle" (2022)

Post by brent » Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:37 pm

Yeah. MS posted on FB that they finally tuned down to preserve his voice. Screams are all head voice and done at lower volumes. He could have done those, but my money is on those screams being Autotuned/Melodyned from a lower key. I keep listening for the sounds of a loop, so if it is manipulated, it's probably delayed. That's my guess. I don't know. I know he can still do them live, but only at the beginning of the show.

There are some catchy choruses on that record. It sounds good. I wish the first two could have sounded this good. I was kind of hoping for harder end-of-the-age type tunes because of the title. But there is some really good lyrical content on this and the last few. This record has some familiar parts repeated on the last couple and Michael's solo records. So, if anyone liked those, they will like this one.

I wouldn't mind another cover record.
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Re: New Stryper album: "The Final Battle" (2022)

Post by Mountain Man » Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:53 am

brent wrote:
Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:37 pm
This record has some familiar parts repeated on the last couple and Michael's solo records. So, if anyone liked those, they will like this one.
They seem to have hit the wall that every metal band seems to hit after a while, where they've used every riff they know and have to start recycling. I'm not complaining, but metal is certainly not a genre for people who like endless variety.
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Re: New Stryper album: "The Final Battle" (2022)

Post by brent » Wed Nov 09, 2022 5:37 pm

People have a fixed number of good ideas. Fans don't like it when their band changes. They don't like it when they keep replaying the same old licks. I think they are better now than they have been. Lyrically, MS is throwing it down.
This reminds me of a quote from a university dean (Criminal Justice) who was describing police officers. "What we know about police officers is that they believe the system is broken and something needs to be done to fix it. The other thing we know is they don't like all:)" Sounds like metal fans alright...
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Re: New Stryper album: "The Final Battle" (2022)

Post by Mountain Man » Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:22 pm

There is no ambiguity in the lyrics. Stryper is an unapologetically Christian band.
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