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Post by cndfogie » Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:08 pm

So I trot on over here this morning and to my amazement I find my last thread about "bickering" has been deleted. Someone wanna come right out and give the reason for the censorship? There was nothing that I posted that was wrong or otherwise obscene in any way, shape or form. Moderators. I clearly deserve an explanation
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by rexreed » Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:26 pm

The short story is it was an accident- since it was deleted it can not be restored, at least not by me.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by Preacherman777 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:03 pm

It was my mistake. I should have just locked it because it was reopening a subject that had been locked, but I deleted it instead. It's my bad and you have my apologies.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by cndfogie » Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:40 am

My Bad? There was no "real" reason to lock it down. I was going to keep my mouth shut. But if I do. This same "deleting by accident" stuff happens.No direct attacks or shots were taken. My final response was rather witty and well thought out. All you really have to do is come clean that you didn't like what was said you used the power that you have to delete something you didn't like. In the wise words of Mr. Hartman himself "Actions speak a little louder than words"

This excerpt taken from the "Welcome to The Zone" thread

If you find that you often get angry when discussing a certain topic, then it might be wise to avoid public forums.

I have said my "piece" I'll let it go at that

I also realize that this will probably be deleted. We will see.

God Bless
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by executioner » Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:47 am

No this will not be deleted, edited or locked; its in its rightful place.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by cndfogie » Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:01 am

Thanks Ex
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by Preacherman777 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:14 am

Wow! Way to accept an apology there, cndfogie. I acknowledged both here and in the mod room that I was error to do what I did and so I offered you an apology. No one other than you has questioned that apology. Second guessing my apology and using it as a reason to slam me and speak to me in a condescending way shows a complete lack of humility and grace. I could just as easily second guess your motives in creating that thread in the first place, when you knew the subject had been locked. Beware of hypocrisy, brother. That is my final word on the subject.

By the way, to set the record straight, I never claimed that my deleting the thread was an accident. Rex said that, not me. I intended to do that at the time, but after hearing from some other mods on the subject I accepted their opinion that the appropriate action would have been to lock it rather than delete it, so I offered apologies both to them and you.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by Preacherman777 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:32 am

Exe, I'm sorry, but you don't have the power to ensure anybody that any thread will not be edited or locked. I'm sure, at this point, we can all agree not to delete it, but those other options always have to remain open.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by adpetrafan » Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:58 am

cndfogie wrote:...All you really have to do is come clean that you didn't like what was said you used the power that you have to delete something you didn't like. In the wise words of Mr. Hartman himself "Actions speak a little louder than words"
Pot, meet Kettle.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by executioner » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:13 pm

Preacherman777 wrote:Exe, I'm sorry, but you don't have the power to ensure anybody that any thread will not be edited or locked. I'm sure, at this point, we can all agree not to delete it, but those other options always have to remain open.
Please follow the guidelines you yourself requested we as mods take and take it to the mod forum.

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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by Preacherman777 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:28 pm

I just responded to that one point here because it's important that posters know that no mod has the power to do what you said you would do and that in fact, to do so would defeat the point of having moderators. What I said applies not just to you, but to every mod here, including myself. I'd be happy to have any further discussion on the matter in the mod room.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by cndfogie » Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:15 pm

Ok then PM777 so you just flat out say that you deleted my thread basically because YOU didn't like it. Somehow I don't remember signing up to post on a "Preacherman777 fan board" This is a board on Petra. If you want to willy nilly delete posts that you don;t like I am sure you can create your own board where your rule is law and can censor anyone you like. Again NOTHING that I had posted was malicious in any way. I was simply stating that a topic being a proposed album from CP was getting a little too juvenile. I mean if you would have replaced the term Classic Petra with Justin Bieber it would have looked as though some of those posts were created by a bunch of teenagers. Liking a band is one thing. Putting them on a pedestal is a whole other ballgame. I sat on your so called apology for a few days. I wasn't going to post any sort of response. The ONLY reason I did was because you PM777 used your powers as a MODERATOR unjustly. Next time THINK b4 you push that delete button. I knew it wasn't an accident. Rex was trying to cover your derriere. I knew otherwise. No need for the apology when it was done purposefully.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by Preacherman777 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:49 pm

Yes, I did it on purpose, but no, I didn't do it maliciously or just because I didn't like the subject. I expressed the fact early on, that I felt bringing a subject back up that had been locked was inappropriate. Let's remember that I opposed locking the subject in the first place, but I was outnumbered. None the less, I did feel it was important, that in order to be consistent, we should not be allowing a subject to be reopened under another heading, building on that same disagreement, when it had already been locked. I expressed that I did not think it was right early on, but did not delete or lock the thread at that time. None the less, my expression was made fun of and people continued to add to the thread, so I felt it had gone far enough. Now, having said that, after the fact, I heard from a few other mods that the thread should not have been deleted but rather locked, in light of my objection and they explained why they felt that way. As I said before, I accepted their argument and agreed that I should have just locked it rather than deleted it, so at that time, I gave them an apology and then I came to this thread and posted an apology for you. I have been very willing to be totally open and honest about what my mistake was, publicly owning up to it and apologizing for it. The only problem that remains is that you refuse to see me as sincere and insist on seeing me as malicious. I can't do anything about that. That is a weakness on your part, that you cannot receive an apology with humility and grace. If I had tried to cover anything up or avoid publicly owning up to my mistake, I could understand your attitude, but as it is, I'm sorry, but it just seems petty and malicious on your part when you insist on venting your anger towards me even after I have given you an apology. I have given you an apology and been totally honest about why I did what I did, even when Rex gave me an avenue to try and say it was an accident. I don't like dishonesty so I could not go there, not that Rex was trying to be dishonest, but was probably just trying to put the best spin on it and give me the benefit of the doubt, but if I had tried to hide under the word "accident" it would have been dishonest on my part. Again, I meant to do it, but I did not mean to be malicious. That was not the intention. I just wanted to keep things fair.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by cndfogie » Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:30 pm

For the record. My topic was NOT an offshoot of the CP off topic conversation. I was only stating how immature and "petty" the argument was. As for humility..your absolutely right I have none. I won't be submissive to one that has no title over me. You fart just like I do. As for grace.....I showed my hand of grace in the final post which you so gracefully DELETED. Also Rex was saving face for you not being dishonest. He was simply trying to defuse. I'm not angered by the fact that it was done. Only angered as to the pretenses that it was done. I believe I left my final post in that thread on a very classy and witty note. Nevertheless.
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Re: Simply AWESOME!

Post by Preacherman777 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:10 pm

First, you began your thread by stating that you wanted to declare a victor in the debate from the other thread and then proceeded to say how immature you felt it was for anyone to argue the other side. Sure seemed like an effort to continue things to me. Second, I never said I expected you to submit to me. Not sure where you came up with that one. By humility, I mean the humility to set aside your anger and accept a very forthright and public apology. Finally, I never said Rex was being dishonest. Quite the contrary actually.
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