Worldly trends: Tattoos

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Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by Dan » Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:22 am

Is anyone else shocked at how tattoos are the norm now? when I was a kid only criminals and rock stars had them. Now you go to church and you're the only guy without a tat... one guy even had the NOTW logo on his leg.... I was thinking... what a load of rubbish, this guy is totally of this world.

Any thoughts?
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by brent » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:06 am

It's a cultural thing. I grew up in a time and place where only service men and rough people (bikers, etc) had them. Tats were not well accepted, at all. Today, people use them for diverse reasons. My daughter and half sister have some. They are in industries where tats are accepted and no big deal.

There is school of thought that says Jesus will return with a mark, or some kind of tat on his thigh, based on an interpretation of scripture. This is no excuse to get one IMO. The bible says not to cut the body. Some people equate ink injection to cutting. What about ear piercings females have been getting since...forever? What about boxers fighting and having their swollen eyes cut? There are lots of activities that aren't smart, which cause damage to the body. I think it is not just a matter of the act, but the purpose behind the act. After all, God himself put a mark on the head of Cain, so people would know to leave him alone. So, the Mark in and of itself is not evil or worldly.

If you Google the issue, many employers say piercings, gauges, tats, etc are an issue. Those with artistic body mods can make less money. My wife has a cousin who had a butterfly on her breast. Decades and a child later, the butterfly lost it's shape and it was removed. I think it cost her at least a grand to have it removed. What a waste of money.
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by Dan » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:13 am

Brent, I am surprised you would let your daughter get a tattoo.

Leviticus 19:28

You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD.

Doesn't get any clearer than that, given the time it takes to get a tattoo, there is no excuse to ignore this verse. Ear rings, are done in 20 split seconds.
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by Boray » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:14 am

I think tattoos and piercings are a sign..... of stupidity. :lol:
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by Dan » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:20 am

Boray wrote:I think tattoos and piercings is a sign..... of stupidity. :lol:

Here is Kevin Max with the final word...

Ok, looks like we lost him too.
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by brent » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:38 am

Dan wrote:Brent, I am surprised you would let your daughter get a tattoo.

Leviticus 19:28

You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD.

Doesn't get any clearer than that, given the time it takes to get a tattoo, there is no excuse to ignore this verse. Ear rings, are done in 20 split seconds.
My daughter is over 21 years old. I can't control her. She knows I do not approve, and she hid it from me for a while. We never have discussed it thoroughly. Children need to make their mistakes, get convicted and right their paths themselves. In the meantime, I will be doing all I can do.

That translation you used must be the modern street version. That is not what the older texts say exactly. We Gentiles are not bound by Levitical law. We never were. If you are a Jew and want to practice part of it, you must practice all of it. Do you build your house in a circle with a pointed roof? Do you offer sacrifices?

If tats are a sin, and piercings are a sin (I think they are), then the time it takes to get one or the other is moot. You can have adultery for 2.5 minutes or 2.5 hours. It's wrong either way.
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by Dan » Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:29 pm

Oh I though your kid was younger man, you look too young to have a 21 year old kid.


Looks like bananas have tattoo's too so I give up.
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by brent » Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:55 pm

Thanks. I have a 22yr old, 21yr old and an 18yr old. All females. Crazy.

The thing that's great is they most generally come back and say, "You were right. I should have listened." It's the same crap I had to admit my parents were right about.
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Re: Worldly trends: Tattoos

Post by Dan » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:13 am

Wow I had no idea you had 3 kids man, good job.
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