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Post by separateunion » Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:53 pm

Alright, I am sick and tired of people calling Amy Grant an adulterous. Does anyone have any proof that there was an affair going on between Amy and Vince Gil before she divorced Gary Chapman? If there is, I'd love to see it because I've seen absolutely nothing about it, only unfounded rumors.

Now, I am not an Amy Grant fan, nor do I agree with what happened between her and Gary or the way the situation was handled. In fact, to me, many of the things that Amy has done in the past several years have had no biblical base. I believe what she did was wrong, she has not repented, and until she repents, she is not being a good witness. However, making false, unfounded accussations based on rumors is totally uncalled for.
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Post by Shell » Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:59 pm

Thank you Jason. For further reference see my speech under Dove awards.

And I really hope if you ever have anything you need to repent of, Darren, that people have a more compassionate attitude towards you than you do towards Amy. :P
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Post by Outcast4him » Sun Dec 28, 2003 5:07 pm

Mountain Man wrote:I hardly consider CCM the definitive source for this kind of thing. I mean, what the heck is U2 doing on the list? U2 is definitely not a Christian band (they're a good band, certainly, but calling them a Christian group is quite a stretch). And what's with CCM's obsession with a certain adulterous female artist?
Yes they do obsess over Amy Grant. I wish she would be more responsible with her actions.

However about adultury. Nobody's has a clean closet. Judge amy not because we dont have the authority too. The things that she has done are between her and God.
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Post by spottacus » Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:26 pm

She left her husband to marry another man, a man who left his wife to marry her. According to my understanding, that's adultery.

But now let's let it go.
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Post by Outcast4him » Mon Dec 29, 2003 6:33 pm

spottacus wrote:She left her husband to marry another man, a man who left his wife to marry her. According to my understanding, that's adultery.

But now let's let it go.
Yes I'm not saying what she did was right. I have problems with the way CCM serves out the red carpet for AG. But hey i mean Nobody's perfect. I'm not a fan of hers and I dont listen to her.

I personally think shes a sellout
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Post by separateunion » Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:24 pm

She left her husband to marry another man, a man who left his wife to marry her. According to my understanding, that's adultery.

But now let's let it go.
According to my understanding, what you just described is divorce, not adultery.

The way I always understood aldutery was extra-marrital relations while one was married, and I think that's the way most people understand adultery. There is no proof that Amy and Vince did anything while they were married to their former spouses. If you want to talk about the divorces that went on and how Amy handled herself after said divorces, then I agree, Biblically, she has sinned and not repented. However, there is no proof she committed adultery while she was married to Gary.
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Post by petrafan » Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:33 pm

the Bible is clear. if your spouse is not dead and u get married again, that's adultery. doesnt matter if u sleep wth ur new spouse before u get divorced or not. that's called adultery. and there's no allowance for divorce in the Bible. divorce was invented by man.
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Post by Mountain Man » Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:02 am

It's not so much what Amy Grant did, it's the fact that she flaunts it and that she and her lifestyle are celebrated by the Christian music industry. If she showed even an ounce of repentence and remorse for her sins then I would be more understanding, but seeing as she is not the least apologetic and has even excused her sin by making the absurd claim that God had released her from her previous marriage, that I find hard to accept.

I can forgive her for what she's done, and it's true that it's not my place to judge her (which I am not), but it doesn't mean I have to stand idly by while her adulterous lifestyle is actively promoted by a supposedly "Christian" industry.

And I still want to know what U2 is doing on the list!
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What's been plaguing my thoughts about this is...

Post by petra4ever » Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:07 am

Amy said that Vince Gill was her "soulmate" -- she said this in an interview (or a visit) with her, Vince and kids. What if Gary was not her soulmate and Vince was? I know divorce is a sin, and I was shocked and saddened when Gary and her divorced, but what insight could be offered into this (ie. "soulmate") subject.
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Post by Jackie » Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:56 am

i dig U2 but i didn`t know they were christians...

is amy still a christian?

well, she is a great singer and her private life is none of our business.
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Post by executioner » Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:33 pm

It is our business! I think it would be different if she was not a Christian and in the CCM realm. I think the main problem I have with it she seems to think it is ok. She has repeatly said she did nothing wrong. There are three ways God will release you from a marriage. other then these three ways God says it is a sin.

1. your spouse has died
2. your spouse is cheating on you.
3. your spouse is NOT a Christian or renouces their faith in God

In this case I believe Amy to be in sin, and we should not sit here and try and justify her actions. Justifying her actions just shows that you are blinded by the world, like so many of us are.
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Post by Kaiser » Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:47 pm

I agree with you on the 1st and 2nd, but not on the 3rd. Tell where in the Bible does it state the 3rd. one? Believe me, I have seen men and women who's spouses are not christians and because of the spouses continue prayer and commitment with christ that their spouses than become saved. Tell me other wise. :wink:
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Post by separateunion » Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:35 pm

the Bible is clear. if your spouse is not dead and u get married again, that's adultery. doesnt matter if u sleep wth ur new spouse before u get divorced or not. that's called adultery. and there's no allowance for divorce in the Bible. divorce was invented by man.
I have an uncle who married a woman whom he thought was a Christian, but her faith ended up being very shallow. She had had a son outside of wedlock which she brought into the marriage, and they had a daughter together.

After several years of marriage, this woman left my uncle and then returned several times. One of those times, my uncle was in the army, and he was out on a training mission for about a month, and when he got back, she had taken all of their stuff, including their daughter and his credit cards, and moved from Alaska, where he was stationed, to Arizona.

Subsequently, she ended up filing for divorce, and they ended up getting joint custody of the daught, he during the school year, and she during the summer. Due to all the crap she drug him through, my uncle has to stay in Alaska until his daughter is 18 or he will lose all custody rights.

A few years later, my uncle remarried to a very Godly woman and they were married. By this time, my uncle had become a pastor (I think he was even a chaplain in the military for awhile).

So, by what you are saying, my uncle has sinned because he has remarried and his first wife is still alive. Am I correct?
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Post by executioner » Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:46 pm


Maybe we misunderstood each other. I said that if your spouse is not a Christian or renounces their faith then you have an option to divoirce your spouse. If you so choose to stay with them I really don't know if that is wrong or not. I know if you marry a non christian and you are a christian than you are unequally yoked.


This is not my judgment to pass, but I would really question if this lady was ever a believer. My belief is once saved always saved(unless you renounce your faith).
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Post by Pethead1 » Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:32 pm

I always thought that if your spouse left and filed for divorce that the one who did want to divorce or filed was not in sin to remarrie.

I do not know if this is the corect way to see this but not every who is divorced and remarries is in sin. Maybe the ones who try to work things out and not want a divorce are ko. I dont know, but that is way I have always understood it.
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